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Recycling considered harmful?. Yui-Wah (Clement) Lee leeyuiwah@gmail.com. A special seminar for World Oceans Day 2012. From the project “Journey to Midway” (3 mins 54 secs ). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ai3IKO_afqs. Location of Midway Atoll – 2000 miles from any other continents.
Recycling considered harmful? Yui-Wah (Clement) Leeleeyuiwah@gmail.com A special seminar for World Oceans Day 2012
From the project “Journey to Midway” (3 mins 54 secs) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ai3IKO_afqs
Location of Midway Atoll – 2000 miles from any other continents
Great Pacific Garbage Patch • The one in North Pacific: twice the size of Texas • Formed due to Gyre • Characterized by exceptionally high concentration of plastics, chemical sludge, and other marine debris
Captain Charles Moore: On the Sea of Plastic (00:07:23) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FrAShtolieg
But I have been doing my part and recycling my plastics, haven’t I?
Plastic: a few facts • Only 8 percents are recovered for recycling • The Resin Identification Coding System for plastic, was introduced by SPI, the plastics industry trade association. • “Contrary to common belief, just because a plastic product has the resin number in a triangle, which looks very similar to the recycling symbol, it does not mean it is collected for recycling.” -- US EPA • (Source: US Environmental Protection Agency [1])
#6 (PS or Polystyrene) – notoriously difficult to recycle I am now lobbying Facilities Management to encourage employees to bring their own mugs to cafeteria PS (Polystyrene) is notoriously difficult to recycle. Most places still do not accept it
How about #1 (PETE) ? • Said to be the most readily recyclable type of plastic
The story of bottled water (8 mins 3 secs) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Se12y9hSOM0
Water bottle recycling • Water bottles recycling rate: ~12-23% [1][2]
Try this on Chris Jordon’s website http://www.chrisjordan.com/gallery/rtn/#plastic-bags
60,000 plastic bags, the number used in the US every 5 seconds
Plastic bag recycling • Plastic bags recycling rate: ~6% [3] • 57% of US post-consumer plastic bags are actually exported [3]
Recycling considered harmful ? • “We have a recycling program” Look at the fine print! • Recycling is good only if the use of the product is necessary. • Recycling is bad when it is used as an excuse to justify the use of unnecessary products • Recycling is bad when it gives a false sense of security Reduce or Recycle ?
Plastic or Paper ? • That is a wrong question! • The answer should be “Neither of both” -- We can simply use reusable cloth bags or shopping baskets
But I use the grocery bags to line my trash bin,so they are not wasted, are they?! • 5-bag rule • In addition to carryout bags, there are still bread and produce bags • Consider using produce bags to line trash bins
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle + Rethinking • On top of the 3 R’s , I think another R is more important – Rethinking • Rethinking about the impact of our consumer habits
From the documentary “Bag It” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MRjPkl_4lmM
Back to Tap http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FjyLABrtmqA#!
Great Pacific Garbage Patch http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xsx3eTjdWgY