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Explore the importance and background of standardized Biodiesel Fuel in East Asia with policy relevance, objectives, background, and procedures discussed. Learn about the collaboration and purpose of this essential initiative from leading industry professionals.
Benchmarking of Biodiesel Fuel Standards in East Asia Shinichi Goto, Ph.D E-mail:goto.s@aist.go.jp Research Center for New Fuels and Vehicle Technology (NFV), National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) Namiki 1-2-1, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-8564, JAPAN DME Vehicle BDF Mini Bus Collab. Res. Center
Engine Test Facilities in AIST Fuel Spray Test Cell Vehicle Test Circuit Engine Test Cell Fuel and Exhaust Gas Test Equip.
Introduction of ERIAEnergy Project East Asia Summit Project: JETRO:JAPAN EXTERNAL TRADE ORGANIZATION =>ERIA: Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia • Working groups: • Analysis of Energy Saving Potential in East Asia (IEE: Institute of Energy Economics, Japan) • Sustainable Biomass Utilization Vision in East Asia (AIST) • Standardization of Biodiesel Fuel for Vehicle in East Asia (AIST)
Presentation Outline • Policy Relevance • Background • Objectives • Procedure • Members • Schedule • Standardization activity
Policy Relevance • The importance of biofuels has been recognized in the Cebu Declaration on East Asian Energy Security on 15 January2007, in which the standardization was encouraged for practical use. • In order to contribute to the promotion of biofuels in East Asian countries, Japan announced “Fueling Asia-Cooperation: Initiative for Clean Energy and Sustainable Growth”, which included the promotion of biomass energy. It was welcomed by all participating countries. • Energy Cooperation Task Force (ECTF) proposed launching a study on BDF standards to discuss the concrete measures. • The 1st EAS Energy Misters’ meeting(EMM1) was held in Singapore on 23 August 2007. The importance of BDF standards was mentioned in the joint statement. 2nd East Asia Summit Source : The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan
Background (1) • The Kyoto Protocol emphasized the concept of ‘carbon neutral’ - that vehicle emissions (CO2) are offset by using biofuels produced from plant materials absorbing CO2. The use of biofuels contributes to the prevention of global warming. • Asian countries are actively promotingthe introduction of biofuels due to soaring oil prices and increased energy consumption. The utilization of biofuels is also important from the viewpoint of energy security and alternative fuels. ISV Jatropha Coconut Palm Gb/a : Giga barrels of oil equivalent per annum Soybean Rapeseed
Background (2) • The low-quality biodiesel fuel (BDF) raises serious concerns regarding the effect on engine performance caused by fuel impurities and the oxidation. • It is anticipated that BDF standards will be established in each country to promote more distribution in the region. Mechanical defects caused by using BDF Injector (source : JAMA) Engine (source: JAMA) Fuel tank (source: Fuel Policy Subcommittee)
Objectives • Develop a common agreement for BDF standardization • Support the formulation of BDF standards in line with the conditions in each country • Facilitate the distribution of good-quality BDF and stabilize the economic infrastructure Introduction of BDF ‘No. 5 Eco Fuel Use Promotion Meeting’, Document 2-2, Ministry of the Environment
Procedure • Share the same recognition concerning the importance of ensuring BDF quality and the basic measurements for BDF standardization • Study the characteristics of BDF and current situation in each country, and gather the necessary information in order to formulate BDF standards • Focus on Japanese standards (BDF5%) as a typical example • Japan Automobile Manufactures Association and Petroleum Association of Japan agree to cooperate on this activity • Working Group • To agree common FAME standards • Research and Survey • FAME Database
Members (1) Host Country ・Japan Dr. Shinichi Goto, WG Leader Director, Research Center for New Fuels and Vehicle Technology (NFV), National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) Mr. Yasunori Takei, Representative of Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association (JAMA) Toyota Motor Corporation Dr. Takashi Hoshino, Representative of Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association (JAMA) Isuzu Motors Limited Prof. Koji Yamane University of Shiga Prefecture Mr. Akio Imai, Representative of Petroleum Association of Japan (PAJ) Showa Shell Sekiyu K.K. Dr. Mitsuharu Oguma Research Center for New Fuels and Vehicle Technology (NFV), National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
Members (2) Participating Countries ・Philippines Ms. Zenada Ygnacio Monsada Oil Industry Management Bureau, Department of Energy ・Singapore (to be confirmed) Dr. Rong Yan, Institute of Environmental Science and Engineering, Nanyang Technological University ・South Korea Dr. Young Jae Lee, Leader, Transportation Energy Research Center Korea Institute of Energy Research ・Thailand Ms. Peesamai Jenvanitpanjakul Deputy Governor (R&D), Thailand Institute of Scientific and Technological Research (TISTR) ・Vietnam Ms. Hoang Thi Tinh (to be confirmed) Vietnam Standards and Quality Center, Directorate for Standards and Quality (STAMEQ) ・Australia Dr. Lesley Dowling and Dr. Daniel Sheedy Fuel and Used Oil Policy Section, Department of Environment and Water Resources ・China Prof. Wugao Zhang Shanghai Jiao Tong University ・India Dr. O.S. Tyagi (to be confirmed) Indian Institute of Petroleum (IIP), Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR) ・Indonesia Dr. Tatang Hernas Soerawidjaja Chairman, Indonesian Biodiesel Forum/ Head, Center for Research on Natural Resource Utilization, Institut Teknologi Bandung ・Malaysia Mr. Harrison Lau Lik Nang, Research Officer, Engineering and Processing Research Div. Malaysia Palm Oil Board (MPOB) ・New Zealand Ms. Philippa Blunden Policy Analyst, Fuels & Crown Resources Group, Ministry of Economic Development *in alphabetical order
Schedule 2007 2008 Sep. Nov. Jul. Jan. Aug. 23, EAS Energy Ministers Mtg. (Singapore) EAS-related meetings Nov. 21, EAS (Singapore) Aug. 26, EAS Economic Ministers Mtg. (Philippines) Final report Interim report Interim report TENTATIVE WG 3rd Nov. 29-30 Japan WG 1st July 17-18 Japan WG 2nd Oct. 2-3 Thailand WG4th Feb. Australia(Tentative) ERIA Project Understanding on the importance of ensuring BDF quality Study on current situation in each country Proposal for common standards Summarize BDF standardization Report • Site tour of Kyoto • city BDF plant ・ Characteristics of BDF • The effect on vehicle • performance • Japanese quality • standards • The political climate • Represent current BDF Specification ・Final adjustment Proposal for common standards
Standardization activity (1) • Based on EN standard (EN14214) • ・ Cover a whole of negative factor in FAME • Consideration of various materials • ・ Coconut FAME : Viscosity and Flashpoint • ・ Soybean FAME : Iodine number • Oxidation stability • ・ Critical impact on metal tanks • ・ Metal tanks are popular for vehicles in Asia • ・ Oxidation stability of 10 hours prevented metal tank • corrosion in Japanese conformity test • Polyunsaturated FAME・ Mainly included in fish oil・ Risk of sludge formation ・ Measurement method hasn’t developed yet • ・ JASO* standard: “Not Detected” *JASO : Japan Automotive Standard Organization
Standardization activity(2) About harmonized specification (*) Equivalent to diesel oil (**) Meet diesel oil specification (***) Need data check and further discussion
Effects of Oxidation Stability on Fuel Tank Corrosion TEST: 2000hr TEST with 8hr (60℃)and 16hr (Normal Temp.) interval Test Fuel: Commercial diesel fuel blended 5%FAME Upper Lower Oxy. Stab of B100: 6 Hrs Test Fuel: Same FAME above with 400ppm of anti-oxidant (20ppm as B5) Lower Upper Oxy. Stab of B100: 10 Hrs Source:METI FAME conformity Test 14
Oxidation stability [h] 0 0.06 0.12 0.18 0.24 0.3 Cost of antioxidant [JPY/L] Influence of Antioxidant on PME Antioxidant : Buthyl Hydroxy Toluene
Upgrading of Oxidation Stability by Hydrogenation 1st Generation FAME (Fatty Acid Methyl Ester) Trans- esterification Hydrogenation HYD-FAME (Hydrogenated FAME) [AIST Technology] 2nd Generation BHD (Bio Hydro-fined Diesel) Hydro-fining Material Oil (Triglyceride) Reaction condition Nippon Oil : 6MPa, 240-320 degC. Neste Oil : 6MPa, 300-350 degC.
Properties of Bio Hydro-fined Diesel * 115℃,16Hours oxygen blowing Source : Nippon oil corporation (presentation at 2007 JSAE/SAE International Fuels and Lubricants Meeting)
Issues and Further steps • Issues and actions for ERIA Project ・ Oxidation stability: Need to show the evidence of necessity “10 Hr” • JAMA *and AIST check the data • ・ Polyunsaturated FAME: • Validation of “Not detected” • JAMA and AIST examine the validation • Proposal for common standards • ・ Fix all the specification values by the end of 2007 fiscal year if possible. • ・ To cooperate with APEC and ISO/TC28 • *:JAMA(Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association Inc.) Thank You
Diesel Oil Regulation in Japan Law on the Quality Control (Diesel oil) * Total concentration of Formic, Acetic and Propionic acid