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United States Coast Guard Auxiliary District 11SR Boat Crew Mentor Workshop

Approved training program for Coast Guard Auxiliary members to ensure safety, liability coverage, and proficiency in boat crew operations. Mentors guide trainees through learning process for successful qualification tasks.

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United States Coast Guard Auxiliary District 11SR Boat Crew Mentor Workshop

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  1. Department of Homeland SecurityUnited States Coast Guard AuxiliaryDISTRICT 11SR BOAT CREW MENTOR WORKSHOP Approved by CWO4 Richard Hutchison Operations Training Officer January 2012

  2. Authority… The Commandant of the Coast Guard is required to Train, Examine, and Qualify Auxiliary members before assigning them to duty (14 U.S.C. 831)

  3. Coast Guard Program The Coast Guard developed the Auxiliary Boat Crew Manual to train the Auxiliary The QE Program is administered by DIRAUX (Director of Auxiliary) to Examine Candidates The Operations Training Officer reviews the Qualifications of Auxiliarist prior to Certifying members for operations.

  4. Coast Guard Program This is necessary to ensure the safety of Auxiliary Members, as well as the safety of people who may be assisted by the Auxiliary Auxiliary Members are afforded protection against liability for property damage or loss, personal injury, disability or death and are protected against third-party lawsuits resulting from the performance of their duty

  5. Caution Auxiliarists must understand that orders do not guarantee liability coverage. The legal process bases coverage on a review of the course and scope of employment and specific facts involved. Orders are issued for the legal protection of the Auxiliarists assigned as coxswain and crew. Auxiliarists operating without orders or outside the scope of employment may not be entitled to Coast Guard benefits if there is loss or damage to an Auxiliary facility, a third party claim, or an injury or death of a passenger COMDTINST M16790.1

  6. Crew Prerequisites • After becoming a Basically Qualified (BQ) memberby completing a basic or core course (e.g., BS&S, S&S, ABC, etc.), • Complete ICS 100 & ICS 700 • Complete Team Coordination Training (TCT) • Acquire an ODU Uniform and Boots • Have an approved Personal Flotation Device (PFD) with attached Light, Whistle and Mirror

  7. Coxswain Prerequisites The Candidate must complete 28 Hours as a certified Crew Current in Team Coordination Training Complete and passed NAV-RULES Exam Complete ICS 200, ICS 800 & ICS 210 Be ready to demonstrate Leadership while performing the designated qualification tasks before a QE

  8. Steps to being a CG Auxiliary Boat Crew Member Be ready to fulfill the physical and mental requirements of being a boat crew member. Be ready to be part of a team. Acquire a copy of the Auxiliary Boat Crew Training Manual and Qualification Guide Sign-off sheets. BE ASSIGNED A MENTOR.

  9. Three Steps to Success In the Classroom and Underway Training the member acquires the knowledge and understanding necessary to succeed Thru practice with the Mentor the Candidate develops proficiency, confidence and experience to excel The QE Check-Ride provides the Candidate the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge and receive meaningful feedback on their performance

  10. Mentor Assignment The Flotilla Commander (FC) assigns mentors to trainees. The FC may delegate this responsibility to the Member Training Officer (FSO-MT) or the Operations Officer (FSO-OP). Do Not Assign a Mentor Who is too Busy to Fulfill their Obligations to the Candidate COMDTINST M16794.51A Chapter 3 B.2

  11. WHO CAN BE A MENTOR? A Qualification Examiner (QE), Coxswain, Boat Crew Member (only for a boat crew member), or a PWC Operator (only for a PWC Operator) AUXILIARY BOAT CREW TRAINING MANUAL COMDTINST M16794.51A

  12. Therefore, to be a mentor for a coxswain trainee, the mentor must be currently certified, or have been previously certified, as a coxswain. • A mentor for a boat crew member trainee must be currently or previously certified as either a coxswain or boat crew member. • A mentor for a PWC operator trainee must be currently or previously certified as a PWC operator

  13. The mentor must be currently or previously certified in the position for which tasks are to be taught and signed off. • "previously certified" means that the member's certification lapsed not more than two years prior to being assigned as the trainee's mentor. • Mentors do not need to be instructor (IT) qualified.

  14. To become a Mentor, candidates with the proper certifications must attend a Mentor Workshop. Qualification Examiners are the only Auxiliarist certified to teach a Mentor Workshop. They are usually scheduled and presented at a Division level.

  15. A candidate may be trained and signed off by more than one mentor.( Policy was established Jan. 2007) The Primary Mentor should be a member with the knowledge, skill and time to successfully fulfill their obligation

  16. MENTOR Definition A mentor guides each trainee through the learning process. The mentor helps the trainee learn the knowledge and skills required for each qualification task thru repetition and constant practice.” COMDTINST M16794.51A Chapter 3 B.1

  17. Mentor Responsibility The mentor works with Flotilla Commander, FSO-MT and FSO-OP and the Trainee to plan the training program and arranging for underway time on facilities, etc. Mentors should be able to put in the appropriate amount of time both in the Classroom and for additional On-the-Water Training to prepare the candidate for their meeting with the QE .

  18. The mentor helps the trainee identify references to study for each task, then works with the trainee reviewing and practicing each element When the trainee can consistently perform a task with confidence and without hesitation, Then and only then, the mentor should sign off on the task to verify satisfactory completion.

  19. Qualification Guides • The Boat Crew Qualification Guide, COMDTINST M16794 (series), has a separate volume for each boat crew position: • Volume I, Crew Member • Volume II, Coxswain • Volume III, PWC Operator • Each volume contains a series of qualification tasks. COMDTINST M16794.51A Chapter 3 C.1

  20. These tasks represent the minimum elements of skill and knowledge necessary to safely and effectively perform assigned duties aboard Auxiliary facilities. Tasks should be taught through repetition and constant practice with the guidance of the Mentor. COMDTINST M16794.51A Chapter 3 C.1

  21. JaneDoe 1171234 Trainee’s name and number, must be printed in ink on the top of each page in the book

  22. Jane Doe 1171234 Including ALL task pages

  23. Jane Doe 1171234 JE 5/5/06 JE Right 5/5/06 The Mentor must initial and date all completed tasks JE 5/5/06 JE 5/5/06 JE 5/6/06 JE 5/5/06 JE 5/6/06 JE 5/6/06 JE 5/5/06 JE 5/5/06 JE 5/5/06 JE 5/6/06 JE 5/6/06 JE 5/6/06

  24. Jane Doe 1171234 JE 5/5/06 Wrong JE 5/5/06 JE 5/6/06

  25. Jane Doe 1171234 Right JE JE JE JE JE JE Jack Edward 5/5/06

  26. Jane Doe 1171234 JE Wrong 5/5/06 Jack Edward

  27. Mentor Sign-Offs All pages, and all tasks on every page,must be signed-off by a mentor prior to a QE being assigned for the dockside oral exam and check ride. Tasks must be completed within 2 years of the first sign-off date. If a QE signs off as a Mentor then that QE cannot be the QE assigned for dockside exam and check ride.

  28. Waived Tasks There are NO Waved Tasks is D11s Candidates should be able to comfortably discuss the procedure to the QE on tasks that cannot be demonstrated in our Area of Operation (AOR) ie. Locks and Dams and the Lateral Markings in the Intra Coastal Waterway (ICW) (Check with your PE Officer for the tape for training purposes)

  29. The QE process… After you, the Mentor, has signed off all tasks in the Qualification Guide Book the candidate is ready for the final step in the qualification process: The Dockside Oral Examination and Check Ride by a Qualification Examiner(QE).

  30. As a mentor it is up to you to help the trainee understand the process for the completion of his/her certification. A QE is a certified Auxiliary coxswain, appointed by the DIRAUX, who is responsible for verifying that the trainee has completed, and can satisfactorily perform, the qualification tasks at the level expected by the Commandant.

  31. A Request for a QE must be submitted to the QE Coordinator at least two weeks prior to the patrol andan “Assignment to Duty”is Issued to a QE No QE Sign-offs can be conducted on a patrol if a QE Request is not on file with the QE Coordinator or the Operations Training Officer (OTO) and there is not proper Assignment to Duty for the QE QE Requests

  32. How to request a QE • Download the “Request for QE Form” off the D11 South WEB Site • Fill in the information and send it to” • Robert McKoy, QE Coordinator • ROBERTPMcKOY@AOL.COM • Fax 310 / 521-6189 • Cell 949 / 375-1814

  33. All Qualification Examinations will take place at a QE session. The trainee must complete a Dockside Oral Examination first, Coxswain candidates must pass the Nav/RulesandOperations Policyexams before the Dockside Oral Examination. TheUnderway Check Rideis done last. The QEmust sign off the oral exam before the check ride is undertaken.

  34. The Dockside Oral Exam may be completed up toeight (8) daysprior to the check ride. Beyond 8 days, the oral exam must be repeated. NO EXCEPTIONS! In the interest of time and for the benefit of the candidate, it is recommended that the oral exam be done within the week prior to the check ride. Brushing up with the trainee before the oral exam is an excellent idea.

  35. Once the candidate has successfully completed the oral and the check-ride, the QE will forward the paperwork to the Operations Training Officer (OTO) for Certification Once Certified the Candidate’s qualification and Certification will be entered in AUXDATA and the Patrol Order Management System (POMS). Only after being Listed will the Candidate be available for Assignment to Duty at their new level of qualification

  36. Every three years each boat crew member, coxswain, and PWC Operator must re-qualify before a QE. To maintain their currency (NAV-RULES Exams and Team Coordination Training (TCT) must be completed every five years before the anniversary date.) Its up to the individual member to keep track of their anniversary dates for recertification and qualification. Currency Maintenance

  37. The list of Mentors will be maintained on file with the OTO at the Director’s office (DIRAUX). Please be sure that you signed in on the Attendance Sheet passed around.

  38. Thank you for being Mentors! Your effort in training new boat crew members and coxswains is appreciated.

  39. A little history… • Before the Boat Crew program there was the: • Master, Tow Master and Crewman • In the early 80’s after a Congressional Inquiry the Auxiliary Boat Crew Training and Certification officially became a • “COAST GUARD PROGRAM” • An Auxiliary Boat Crew Manual was established why? • “Liability & Accountability”

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