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Joseph (Imhotep) in Egypt

Explore the fascinating connection between Imhotep and Joseph in ancient Egypt. Discover evidence, inscriptions, and insights linking Imhotep with the biblical narrative of Joseph. Delve into historical sources and archaeological findings shedding light on this intriguing story.

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Joseph (Imhotep) in Egypt

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  1. Joseph (Imhotep) in Egypt • In 1890 Charles Wilbour discovered this boulder on the island of Sahal at the Nile, telling the story of Imhotep

  2. Resources on Joseph and Daniel • Dang, Katherine, Universal History, Volume I – re-print of out of print sources on Ancient history, including information on Daniel – Philomath Foundation – www.philomathfoundation.com •  Eidsmoe, John, Historical and Theological Foundations of Law; Volume I, Ancient Wisdom, American Vision Press / Tolle Lege Press, 2011 – www.plymrock.org •  Jehle, Paul, Universal History Course, Theme 3 (third thousand years) powerpoint and audio files 19-25 and Theme 4 (fourth thousand years) powerpoint and audio files 33-37 of classes as well as pdf notes, and timeline charts, Plymouth Rock Foundation – www.plymrock.org • Rushdoony, R. J., Christian Survey of World History – cd’s and notes, Chalcedon Foundation - http://chalcedon.edu/store/item/christian-survey-of-world-history-cd-set-a/ •  See also www.arkdiscovery.com/joseph for more information on Joseph in Egypt

  3. National Geographic, January, 1995“Perhaps most confident was Imhotep, the architect who probably conceived of building Djoser's [pharaoh] tomb completely from stone. Known as a sculptor, a priest, and a healer, Imhotep is considered the preeminent genius of the Old Kingdom.  He assembled one workforce to quarry limestone to ship the crude blocks by boat to Saqqara, and yet another to haul the stone to the site, where master carvers shaped each block and put it in place."On a granite boulder above the Nile's First Cataract, the formidable rapids at Aswan, a sculptor who lived much later [thus the facts are not totally accurate] chiseled out in hieroglyphs the story of how Imhotep had even saved his country from famine. 

  4. The annual Nile flood, which inundated surrounding fields every autumn before farmers sowed their seed, failed seven years in a row.  Djoser asked Imhotep where the source of the river lay.  The pharaoh intended to travel there to interrogate the river gods and beg them to show mercy on his people."But Imhotep replied that sacred [God] books had given him the answer....  The floods returned, and the famine was over...."In about 1200 B.C., fully 1400 years after his death, Imhotep, the genius architect of Djoser's reign, was deified by the Egyptians, who built cult temples to honor him.” National Geographic, 1995

  5. Evidence of Joseph in Egypt • Inscriptions in Horemheb have evidence of the Pharaoah inviting Jacob’s family to Egypt • Abraham influenced the 1st Dynasty (Sarah) • In the 3rd Dynasty – an inscription of Imhotep as Chief under the King - Pharoah Djoser Genesis 41:40-44

  6. Joseph was Multi-talented • A Stone Vase at Saqqara with Imhoteps inscription – made by him… • A statue in honor of Imhotep with a scroll

  7. The Seven Year Famine • Inscription on the Boulder (arkdiscovery.com) • 1. "I was in distress on the Great Throne..." Bible: “… in the morning that his spirit was troubled" Ge. 41:8 • 2. "... I asked him who was the Chamberlain,...Imhotep, the son of Ptah... `What is the birthplace of the Nile? Who is the god there? Who is the god?'" Imhotep answers: "I need the guidance of Him who presides over the fowling net,..." Bible: “… Joseph answered Pharaoh, saying, It is not in me: God shall give Pharaoh an answer of peace.“ (41:16) • 3. In the inscription, Imhotep answers the pharaoh about the god of the Nile and tells him where he lives. In the Bible, Joseph interprets the pharaohs dream….

  8. The Seven Year Famine • 3. …But, the next part of the inscription tells that when the king slept, the Nile god Khnum, revealed himself to him in a dream and promised the Nile would pour forth her waters and the land would yield abundantly for seven years, after a seven year drought. This passage reflects the fact of a dream by the pharaoh of seven years of plenty and seven years of famine, although reversed. • 4. The inscription then goes on to record Djoser's promise to the Nile god, Khnum, in which the people were to be taxed 1/10 of everything, except for the priests of the "house of the god," who would be exempted. The Bible: "And Joseph made it a law over the land of Egypt unto this day, that Pharaoh should have the fifth part, except the land of the priests only, which became not Pharaoh's." Genesis 47:26

  9. The Name “Imhotep” • An ancient Egyptian name meaning “the voice (or mouth) of Im” • There is no Egyptian god “Im”; and no meaning for “hotep” • Joseph’s name means, in Hebrew “the God lives; the God speaks” • Probably “Im” is shortened from “I Am”, and hotep is simply Joseph’s name (the God lives; the God speaks)! • “…I am that I am” – Exodus 3:14

  10. The Fourth Thousand Years“The Captivity of God’s People” Assyrian Empire (power) Babylonian Empire (pride) Persian Empire (LAW of Medes & Persians) Greek Empire (pleasure) Assyrian captivity of Israel 722 BC Babylonian captivity of Judah 586 BC Daniel disciples Cyrus Israel Divided N (10) S (2) Alexander the Great 336-323 Daniel stands Destruction of Nineveh Nineveh repents Decree to Return Maccabees and Hannukah Revival & Reform (pleasure) Solomon Jonah Nahum Josiah Jeremiah Daniel Malachi 950 BC 760 625 609 605 590-539 538-444 164

  11. Babylon in the BibleSymbol of Pride, Rebellion and Witchcraft “For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven… I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation… I will be like the most High.” – Isaiah 14:13-14 “For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry” - 1st Samuel 15:23 “Come hither; I will show unto thee the judgment of the great whore… with whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication…. And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet color, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.” – Revelation 17:1-5

  12. The Fear of the Lord Key to Humility and Honor “Before destruction the heart of man is haughty, and before honor is humility. – Proverbs 18:12 “….be clothed with humility: for God resists the proud, and gives grace to the humble. Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time” 1st Peter 5:5-6 The Fear of the Lord is giving God His priority in both attitude and action – every area of life

  13. Extent of the “New” Babylonian Empire Ruled the world 606-538

  14. The New Babylonian EmpireA Revival of Pride and Rebellion • “New” Babylon rules the earth for 88 years – from 606-538 • Nabopolassar was co-ruler with his son until 606 • His son married Amyitis; daughter of a Median monarch • Nebuchadnezzar reigned for half the dynasty (44 years) • A “divine” monarch who built walls 87 by 350 feet • Erected hanging gardens for his wife like her homeland • Constructed canals and underground irrigation systems • Nebuchadnezzar removed his captives from their soil and caused them to do slave labor in building Babylon • Emulated the pride of Babylon; and when humbled by God, his wife ruled in his place

  15. Images of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon

  16. Image of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon

  17. Image of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon


  19. Saddam Hussein’s Rebuilding of Nebuchadnezzar’s Babylon

  20. The Babylonian Empire“An Empire of Pride” The Babylonian Empire Nabopolassar / NEBUCHADNEZZAREvil-MeroduchNeriglisserLaborosoardelNabonediusBelshazzar Daniel taken captive at 16 609 BC Daniel interprets the king’s dream Decree of Cyrus for Jews to return Daniel interprets the Handwriting on the wall Josiah’s revival & reforms Nebuchadnezzar judged for pride Jeremiah warns of 70 year captivity Daniel in the lion’s den (82) Daniel’s friends refuse to bow Judah taken captive Josiah Jeremiah Daniel Ezekiel’s visions 636-609 609 605 595 586 570-563 539 538 BC

  21. Daniel’s Interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream Future Kingdoms preceding Christ (1) Head of Gold – Babylon 627-539 (2) Chest of Silver – Medo-Persian 539-331 (3) Belly of Brass – Greek Empire / Alexander 331-168 (4) Legs of Iron – Roman Empire 168 BC – 467 AD (5) Toes of Iron/Clay – It will be divided…

  22. The Babylonian EmpireLesson 1 – Believers must embrace a Kingdomunderstanding of their times • Daniel was inspired by Jeremiah who was inspired by Josiah – legacy of multi-generational continuity • Daniel’s preparation (home & church) prepared him to purpose to remain pure while in captivity (heart) • A believer’s stand must be a lawfulresistance to tyranny, respecting those who persecute you and creatively seeking ways to demonstrate loving solutions that preserve the life of your captors • Believers need to understand and embrace the captivity of their times; knowing God’s purpose in it for future generations

  23. The Babylonian EmpireLesson 2 – Believers must be willing to embrace a philosophy of separation • Daniel’s friends would not bow to the idolatry of the day – statism (separate from music & trends) • Faithfulness to go into the fire is true success – separationuntoGod • Covenant rests on a willingness to cut out that which offends God – separatefromsin • True success is the ability to stand alone

  24. The Babylonian EmpireLesson 3 – Believers must learn to minister in captivity through love and service • 25 years of loving service elapse between Daniel chapters 4 and 5; spanning two empires • Not until the last ruler of Babylon, when Daniel is probably 82, is he called forth by Nebuchadnezzar’s wife to prophesy to the culture… • He is promoted to rule only after he was separated, his faith tested, and served faithfully • Daniel rules Babylon for approximately one hour, when Cyrus conquers during the idolatrous feast

  25. The Babylonian EmpireLesson 4 – Believers must embrace the cross and not promote themselves • Daniel became PrimeMinister under Darius • He instructed Cyrus on God’s providential work in his life; preparing him for such an hour • He benefited Persia by decentralizing power and increasing self-government under law • No one could find hypocrisy in his walk with God • He looked for no short-cuts from God • He boldly continued to pray, waiting for God’s deliverance; the result of which is the decree of Cyrus for the Jews to return to their homeland

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