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OPPORTUNITY AGE. Meeting the challenges of ageing in the 21 st century. Demographics. Critical changes to society in the next 40/50 years – people living longer, fewer children Another 22 years of life for a man aged 65, another 25 years of life for a woman aged 65
OPPORTUNITY AGE Meeting the challenges of ageing in the 21st century
Demographics • Critical changes to society in the next 40/50 years – people living longer, fewer children • Another 22 years of life for a man aged 65, another 25 years of life for a woman aged 65 • By mid-century, 6 percent of the population will be over 85 years old.
DEPENDENCY RATIO • 100 years ago : 10 to 1 • Now : 3 to 1 • 2050 : 2 to 1
WHY WE NEED A STRATEGY Implications of the key facts: • Need to move away from assumptions that people over age 65 are automatically “pensioners” and “dependent” • Need to promote active, healthy ageing, so longer life is healthier life for all • Need to modernise public services – choice and control, with personal responsibility
Government’s Response Objectives: • Work: 80% employment rate, with 1m more older people in work • Active ageing: healthy living; volunteering; active local engagement • Services: personalised services which promote independence and well-being • Sustainable: cost sharing, with people saving for their own retirement
Achievements so far Things already done: • Work: incentives to defer pension; can keep working when take pension; New Deal 50+ • Active ageing: free bus travel; crime reduction; DH White Paper on public health; new Home Office measures to encourage volunteering • Services: “Link-Age”; tackling fuel poverty; creation of The Pension Service
Commitments - DWP • Reform Incapacity Benefit • Outlaw age discrimination by 2006 (supported by new CEHR) – joint with DTI • Abolition of compulsory retirement under 65, from 2006 • 15.4m to receive regular pension forecasts by 2007/08 • Extend Link-Age – “Link-Age Plus” pilots from 2006 • Self-help internet site, including planning advice
Commitments – Other Government Departments • New Deal for Skills and other skills programmes - DfES • “Individual Budgets” for care - DH • Review of discrimination in access to financial and other services – HMT • Better incentives for local authorities to drive ageing agenda – ODPM • Time off for carers - DTI
Measuring success How do we know Opportunity Age is making a difference? Improvement in older people’s quality of life within communities
Quality of life 5 Domains • Independence within inclusive communities • Healthy, active living • Fairness in work and later life • Material well-being • Support and care
CONSULTATION- Outcomes and Indicators • What are the key components of quality of life? • What are the outcomes we should be looking for? • What information/data do we already collect that we could use as indicators to measure progress towards these outcomes?
What matters most? e.g Housing and the home Quality and suitability of housing Availability of adaptations Choice over where you live
Indicators e.g. housing and the home ELSA – do you feel you had a choice about where you live? Decent homes standards for social housing (ODPM) Nos. of people supported to remain at home rather than enter residential care
Opportunity Age • A X-Government Strategy • Not just about support services – focus on quality of life, active ageing and independence and choice across various dimensions: employment, housing etc
Green Paper On Adult Social Care • Narrower focus on adult social services • Broader focus – all adults, not just older people
Independence and Choice • Older people should be able to retain independence and control over their lives, even when they come to need support or healthcare. Services for older people should be accessible and put the needs and wants of the individual at the centre.
How can LG meet the challenges? The current levers and drivers Drivers from central government • Legislation – most recent the Local Government Act 2000 giving new duties and enabling powers; • Government Public Service Agreement (PSA) targets; • Commitments in recently published Departmental Five Year Plans; • Conclusions of the Efficiency Review; • Range of national targets and priorities and related management and monitoring arrangements; • Inspection regimes by: the Audit Commission, Commission for Social Care Inspection, OFSTED;
The Way Forward: 10-year vision for local government Four broad themes: • Leadership – strengthened role for LAs; • Citizen engagement; • Improved service delivery, with national standards and locally agreed targets ; • New settlement between central, regional and local government.
How can LG meet the challenges? The current levers and drivers Drivers at local level • Local Public Service Agreements (LPSAs), voluntary agreements focussing on targeted outcomes for local public services with a reward element; • Community Strategies, mandatory duty on LAs to promote or improve the economic, social and environmental well-being of their areas; • Pilot Local Area Agreements announced in SR 2004, struck between Government (at regional level by the Government Offices of the Regions), the LA and major delivery partners through the Local Strategic Partnerships • The Comprehensive Performance Assessment (CPA) – overall assessment of LA performance by the Audit Commission on service delivery and use of resources, and corporate assessment on councils’ ability to improve; • Shared Priorities for LAs agreed by the Central Local Partnership as being of specific relevance to improve the quality of life of local communities, from 2005; separate Shared Priority on Older People on which council performance will be assessed in the CPA; • Best Value Performance Indicators - Measure and assess LA performance.
Operational Structures Local Authorities • Local Strategic Partnerships: a single body of key partners comprising business, public, private, voluntary and community sectors to identify top priorities of a community and work with the LA and local people to address them; key players in the Community Strategy; • Providers (service deliverers) in the public and independent sectors commissioned by the LA; can include LAs themselves, housing associations, independent organisations such as charities, and private sector bodies; • Government Offices of the Regions: represent Government Departments within a single organisation, working with regional partners including LAs, Regional Development Agencies and other organisations to deliver the Governments’ aims in a joined-up way. GORs play a key role in agreeing Local Area Agreements on behalf of Government with their LAs and monitoring delivery; • Directors of Adult Social Services: a new role to deliver LAs’ part in a new vision for adult social care
Taking forward Opportunity Age: Community Strategies Older People/ageing society a Shared Priority for local government and strategic partners: assessment on progress in the CPA from September 2005: • Audit Commission have consulted on agreed “Key Lines of Enquiry” (KLOEs) as a tool for assessing LA achievement on the Older People Shared Priority • LAs expected to set out specific plans for local older populations in Community Strategies (or separate plans if they prefer); • Must engage and involve local communities, so requires them to enter into proper dialogue with local older people through a variety of methods, ensuring they make contact with the hard to reach ones and those who are isolated for whatever reason; • Strategies must be prepared and implemented with full co-operation and engagement of the Local Strategic Partnerships; • Central Government will expect community strategies to address the objectives of Opportunity Age: - to improve quality of life of older people.
Local Area Agreements (LAAs) LAAs currently being piloted in 20 LA areas with another 40 to follow in June: • Simplify the many funding streams available and channel into (from June) four blocks of service delivery – one of which is health inequalities and older people; (Supporting People not currently included but councils can request its inclusion on exceptional basis); • Targets and outcomes negotiated between GORs, councils and partners, with freedom to decide how best to achieve them; • Join up public services with more flexibility for councils and delivery partners; • LAs and LSPs enabled to find local solutions to local problems; • A new Performance Framework to help secure delivery of outcomes that reflect both pressing national and local priorities, ensuring greater accountability to users and partners; • Starting point: better outcomes for all people.
Next steps • We are now consulting on indicators and local leadership: invited written comments by 28 July; run regional events on local leadership; national seminar on indicators (September). • Establish Cabinet sub-Committee and agree work programme from the strategy, asap • Establish Observatory. • Publish response to consultation in Autumn