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SERVICOM is an acronym for Service Compact. It is a Government’s service delivery initiative to ensure effectiveness and efficiency in service delivery procedures and processes to citizens through its public offices (MDAs) in a transparent manner.
June 2003:Former President, Olusegun Obasanjo declared:“Nigerians have been too long been feeling short-changed by the quality of public service. Our public offices have for too long been showcases forthe combined evils of inefficiency and corruption, whilst being impediments to effective implementation of government policies. Nigerians deserve better. We will ensure they get what is better!” FORMATION OF SERVICOM
December 2003: • A report was commissioned to review Service Delivery in Nigeria. • Examine institutional environment for service delivery: • Reflect on people’s lives and experiences; and • Draw roadmap for a Service Delivery Programme.
The report “Service Delivery in Nigeria; A Roadmap” was published.21st March, 2004:a special Presidential Retreat deliberated on the Report. Where the President and Ministers entered into a SERVICE COMPACT WITH ALL NIGERIANS (SERVICOM). February 2004:
SCOPE OF SERVICOMSERVICOM fully covers a scope that embraces effective and efficient service delivery in a transparent manner, taking into consideration citizens rights and entitlements.
AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF SERVICOMThe singular objective of SERVICOM was to meet the challenge of nationwide service failure as depicted in the diagnostic survey, “Service Delivery in Nigeria: A Roadmap.” However, as the engine of the Federal Government’s service delivery initiative SERVICOM was to:
Make the MDAs more customer focused in their service delivery procedures and processes; • Heighten public awareness about damaging effects of service failure to the Nigerian society; • Promote attitudes by which citizens would recognize the need to challenge service failure as their civic right as well as their civic responsibility.
SERVICOM PRINCIPLES SERVICOM is based on the principle of service delivery, namely: “Serve others as you would like to be served”. We call this the SERVICOM Golden Rule.All government departments are now committed to these principles; and* Affirmation of commitment to the service of Nigerian nation.* Conviction that Nigeria can only realise its full potential if citizens receive prompt and efficient services from the State.*Consideration for the needs and rights of all Nigerians to enjoy social and economic advancement.* Dedication to deliver quality services to which all citizens are entitled in timely, fair, honest, effective and transparent manner.
FUNCTIONS OF SERVICOM * To spearhead the Ministry’s Extra-Ministerial * Department’s or parastatals service Delivery Initiative through SERVICOM compliance. * To produce, review and monitor performance in charters from the Ministry and its parastatals. * To manage the Ministry’s customer Relations Policy including providing opportunities for customer feedback on services. * To institute a complaints procedure including Grievance Redress Mechanism for the Ministry and its parastatals. * To institute appropriate Market Research techniques in identifying customer needs and expectations.
* To ensure the promotion of quality assurance and best practices in the Ministry’s performance of its functions. * To provide a comprehensive and effective training policy for frontline staff on customer relations and related matters. * To disseminate best practices and other tips on service delivery improvement. * To serve as a link between the Ministry and SERVICOM office. * To manage links with strategic partners and other stakeholders on service delivery, market research, customer relations, etc. * To facilitate a safe and conducive working environment for staff at all levels of service delivery.
SERVICE CHARTERS:SERVICOM Charters is also known as public service charter. It is a simple, straight forward contract between the service providers and its customers, staff and stakeholders. Service charters are the operational day-to-day implementation of SERVICOM.CHARTER FORMULATION:There are basically 3 essential elements to consider in the process of formulating a charter. They are: • Simplicity • Realism • Contents
* Simplicity: A charter is to be written in a simple straight forward and plain language that both the staff and customers will understand.*Realism: It should be realistic and achievable, promising only what can be delivered. Do not promise what you cannot provide or deliver in your charter.*Content: A charter should constitute some features, which when put together makes up a charter as reflected below:A. Introduction/Background:- Description about the Service- The purpose of the charter- To whom the charter is targeted
B.Mission: This is the mandate of the service provider, indicating the expected service provision in broad terms.C.Vision: This is a statement of medium term or long term goals for service provision and delivery.D.Details of Customers: A comprehensive list of the customers.E.Service Provision: This is a statement of service provision to be guaranteed as a right e.g to be provided with water for 6 hours daily.
F. Service delivery: A statement of service delivery that customers may expect e.g:Prompt and courteous treatmentTo be provided with adequate informationTo be consultedAttend to those with special needsG. Monitoring and Publishing:A commitment to monitor performance against service standards and report regularly on performance.Take note and react to customer feedback
H. Grievance Redress Mechanism: An explanation of the complaints procedure:How to complainWhom to complain toTime limit for responseAction to be takenRedress available I Obligations/Expectations: A statement of what the service requires from:* Staff * Management* Customers* Government
J. Implementation: It is pertinent to take note of the following in the process of implementing the charter of your MDA/Organization:* Train members of staff about their role and responsibility in the implementation of the charter.* Delegate powers appropriately to members of staff, to enable them discharge their responsibilities with the degree of efficiency, effectiveness and timeliness.
K. Charter Review: Charter formulation should not be looked upon as a onetime exercise, with a final outcome. It should therefore be seen and taken as a constantly evolving process.L. Conclusion:* Launching and publicising a Charter is a significant step on the road to service improvement. * As service providers, you need to be cautions that the promises reflected in the Charter can be realized immediately or in a short term. * Once a charter has been published, the service provider has no excuse but to provide, improve and give qualitative service.
Finally, SERVICOM as an executive instrument has been propelled by the Federal Executive Councils commitment entailed in the Government’s service delivery initiative. The considerably effective and positive impact on MDAs has been largely due to the authoritative directives of Council Resolutions conveyed through relevant 14-service-wide circulars. In summary, according to the Former President Olusegun Obasanjo; “Service is what we offer ourselves for. And service is what the people are entitled to expect from us”. This is what SERVICOM is all about. You have the right to be served right.