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Photosynthesis Analogy

Photosynthesis Analogy. By Nicholas Ratterman 6H2O + 6CO2 ----------> C6H12O6+ 6O2. Menu. Light REACTIONS. Hydrogen Transport. Dark REACTIONS. Putting It all Together. Key. End Slide. Light Reactions. Water enters the leaf into the Thylakoids by traveling up the Xylem.

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Photosynthesis Analogy

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Presentation Transcript

  1. PhotosynthesisAnalogy By Nicholas Ratterman 6H2O + 6CO2 ----------> C6H12O6+ 6O2

  2. Menu Light REACTIONS Hydrogen Transport Dark REACTIONS Putting It all Together Key End Slide

  3. Light Reactions • Water enters the leaf into the Thylakoids by traveling up the Xylem. • Sun energy also enters the leaf into the Thylakoid

  4. Light Reactions (cont.) 2. The sun energy entering the leaf causes the electrons to rise towards a higher energy level creating ATP.

  5. Light Reactions (cont.) 2. Then the electron falls down using ATP to take the oxygen out of the water molecules.

  6. Light Reactions (cont.) 2. The Oxygen then leaves the leaf. But the Hydrogen stays there. Back to Main Menu

  7. Hydrogen Transport 1. The NAPD acting as a raft comes out of the stroma and comes to take the Hydrogen.

  8. Hydrogen Transport (cont.) 2. Then the NAPD with the hydrogen (NAPD2H) go back into the stroma.

  9. Hydrogen Transport (cont.) 3. The NAPD2H the separates and the hydrogen stays in the stroma and the NAPD goes back to pick up some more hydrogen. It does this in a continues cycle. Back to Main Menu

  10. Dark Reactions 1. CO2 enters the leaf and joins the H2

  11. Dark Reactions (cont.) 2. The H2 and the CO2 go into what is called the Calvin Cycle. It is sort of like the spin cycle in a washing machine.

  12. Dark Reactions (cont.) 3. The Calvin Cycle changes the hydrogen and CO2 into C6H12O6 ( Glucose). 4. The Glucose then leaves the leaf through the Phloem. Back to Main Menu

  13. Back to Main Menu Putting It all Together

  14. Key Xylem and water Stroma Sun NADP Sun Energy Electron NADP2H Water Molecule CO2 Oxygen Molecule

  15. Key (cont.) / Bibliography Goggle Images http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.biologycorner.com/resources/photosynthesis-overview.gif&imgrefurl=http://www.biologycorner.com/bio3/notes-photosynthesis1.html&h=384&w=550&sz=48&hl=en&start=1&tbnid=3RCva6QRnppJ8M:&tbnh=93&tbnw=133&prev=/images%3Fq%3DPhotosynthesis%26gbv%3D2%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DG CO2 and H2 combination Calvin Cycle Back to Main Menu Glucose

  16. The End Thanks to Mrs. Gibney Google Images To all the websites that the picture are from And to Asdjf[asfasjdf[asijdf[asdjfasijdfasijfasjfasijfiasafaoifiasoiajfiafoiafio

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