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IS COMMERCIAL LOW ENERGY NUCLEAR REACTION (LENR) THE REAL DEAL?An analysis by Tyler van HouwelingenUpdated: July 26 2012 10kW Home E-CAT 1MW Industrial E-CAT
THERE ARE 3 FACTS YOU MUST ANALYZE IN ORDER TO BELIEVE THAT LENR IS AN IMMEDIATE AND TOTAL GAME CHANGER IN ENERGY: 2. LENR has been scaled and controlled to reach commercial power generating levels 3. Scaled/controlled LENR is far superior to all existing forms of energy generation 1. LENR is a real, proven energy creating reaction Tyler’s Confidence Level ? ? ? Analysis by Tyler van Houwelingen (tyler@azulstar.com)
FACT 1. INTRODUCTION – WHAT IS LENR? • Low Energy Nuclear Reaction (LENR) is a 3rd type of nuclear reaction (along with fission and fusion) that was first discovered in 1989 by Fleischmann & Pons and originally called “cold fusion”. Fleischmann & Pons were initially billed as heroes, however, the reaction was not reliably reproducible and discredited by mainstream science. Some 100+ scientists have continued working on LENR since that time, with substantial progress in the past couple years. • LENR (also called LENT, LANR, LANL, Anomalous Heat Affect) is similar to, but different than “cold fusion” even though that may remain the name used by the press/public. There are many competing theories attempting to explain LENR within the current standard model, yet none are complete. • Modern LENR uses the process of transmuting Nickel nano-powder + Hydrogen into Copper at low temperatures, liberating significant excess energy from the atom in the process with no harmful nuclear byproducts. • Original LENR systems used Palladium + Deuterium (PD+D) and produced excess heat, but were vey unreliable and did not produce significant output power. • Around 1994, 2nd generation LENR systems began using Nickel + Hydrogen (NI+H) for the reaction with more power and stability. First patents for NI+H filed in 1995 (Piantelli). Modern LENR systems, beginning in 2009, use Nickel Nano-powder + Hydrogen along with electromagnetic stimulation • Other materials are also being shown to exhibit the LENR effect, which is believed to essentially transmute one material into another at the nuclear level. Analysis by Tyler van Houwelingen (tyler@azulstar.com)
FACT 1. FACT 1 PROOF: LENR IS A REAL ENERGY CREATING MECHANISM • Long and rapidly growing list of credible people and organizations worldwide affirming LENR is real (at least at lower power) with strong affirmation recently from NASA, National Instruments, US dept of defense, European Directorate-generaland multiple universities. • 1700+ peer reviewed articles and tens of thousands of replications of LENR worldwide since initial discover in 1989. • LENR demos currently running at MIT as well as University of Missouri, University of Bologna and Pirelli High School (Italy) • MIT Demo started on January 31, 2012 and is reported to still be running with no input energy (since the initial reaction startup) and a COP of 10. Mitchell Schwartz of JET Energy is operating the demo at MIT, supervised by Dr. Peter Hagelstein of MIT. • Demo is open to the public, visited by US State Senator in April 2011 & others (Barry) Analysis by Tyler van Houwelingen (tyler@azulstar.com)
FACT 1. GROWING LIST OF CREDIBLE PEOPLE AND ORGANIZATIONS WORLDWIDE AFFIRMING WITH FIRST HAND KNOWLEDGE THAT LENR IS REAL AND PRODUCES A NET ENERGY GAIN • Dr. Sven Kullander, chairman of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences' Energy Committee, Professor emeritus High Energy Physics Uppsala University, • Rob Duncan, University of Missouri, Chancellor of research, • John Gahl, University of Missouri, Director Material Science Engineering. • Sidney Kimmel, Billionaire philanthropist who donated $5.5m to U of Missouri to study LENR in Feb 2012 • Prof Young Kim, Purdue University • Prof. Koltick, Purdue University • Prof. Reifenberger, Purdue University • Hanno Essén, theoretical physicist Swedish Royal Institute of Technology, chairman Swedish skeptics society • David J. Nagel , Professor of Engineering & Applied science George Washington University • Akito Takahashi, National Instruments • Mitsubishi Heavy Industries / Toyota • Professor Yoshiaki Arata - University of Osaka • Professor Micheal Melch, US Navy • State Senator, Bruce Tarr, Massachusetts • State Senator Candidate, Randy Heckman, Michigan • Allan Widom (Northeastern University) Lewis Larson • Pirelli High School, Italy • Fleischmann & Pons, University of Utah & Southampton, considers the original discoverers of early LENR/”Cold Fusion” • US Dept of Defense advanced research (DARPA) • Navy Research Lab • Professor Violante, ENEA • Dr. Vladimir Vysotskii, Kiev National University, Head of physics department • Dr. Iraj Parchamazad, Chairman of the Chemistry University of LaVerne Dennis Bushnell, NASA chief scientist Langley Research Center Dr. Joseph Zawodny, NASA senior research scientist Langley Research Center Dr. Michael A Nelson, NASA-MSFC Low Energy Nuclear Reaction (LENR) Space Applications Lead Gustave C. Fralick, Arthur J. Decker, and James W. Blue, NASA Lewis Research Brian Josephson Nobel Prize Theoretical physics, University of Cambridge George Miley, University of Illinois, Department of Nuclear, Plasma, and Radiological Engineering Professor Peter Hagelstein Electrical Engineering, MIT Dr. Mike McKubre, SRI (Stanford Research Institute), Director Energy Research Center., University of Missouri Dr. Brian Ahern , Ames National Laboratory Edmund Storms, Los Alamos National Laboratory Dr. Mace, Los Alamos National Lab John Bockrus, electrochemist Texas A&M University Dr. Francesco Piantelli. University of Siena, Considered the father of modern LENR, filed original patents in 1995 for LENR Dr. Sergio Focardi, emeritus professor University of Bologna Dr. Giuseppe Levi , University of Bologna Dr. David Bianchini University of Bologna Dr. Christos Stremmenos, University of Bologna, Department of. Physical and Inorganic Chemistry, retired Francesco Celani, National Institute of Nuclear Physics (Italy’s equivalent of Los Alamos) Dr. Frank Gordon, US Navy’s Space and Naval warfare systems (SPAWAR), retired Dr. Andres, Purdue University Dr. T. W. Grimshaw (Energy Inst. Univ Texas, Austin Analysis by Tyler van Houwelingen (tyler@azulstar.com)
FACT 1. NASA HAS SHOWN RECENT, GROWING SUPPORT FOR LENR • NASA filed at least two LENR related patents in fall 2011. U.S. Patent # 2011/0255645. • Multiple persons multiple within NASA are affirming LENR is a real energy producing technology in 2011/2012. • Dennis Bushnell, chief scientist at NASA Langley Research Center, on LENR - May 23, 2012. “we now have over two decades of hundreds of experiments worldwide indicating heat and transmutations with minimal radiation and low energy input. By any rational measure, this evidence indicates something real is occurring. So, is LENR "Real?" Evidently, from the now long standing and diverse experimental evidence. And, yes - with effects occurring from using diverse materials, methods of energy addition etc. There are some six or so groups claiming [LENR} device outputs in the 100 watt range and three others claiming kilowatts. Efforts are ongoing within NASA and other organizations to validate (or not) these claims.” • Dr. Joseph Zowandy also providing supporting claims. http://technologygateway.nasa.gov/media/CC/lenr/lenr.html • On September 22, 2011, the Glenn Research Center (GRC) held a workshop on LENR with several of NASA’s LENR researchers in attendance and presenting, including: • Dennis M. Bushnell Chief Scientist NASA Langley Research Center NASA and LENR [presentation slides .pdf] • Gustave C. Fralick, John D. Wrbanek, Susan Y. Wrbanek, Janis Niedra LENR at GRC. [presentation slides .pdf] • Michael A. NelsonOverview of Low Energy Nuclear Reactions as Implemented by Andrea Rossi and Francesco Piantelli. [presentation slides .pdf] Dr. Nelson is from the Marshall Space Flight Center and is identified as a NASA-MSFC Low Energy Nuclear Reaction (LENR) Space Applications Lead • Joseph M. ZawadnyLow Energy Nuclear Reactions Is there a better way to do nuclear power? [presentation slides .pdf] • NASA hired Boeing to develop an advanced green subsonic airplane designed around LENR, and 3 other advanced clean energy technologies. Boeing provided the plans to NASA in May 2012 outlining a potential LENR based subsonic airplane. • NASA in May 2012 NASA posted LENR support on its website and revealed that they have been using public funds to study it for the past 3 years. http://futureinnovation.larc.NASA.gov/view/articles/futurism/bushnell/low-energy-nuclear-reactions.html • Bushnell also goes on to say, “There are continuing Edisonian efforts to produce “devices” mainly for heat or in some cases transmutations. There are efforts to “certify” such devices. • http://www.grc.nasa.gov/WWW/sensors/PhySen/docs/LENR_at_GRC_2011.pdf • http://naca.larc.nasa.gov/search.jsp?R=20120009038&qs=N%3D0%26Nn%3D4294957355%257CNASA-Center%257CMarshall%2BSpace%2BFlight%2BCenter%257C%257C4294868711%257CNASA-Center%257C~NACA%2B%28Unspecified%2BCenter%29 • http://coldfusionnow.org/next-generation-nasa/ Analysis by Tyler van Houwelingen (tyler@azulstar.com)
FACT 1. EUROPEAN COMMISSION – DIRECTORATE-GENERAL FOR RESEARCH AND INNOVATION - JULY 2012 “[LENR] HAS UNLIMITED AND SUSTAINABLE FUTURE ENERGY TECHNOLOGY POTENTIAL.” EUROPEAN DIRECTORATE GENERAL JULY 2012 • REPORT: LOW ENERGY REACTIONS IN CONDENSED MATTER: • “ENEA, SRI and NRL have been involved within review programs in the US and in Italy. The main task was to demonstrate, on the basis of signals well above the measurement uncertainties and with a cross check, the existence of the excess of heat production during electrochemical loading of deuterium in palladium cathodes. The target was achieved and the existence of the effect is no longer in doubt. • “The research is currently limited by economic and technical reasons, particularly in Europe. Funding the research should be the target to achieve a critical mass on a multidisciplinary level. There are only few academic institutions working on this research field and an increasing number of these institutions need to be involved, along with a network, particularly in Europe. • “Recommendations to the Commission • Include LENR in FP7 calls as research on materials as it has unlimited and sustainable future energy technology potential. • Support the study in material science as a strategic approach to achieve the control of the technology. • Support workshops, meetings, visiting exchanges in Europe and between European and US researchinstitutions. • Focus on the fundamental research aspects because of the synergy with other disciplines. • http://ec.europa.eu/research/industrial_technologies/pdf/emerging-materials-report_en.pdf Analysis by Tyler van Houwelingen (tyler@azulstar.com)
FACT 1. OTHER COMPELLING SUPPORT FOR LENR http://fusiontorch.com/uploads/StormsJudgingValidityOfFleischmannPonsEffect2009.pdf • “An independent research thesis at the University of Texas at Austin found that from 1989 to 2010 more than 180 experiments around the world reported anomalous high Production of excess heat in Pd-D or Ni-H.” • Source National Instruments, July 2012 • “No doubt anomalous excess heat is produced in these experiments" • Source: DARPA, 2009 60 Minutes, “Cold Fusion is Hot Again” • “I believe in analysis of new sources of energy. I believe in laboratories, looking at ways to conduct electricity with -- with cold fusion” • Mitt Romney, December 2011, Washington Examiner • “Very careful work at two national laboratories, namely the Naval Research Laboratory in the United States, and at ENEA, the National Energy Laboratory of Italy, and at many other laboratories around the world, clearly indicate that these extreme ‘excess’ heat releases are in fact real, despite earlier claims to the contrary” • Robert Duncan, Vice-Chancellor for Research, University of Missouri, 2012 Analysis by Tyler van Houwelingen (tyler@azulstar.com)
THERE ARE 3 FACTS YOU MUST ANAYLZE IN ORDER TO BELIEVE THAT LENR IS AN IMMEDIATE AND TOTAL GAME CHANGER IN ENERGY: 2. LENR has been scaled and controlled to reach commercial power generating levels 3. Scaled/controlled LENR is far superior to all existing forms of energy generation 1. LENR is a real, proven energy creating reaction Tyler’s Confidence Level 100% Certain ? ? Analysis by Tyler van Houwelingen (tyler@azulstar.com)
FACT 2. – 80% Confirmed FACT 2 PROOF: LENR HAS BEEN SCALED AND CONTROLLED TO REACH COMMERCIAL POWER GENERATING LEVELS • LENR has been maturing and scaling up directly in net energy creation and duration since 1989. This has accelerated with the introduction of NI+H systems and power levels from NI+H based LENR systems appear to have reached the level where they are viable for commercial power generation. (See appendix for detail) • 1989 Initially claiming 0.1-1mW for Fleischmann/Pons (Pd+D) • 1993 Piantelli claiming1-5W (NI+H) • 2010 Celani claiming 10W (NI+H) • 2012 Rossi/Defkalion/ Brillouin claiming 1,000-10,000W (NI+H, these claims have not yet been fully validated) • There are several companies claiming recently that they have scaled and controlled the LENR (NI-H or similar) reaction and four of them (Leonardo, Deflation, Brillouin and NicHenergy) have announced plans to launch commercial products during 2013. There are credible people directly connected with all of these firms. Three of the firms (Rossi, Defkalion & Brillouin) are also claiming to have reached temperatures of >400C sufficient for direct electricity generation and infinite COP. These claims have not yet been validated. • Leonardo Corp, Andrea Rossi, USA/Italy 1MW industrial “E-CAT” available now, 10KW home “E-CAT”, available end 2012/early 2013. Rossi is the most advanced, having worked with Siemens and National Instruments on the control. Rossi has sold his first E-CAT plant to the US military and has sent products to UL labs for approval. www.ecat.com • Defkalion Green Energy, Greece, 10kW-1MW+, “Hyperion” available end 2012/13 • Brillouin Energy, Silicon Valley USA, 10-100W today, “Brillouin Boiler” similar to LENR available 2013. On June 1, 2012 Brouillon announced it had received $2m silicon valley seed money from an unknown angel investment group believed to be affiliated with SRI. • NicHenergy – Piantelli, Italy, 10-100W today, commercial 2012/13 (licensing only) • Lenuco, George Miley, Illinois, 10W today, commercial in 2013/14 • Jet Energy/NANOR – Hagelstein/Schwartz – Massachustes, USA, ? mW range • Lattice Energy LLC – Widom/Larson, Illinois • Nucat Energy, LLC – LENR Consulting • Energetics Technologies, Ltd - Israel/Silicon Valley USA • And to a much lesser extent: NanoSpire – Maine, mW, technology potentially similar to LENR using cavitation • And to a much lesser extent: Blacklight Power – New Jersey, 3mW, 1KW 2014, appears similar to LENR but not validated • There is growing circumstantial evidence and an increasing number credible persons acknowledging high power (e.g. kW) scaling and that full control has been achieved. Analysis by Tyler van Houwelingen (tyler@azulstar.com)
FACT 2. EARLY PD+D BASED REACTIONS HAVE BEEN SURPASSED BY NI+H SYSTEMS WHICH CAN SUSTAIN HIGHER POWER LEVELS AND FOR LONGER PERIODS OF TIME ESTIMATE Watts Output 10k ?? 1000 + EM stimulation 100 Ni+H 10 Pd+D 1 0.1 1989 1995 2001 2007 2013 Analysis by Tyler van Houwelingen (tyler@azulstar.com)
FACT 2. GROWING AMOUNT OF CIRCUMSTANTIAL EVIDENCE FOR KW LEVEL POWER SCALING AND CONTROL, EVEN THOUGH NOT YET PROVEN BY 3RD PARTY (1 of 2) LENR is a proven energy creating phenomenon and power scaling up to kW levels is projected/expected within the near future (0-10yrs approx) given the current scaling and the maturation of LENR. Other researchers have scaled and demonstrated LENR from 0.1W in 1989 to 10W in 1994, which is a 1000x scaling; Rossi (and 3 other organizations) are claiming the same level of power increase, going from 10W to 10kW (1000x scaling) over 15 years. No public denials from Siemens, US Navy, NASA, DOD, Underwriters Laboratories and National Instruments even though Rossi has publicly claimed many times to be working with them for past year or so. NASA is now using public funds for LENR research (Zowandi) which has been ramped up and acknowledged publicly following NASA attended Rossi demos in 2011 and later Defkalion, who are both claiming high power. In May 2012, NASA acknowledged it was using some of these funds to progress LENR research as well as investigate the kW LENR reaction claims. National Instruments has publicly acknowledged collaborating with Rossi on control systems for LENR in 2011.In July 2012, National Instruments publicly announced it is working on LENR and would be supplying software and control systems to the industry, all after working with Rossi for several months in late 2011 (see next slide). Rossi claims to be working in depth with Siemens since January 2012, which Siemens has not denied. In June 2012, Siemens unexpectedly sold its solar investments; which follows previous divestments of all Nuclear Energy in Sept 2011. In July 2012 it was announced that Siemens is purchasing Italian firm, Ansaldo Energia, who engages in producing thermoelectric power plants for government, independent power producers, and industrial clients in Italy and internationally. Ansaldo also attended Rossis demo in October 2011. All but a couple people who attended Rossi two public demos in October 2011 of the 1MW plant have been fully convinced, and none are claiming it is a fraud. The demos were attended by Prof. Petterson Roland (Uppsala University), Prof. Campari Enrico (Univ. Bologna), Prof. Bonetti Ennio (Univ. Bologna), Prof. Levi Giuseppe (Univ. Bologna), Prof. Clauzon Pierre (CNAM-CEA Paris), Dott. Bianchini David (Univ. Bologna), Ing. Swanson Paul D. (Space and Naval Warfare Systems- US Navy), Prof. Focardi Sergio (Univ. Bologna), Prof. Stremmenos Christos (Univ. Atene), Prof. Jobson Edward (Univ. Goteborg), Ing. Vandevalle Koen (Belgio), Dr Enrico Billi (Fisico, Ricercatore, CINA) Rossi had direct access to the pioneers and leading NI+H LENR scientists at the University of Bologna for years, including those who scaled the reactions to the highest power levels that have been validated at around 10W (Piantellii, Celani, Ficardi, Levi, etc) Analysis by Tyler van Houwelingen (tyler@azulstar.com)
FACT 2. GROWING AMOUNT OF CIRCUMSTANTIAL EVIDENCE FOR KW LEVEL POWER SCALING AND CONTROL, EVEN THOUGH NOT YET PROVEN BY 3RD PARTY (2 of 2) Two organizations other than Rossi/Leonardo (Defkalion, Brillouin) are also claiming similar high power operation and pending commercial products using NI+H. Many other firms also claiming lower power using PD+D. Snr. US Navy member Michael Melich on Rossi/Leonardo Corp Board of Directors. Credible BOD for Defkalion as well. Two companies have acknowledged publicly purchasing licensing and distribution agreements from Rossi/Leonardo. Ecat Australia (announced in June 2012 for Australia/Asia Market) and Prometeon Srl (announced in July 2012 for Italian market). Ecat Australia performed independent onsite testing of the 1MW E-CAT in February 2012 using two 3rd party scientists they brought in, which was followed by an investment of an estimated $85k. Another firm has reportedly purchased a license from Rossi for Sweden. In February 2012, University of Bologna publicly stated their support for Rossi and their ongoing willingness to work with him and the E-CAT, even after their first contract from 2011 was not executed and cancelled in January 2012. Rossi claims he sold the first 1MW E-CAT in October 2011 to a US based military entity, believed by some to be the NAVY, who he claims took delivery of a newly built 1MW plant in April 2012. It is known that Rossi had previously sold high technology energy related equipment to the US military in 1994, who indicted in writing that they were satisfied with the project and its fulfillment, even though the project did not continue after the proof of concept. Rossi has a history of entrepreneurship with two other successful energy technology startups, after with one failed endeavor, and became a multi-millionaire before beginning any work on LENR. Nearly all of Rossis actions over the past few years (IMHO) follow the pattern of an entrepreneur, who has a new technology product that he is trying to refine, certify, patent and commercialize while attempting to keep Intellectual property from potential competitors. Rossi was a wealthy man from his former business success and appears to have invested his own money into his LENR endeavor. If Rossi is not telling the truth, the scope of the scam is so large that he will certainly go to prison, there is no other end-game given the scale and public awareness. Dr. Vladimir Vysotskii, Kiev National University, Head of physics department appears to have done independent testing on Defkalion kW Hyperion, which is expected to be announced August, 2012in Korea at DCCF-17, where Defkalion will be a lead presenter. Analysis by Tyler van Houwelingen (tyler@azulstar.com)
FACT 2. NATIONAL INSTRUMENTS (NASD: NATI) IS THE LEADING LARGE FIRM WORKING PUBLICLY ON LENR; SIEMENS MAY BE ACTIVE AS WELL • Since working directly with Rossi in 2011 on an engagement dealing with LENR control systems and software, NI has become very active publicly with LENR. This includes: • Making public statements affirming LENR, “There is an unknown physical event and there is a need of better measurements and control tools. NI is playing a role in accelerating innovation and discovery.” NI, July 2012 • Holding a public conference on LENR in Texas in July 2012 • Donating equipment for LENR research to universities, including the University of Bologna • Working with LENR leaders across the globe and launching software and control systems for LENR. • On Feb 21, 2012, Julia Betts, Corporate Communications and Investor Relations Manager for National Instruments is reported to have stated that Leonardo Corp was no longer a customer, however, she referred to this article as an accurate accounting of the relationship between Rossi (Leonardo Corp) and NI. • The article states: “We have worked very well with N.I., and we have learnt from them very much. We are very grateful to them for all what they have teached to us, training our technological people in a very useful way, for weeks.As I said already, Leonardo Corporation is structurally changed in these last weeks, and the Trust to which now Leonardo Corporation belongs has chosen other suppliers. Also our Customer has chosen other suppliers. We will remain always grateful to NI for what they teached to our people and we will ask in future proposals also to them . Personally, I am convinced that sooner or later we will buy also their systems.” A. Rossi. • http://E-CATsite.com/2012/02/21/ni-corroborates-rossi-statements/ • It seems quite possible and perhaps likely that NI had a positive engagement with Rossi and did not find him or his claims of higher power LENR to be fraudulent. It is quite possible, based on their subsequent actions, that they accept that higher power LENR has arrived and will produce profits for them in the near future. • Rossi claims to be working with Siemens now, instead of NI, as per a request by his military customer. Siemens has not confirmed or denied this. In June 2012, Siemens unexpectedly sold its solar investments; which follows previous divestments of all nuclear energy in September 2011. On July 20 2012 it was announced that Siemens is purchasing Italian firm, Ansaldo Energia, who engages in producing and installing thermoelectric generators and power plants for public administration, independent power producers, and industrial clients in Italy and internationally. Ansaldo attended Rossis demo in October 2011. Analysis by Tyler van Houwelingen (tyler@azulstar.com)
FACT 2. PICTURES OF MODERN LENR REACTORS Rossi/Leonardo, 3 LENR “E-CATs” without insulation, 1 insulated. Photo: Giuseppe Levi, 2011 Rossi/Leonardo 1MW industrial LENR E-CAT power plant, available now. Consists now of 106 individual E-CATs. Rossi claims this is the worlds first commercial LENR device, which he sold to the US military. Photo: Unknown, October 2011 Defkalion Hyperion LENR Reactor Photo: Sterling Allen, April 2012 MIT Nanor LENR reactor Photo: Barry Simon, May 2012 Brillouin Boiler Phase 2 reactor Photo: Ruby Carat, July 2011 Rossi/Leonardo 10Kw residential LENR E-CAT, available Q1 2013 (artist rendering) Pirelli High School, Rome, Athanor LENR Reactor Photo: Ugo Abundo, June 28, 2012 Analysis by Tyler van Houwelingen (tyler@azulstar.com)
FACT 2. THERE ARE SEVERAL THEORIES ATTEMPTING TO EXPLAIN LENR, BUT NO CONCLUSIVE THEORY Candidate Theories for LENR LENR leverages the Weak Nuclear force to create power while traditional fission/fusion use the Strong Nuclear force. Not having a clearly accepted theory and understanding has been a key issue holding LENR back from more widespread acceptance and advancement. It has also delayed the ability to scale and control the reaction. There are many plausible candidate theories for why LENR works as it does; some of these theories require new physics, some don't. The Widom-Larson Theory is considered by many (but not Rossi) the most accurate explanation for LENR and fits within the standard model of physics. NASA has put its support behind Widom-Larson or a derivation of it. Widom-Larsen Theory Bazhutov-Vereshkov Theory Chubb (Scott) Theory Chubb (Talbot) Theory Fisher Theory Gareev Theory Hagelstein Theory Hora-Miley Theory Kim-Zubarev Theory Kirkinskii-Novikov Theory Kozima TheoryLi Theory Preparata Theory Sinha-Meulenberg Theory Storms Theory Szpak Theory Takahashi Theory Analysis by Tyler van Houwelingen (tyler@azulstar.com) http://newenergytimes.com/v2/sr/Theories/TheoryIndex.shtml
THERE ARE 3 FACTS YOU MUST ANAYLZE IN ORDER TO BELIEVE THAT LENR IS AN IMMEDIATE AND TOTAL GAME CHANGER IN ENERGY: 2. LENR has been scaled and controlled to reach commercial power generating levels 3. Scaled/controlled LENR is far superior to all existing forms of energy generation 1. LENR is a real, proven energy creating reaction Tyler’s Confidence Level 100% Certain 80% Certain ? Analysis by Tyler van Houwelingen (tyler@azulstar.com)
FACT 3. FACT 3 PROOF. SCALED/CONTROLLED LENR IS FAR SUPERIOR TO ALL EXISTING FORMS OF ENERGY GENERATION SCALED/CONTROLLED LENR APPEARS TO BE A NEAR PERFECT, UNLIMITED ENERGY SOURCE FOR HUMANITY THAT CAN BE QUICKLY ROLLED OUT WORLDWIDE POWERFUL: LENR reportedly has an energy density that is a factor 100,000-10,000,000 times greater than today’s combustion processes (oil, coal, ng) and reportedly higher than today’s commercial fission. GREEN & SAFE: LENR is 100% green and carbon free. LENR is a nuclear reaction, however it does not require uranium/plutonium, has no nuclear waste byproducts, and appears to have no harmful effects or safety issues like fission energy, bombs. LIMITLESS: The current fuel for LENR, nickel + hydrogen, is nearly limitless, the most abundant metal and the most abundant gas on earth. No combustion process takes place, instead the hydrogen is merged with nickel and transmuted to form copper + energy. LENR also appears possible using metals other than Nickel, PD. CHEAP & SCALABLE: The LENR devices now said to be coming to market are all very similar and low cost (estimated $100 BOM per NI+H reactor). They appear to be simple, easy to manufacture/operate, highly efficient and likely reliable, with no moving parts and requiring only the replacement of a hydrogen cartridge every 6 months. It appears LENR reactors can be mass produced by the millions. Analysis by Tyler van Houwelingen (tyler@azulstar.com)
THERE ARE 3 FACTS YOU MUST ANAYLZE IN ORDER TO BELIEVE THAT LENR IS AN IMMEDIATE AND TOTAL GAME CHANGER IN ENERGY: 2. LENR has been scaled and controlled to reach commercial power generating levels 3. Scaled/controlled LENR is far superior to all existing forms of energy generation 1. LENR is a real, proven energy creating reaction Tyler’s Confidence Level 100% Certain 80% Certain 100% Certain Analysis by Tyler van Houwelingen (tyler@azulstar.com)
SO WHAT DOES THIS MEAN IF TRUE??COMMERCIAL LENR IN THE NEAR FUTURE WILL CHANGE EVERYTHING • Potentially all competing forms of energy will disappear over the next 10-30 years. (coal, NG, oil, fission, solar, wind, bio-fuel, etc). “Total replacement of fossil fuels for everything but synthetic organic chemistry” NASA 10/2011 • It will create a long term boom in manufacturing and transportation. • It will revolutionize aviation, transportation and space exploration, reducing the space launch cost 10,000x from $5k/kg today to an estimated $0.5/kg “Revolutionizes Aviation and Access to Space” NASA 10/2011 • It will decentralize some power from governments and alter how people are taxed • It will enable cheap desalinization of water across the globe as well as revolutionize agriculture, creating a worldwide bread-basket and increase the value of desert lands. • It will likely have profound military applications, e.g. subs silent underwater for years, drones aloft for years, new weapons, etc. • The process for LENR may potentially be used to convert (transmute) one material into another, creating an unlimited supply of any metal (e.g. rare earths, gold, platinum etc) and lowering the value of many precious/rare metals. • It will solve Global Climate Change Analysis by Tyler van Houwelingen (tyler@azulstar.com)
SUPPORTING LINKS http://futureinnovation.larc.NASA.gov/view/articles/futurism/bushnell/low-energy-nuclear-reactions.html http://seekingalpha.com/article/406981-cold-fusion-a-cure-for-high-gas-prices http://www.grc.nasa.gov/WWW/sensors/PhySen/docs/LENR_at_GRC_2011.pdf http://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/New-LENR-Machine-is-the-Best-Yet.html http://www.wired.co.uk/news/archive/2012-02/27/rossi-roundup?page=all http://nickelpower.org/2011/12/30/replicators-as-if-december-30-2011/ http://www.forbes.com/sites/markgibbs/2011/12/31/2012-the-year-of-cold-fusion/ http://www.forbes.com/sites/markgibbs/2011/10/30/believing-in-cold-fusion-and-the-E-CAT/ http://www.opednews.com/articles/Cold-Fusion-is-Here-It-s-by-steve-windisch-120202-446.html http://ecat.com/ http://coldfusionnow.org/?p=18469 http://www.E-CATworld.com/ http://www.E-CATworld.com/2012/04/mits-hagelstein-demos-jet-energy-cold-fusion-to-mass-state-senator-tarr/ http://lenr-canr.org/ http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=4955212n – from 2009 http://indico.cern.ch/materialDisplay.py?materialId=slides&confId=177379&utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter http://newenergytimes.com/v2/government/NASA/20110922NASA-Zawodny-GRC-LENR-Workshop.pdf http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42hrCRx1JJY http://fusiontorch.com/uploads/StormsJudgingValidityOfFleischmannPonsEffect2009.pdf http://www.spiegel.de/international/business/response-to-fukushima-siemens-to-exit-nuclear-energy-business-a-787020.html Analysis by Tyler van Houwelingen (tyler@azulstar.com)
BACKUP INFO Analysis by Tyler van Houwelingen (tyler@azulstar.com)
HOW LENR WORKS – BASIC OVERVIEW “Atoms are comprised of negatively charged electrons whirling around a relatively small nucleus of neutrons and positively charged protons. Protons have a mass 1836 times the mass of electrons. A neutron is a combination of an electron and a proton with zero net electrostatic charge. An atom’s number of protons and its equal number of electrons determine its type of element. Only when a positive ion (such as a proton or nucleus of a helium atom) penetrates an atom’s nucleus does the atomic nucleus become another element (or another isotope of the same element) or becomes unstable and splits (fissions) into two or more elements.” (http://nexusilluminati.blogspot.com/2010/02/low-energy-nuclear-transmutationl.html ). “An element becomes another element when neutrons bombard it. Inside a fission reactor, it comes out radioactive, but inside a LENR reactor, in comes out non-radioactive. This is what happens inside a LENR reactor: “A tiny amount of hydrogen protons are converted into neutrons. These newly produced neutrons are soon captured by hydrogen ions or other atoms in a metallic (e.g. nickel) lattice near to where the hydrogen ions were converted to neutrons. The captured neutrons generate heat because the new atoms that are one neutron heavier shed excess binding energy as heat to the lattice…” ( http://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/New-LENR-Machine-is-the-Best-Yet.html ) “This bears repeating: hydrogen is consumed by emitting neutrons (remember, a neutron is a proton and an electron). Everything near is bombarded by these neutrons. Some is absorbed by the remaining hydrogen, and some is absorbed by nearby nickel atoms, and some could be absorbed by any element we choose to place nearby, transmuting it into a much more valuable element.” Analysis by Tyler van Houwelingen (tyler@azulstar.com)
LENR SCALING CERN PRESENTATION JANUARY 2012(1/3) http://indico.cern.ch/materialDisplay.py?materialId=slides&confId=177379&utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter Analysis by Tyler van Houwelingen (tyler@azulstar.com)
LENR SCALING CERN PRESENTATION JANUARY 2012 (2/3) Analysis by Tyler van Houwelingen (tyler@azulstar.com)
LENR SCALING CERN PRESENTATION JANUARY 2012 (3/3) Analysis by Tyler van Houwelingen (tyler@azulstar.com)
MORE PICTURES – ECAT AUSTRALIA Bill Donovan - Chief Technical Adviser for E-CAT Australia with E-CAT Industrial Unit (1MW) Photo: E-CAT Australia, February 2012 Andrea Rossi with two Indian Scientists used for validation testing of 1MW E-CAT Photo: E-CAT Australia, February 2012 1MW E-CAT Photo: E-CAT Australia, February 2012 Andrea Rossi with 1MW E-CAT Photo: E-CAT Australia, February 2012 Andrea Rossi with 1MW E-CAT Photo: Unknown Analysis by Tyler van Houwelingen (tyler@azulstar.com)
SKEPTICISM OF LENR IS UNDERSTANDABLE, GIVEN THAT THERE HAVE BEEN THOUSANDS OF VERY WELL EXECUTED, CONVINCING ENERGY SCAMS EXAMPLES OF PREVIOUS FREE ENERGY SCAMS: Free Eco Power Generator Summary: A magnetically powered generator which claims to use magnets and magnetic force to induce perpetual motion, thus creating free electrical energy to fully power your home. The scam appears to be a copy of the "magniwork" and "free power blueprint" scams. Visit the Free Eco Power Generator HoJo Motor or Howard Johnson Motor Summary: Yet another version of the magniwork perpetual motion scam. But has come up with new visuals. It claims magnets and magnetic force will induce perpetual motion, thus creating free electrical energy to fully power your home. Visit the HoJo Motor Free Power Blueprint Summary: My Free Power Blueprint offers misleading plans to build an energy generator. The scam appears to be a copy of the magniwork perpetual motion scam. It claims magnets and magnetic force will induce perpetual motion creating free electrical energy to fully power your home. Visit the Free Power Blueprint Magnets4Energy Summary: The scam appears to be a copy of the earlier magniwork perpetual motion scam. Magnets4Energy offers plans to build an energy generator. It uses magnets and magnetic force to induce perpetual motion, thus creating free electrical energy to fully power your home. Visit the Magnets4Energy Magniwork Perpetual Motion Summary: A perpetual motion magnetically powered generator is not possible. The Magniwork Power Generator scam offers plans to build an energy generator using magnets and magnetic force to induce perpetual motion, thus creating free electrical energy to fully power your home. Visit the Magniwork Perpetual Motion Magnetic Generator Plans Summary: A perpetual motion magnetically powered generator is not possible. The Magnetic Generator Plans claims instructions to build an energy generator using magnets and magnetic force to induce perpetual motion, thus creating free electrical energy to fully power your home. Visit the Magnetic Generator Plans post for a product overview and user comments Secret Power Device - Generator Secret Summary: A Free radiant power device cannot be built using these plans. A radiant power Device from Nikola Tesla that has been kept secret for 90 years. It has a number of names, all scams, promoted by James Slaughter. Visit the Nicola Tesla John Keely — The grandfather of free-energy scammers. Amazingly, there are still people who are convinced that he was legitimate! LINK, LINK Carl Tilly — Claimed to have invented a self-powering electric motor. Collected millions from “mom & pop” investors, who finally sued him, at which point he went into hiding. LINKLINK Joseph Newman — Has been claiming for decades to have a self-running electric generator. His “documentary” video.LINK Madison Priest — Not a “free energy” scammer, but demonstrates how easy it is to pull off a scam and fool big companies that ought to have known better. He got millions from companies like Intel, Blockbuster Video and General Dynamics. LINKLINK SteornOrbo magnetic motor! http://www.steorn.com/ Patterson – patterson cell Papp – Noble gas engine Reich – Oegone Energy Meyer – water powered car Analysis by Tyler van Houwelingen (tyler@azulstar.com)
1989 COLD FUSION PRESS & SCANDAL TO BURY AND DISCREDIT THE INITIAL FLEISCHMANN AND PONS DISCOVERY In 1989 after the discovery was announced by P&F, MIT discredited the discovery of CF and as a result it was labeled as a fraud and sudo-science. It was later revealed that MIT had fully validated the CF discovery in 1989, however it was covered-up by MIT researchers tied to Hot Fusion research. http://www.veteranstoday.com/2011/12/30/the-history-of-mits-blatant-suppression-of-cold-fusion/ Analysis by Tyler van Houwelingen (tyler@azulstar.com)
SOME 250 YEARS AGO… “I am attacked by two very opposite sects — the scientists and the know-nothings… Yet I know I have discovered one of the greatest forces in nature.” Galvani, the discoverer of electricity Analysis by Tyler van Houwelingen (tyler@azulstar.com)
ABOUT ME • My Experience: • Founder, Chairman and (former) CEO - AzulStar, Inc. a 10-yr old wireless technology firm; Grand Haven, MI (www.azulstar.com) • Management Consultant – McKinsey & Company; Madrid, Spain (www.mckinsey.com) • Electrical Engineer – Intel Corporation; Santa Clara, CA (www.intel.com) • My Education: • BS Electrical Engineering 1995 – University of Michigan; Ann Arbor, MI (www.umich.edu) • MBA 1999 – IESE International School of Management; Barcelona, Spain (www.iese.edu) • Dutch blood, American passport, Spanish mindset Analysis by Tyler van Houwelingen (tyler@azulstar.com)