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E xcellence in A nalytical CH emistry ( EACH )

Explore the EACH Erasmus Mundus Program, requirements, proposal status, objectives, actions, program structure, key persons, funding, consortium success factors, and application details.

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E xcellence in A nalytical CH emistry ( EACH )

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  1. Excellence in Analytical CHemistry (EACH) Erasmus MundusJoint Master’sProgramme Ivo Leito Ivo.leito@ut.ee

  2. This Presentation: • What is Erasmus Mundus? • What are the requirements? • Overview of the current status of the proposal • What needs to be done and agreed for submission • Timing of activities

  3. Erasmus Mundus objectives To enhance the quality of European higher education To promote the European Union as a centre of excellence in learning around the world To promote intercultural understanding through cooperation with third countries

  4. Actions Action 1 – Erasmum Mundus joint master’s and doctoral programmes of outstanding academic quality including scholarship scheme Action 2 - Partnership between European and third country higher education institutions in specific regions as a basis of structural co-operation, exchange and mobility Action 3- measures enhancing the attractiveness of Europe as an educational destination

  5. Erasmus Mundus joint master’s programmes (EMMC) Programmes with duration 60 -120 ECTS Consortsium includes universities from at least 3 European countries No priorities in terms of study fields At graduation joint (preferably) or double degrees awarded Programmes selected for 5 years Periods of study in at least 2 institutions of the consortium

  6. Successful consortium • Why a joint program? – thorough analysis of strenghts and motivation • Why these universities? This field? This region? • Why mobility? • There has to be a synergy between the partners • The programme has to offer something that is impossible at any one partner • Jointly developed • Preferably with associated partners

  7. Educational pathway Year 1: Fundamentals University of TartuGeneral analytical chemistry, metrology in chemistry, quality assurance,main analytical techniques Year 2: Specialization Uppsala University Advanced separation methods and organic analysis University of Oulu Inorganic and trace element analysis, atomic spectroscopy Åbo Akademi University Sensors, electrochemistry, advanced analytical devices

  8. Key persons • UT: Ivo Leito, Ülle Tensing • UU: Jonas Bergquist, Christer Elvingson • UO: Paavo Perämäki, Kimmo Kuortti, Risto Laitinen • AAU: Johan Bobacka, Ari Ivaska, Harriet Klåvus

  9. Associate partners • Suomen Ympäristöpalvelu OY • SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden • Tartu Laboratory of the Health Board • Rautaruukki Oy • GE Healthcare AB

  10. EACH Modules

  11. Successful consortium Coordinators of institutions need very clear understanding of the joint project Administrative and academic staff of all partener institutions involved – not a “one man show” Top level support from all institutions Well designed mobility track for students

  12. Consortium agreement Obligatory and covers issues on: • joint quality assurance: evaluation of courses (internal) and jointly established defence committe, for example (external) • joint admission procedures and requirements • degrees awarded • financial commitments of the partners

  13. Admission of students • Admission to the programme granted on a competitive basis • the applicants are assessed on the basis of students’ academic record • At least 75 ECTS of chemistry studies completed • Good command of the English language is required • Very clear admission procedure is needed

  14. EM Scholarships • Category A • For students coming from the third countries • Category B • For students coming from the EU

  15. Total for 2 years: € 48 000 € 24 000(these are maximum amounts)

  16. EM Scholarships • Not every student will get a scholarship • The number of scholarships ranges from 17 to 7 per edition • The number decreases from year to year

  17. Administrative costs • Financing of the consortium administration: lump sum of € 30 000 per academic year • This amount, together with the “contribution to the EMMC participation costs” forms the EC support to the programme

  18. Additional financial commitment Most of this can be “in-kind” commitment • Additional financial commitment of partners is needed • State-financed study places • Meetings, summer/winter schools • Support services for international students • Administration • ...

  19. Administration • Administration of the programme is a large work • At every partner there has to be a dedicated administrative person

  20. EACH: financials

  21. Documents of the proposal that need your contribution • Application form • Endorsement letter • Award criteria • Annexes • Programme layout • Model consortium agreement • Model student agreement

  22. Application form • Contact/admin data • Short description of the institution • Role in the project • Other community grants • Joint programmes • Key people • Degree awarded and its recognition status • Associate members

  23. Endorsement letter • Commitment to • Offering courses • Supervision of master’s theses • Recognition of courses offered by partners • Participating in administration • Financial commitment • Important!

  24. Award criteria • Details of courses that you offer • Admission of students • Examinations and grading • Financial aspects (study costs, etc) • Study administration at AAU • Support and services for students and scholars

  25. Programme layout • Admission criteria • Details of the course modules that you offer, incl learning outcomes

  26. Agreements • See that your data are correct • See that you agree with the contents

  27. Important dates Consortium meeting at Tartu on January 18, 2011 Financial issues agreed by March 1, 2011 Supporting documents available by March 15, 2011 Next submission deadline (probably) on March 31, 2011

  28. Founded in 1632 9 Faculties 5 Colleges Students: ca 17 000 ca 750 International Total staff: 3500 Budget: ~100 MEUR Part of the Estonian NMS Chemistry, air humidity, air flow University of Tartu

  29. Facultiesat UT • Humaniora • Faculty of Theology • Faculty of Philosophy • Socialia • Faculty of Social Sciences and Education • Faculty of Law • Faculty of Economics & Business Administration • Realia et Naturalia • Faculty of Science & Technology • Faculty of Mathematics & Computer Science • Medicina • Faculty of Medicine • Faculty of Exercise & Sport Sciences

  30. Faculty of Science and Technologywww.lote.ut.ee Institute of Physics Institute of Chemistry Institute of Technology Institute of Oecology and geography Institute of molecular and cellular biology Marine Institute

  31. UT Instituteof Chemistry

  32. Institute of Chemistry (IC) • 85 teaching and research staff • 50 ISI publications annually • Postgraduate studies: • 50 PhD students, 80 Master students • Testing Centre • ISO 17025 accredited laboratory(pesticide residues, working environmentparameters, …)

  33. Institute of Chemistry (IC) • Chemistry and electrochemistry of surfaces • Advanced synthesis • Neurochemistry • Computational chemistry and molecular design • Analytical chemistry • Trace organics (LC-MS) in food, environment, etc • Characterization of food • Quality and metrology aspects of anal. chem. • …

  34. Chromatography andMass spectrometry • Analytes: Pesticides, drug residues, ... • Matrixes: Food,environmental, …

  35. Measurement Science at UT • Part of the Estonian NMS • Chemistry, air humidity, air flow velocity • Pan-European projects and organizations: • Tracebioactivity,

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