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MUTCD Chapter 2 GUIDE SIGNS 2D – Conventional Roads 2E – Freeways & Expressways Jason Hyatt. GUIDE SIGNS CONVENTIONAL ROADS. CHAPTER. 2D. Guide signs that have standardized designs shall have sizes as shown in Table 2D-1.
MUTCD Chapter 2 GUIDE SIGNS 2D – Conventional Roads 2E – Freeways & Expressways Jason Hyatt
Guide signs that have standardized designs shall have sizes as shown in Table 2D-1
Can no longer use all upper-case letters for names of places, streets, and highways. Must be combination of lower-case letters with initial upper-case letter.
Guide signs should be limited to 3 lines of destinations, which include: • Place names • Route numbers • Street names • Cardinal directions
Guide signs should be limited to 3 lines of destinations, which include : • Place names • Route numbers • Street names • Cardinal directions • A distance message or action info can be provided in addition to the destinations • Exit # • “Next Right” • Directional arrows
Guide signs should be limited to 3 lines of destinations, which include : • Place names • Route numbers • Street names • Cardinal directions • A distance message or action info can be provided in addition to the destinations • Exit # • “Next Right” • Directional arrows
Arrows shall be positioned approximately over the center of the lane and point vertically downward. If this cannot be achieved, then don’t use arrows.
New information regarding use of curved-stem arrows for circular intersections. • Guidance on other variations of arrows.
On post-mounted signs the directional arrow may be placed below the legend if placing it to the side creates an unusually wide sign.
New Section. A lane designation auxiliary sign can be mounted below an advance route sign. • Can only be used for mandatory movement.
New Section. • This sign can only be used for mandatory lane movements. • Shall not be used for lanes with optional movements • Shall be green with destination on top and lane-use at bottom
Horizontal lines separating destinations with different directions NEW OLD
New Section. Provides Standards, Guidance, and Options regarding destination signs at circular intersections. • Shall not depict the number of lanes within, approaching, or exiting the roundabout.
Alternate background colors can be used if it is deemed necessary to assist drivers in determining jurisdictional authority for roads • Alternative background colors shall not be used for Advance Street Name signs • The only acceptable alternate colors are: • If used, the alternative background color should be used on all Street Name signs under the jurisdiction of a particular highway agency BLUE BROWN WHITE
On multi-lane conventional roads approaching an interchange, guide signs shall be provided to indicate direction of turn and lane to use for ramp access to each direction on the freeway or expressway
Action message suggestions on Advance Entrance Direction signs changed: • LEFT LANE • KEEP LEFT
New diagrammatic sign that can be used to depict the location of an entrance ramp that is in close proximity to an intervening intersection where signing only for the ramp might cause confusion
New Section • Signs with a common color or ID scheme that lead tourists to civic, cultural, visitor, and recreational destinations within a city • These signs shall be limited to conventional roads • Can have an information sign entering the city identifying the color codes of multiple routes • Cannot use standard red, orange, yellow, purple, or the fluorescent versions thereof, fluorescent yellow-green, or fluorescent pink to avoid confusion with higher-priority regulatory and warning signs
Not for primary destinations Incorrect arrow placement andorder of destinations Incorrect use of boundary sign (excessive info)
BONUS: No lines separating destinations by direction BONUS: No lines separating destinations by direction
337 CHAPTER CHAPTER 2E 2E Guide Signs Guide Signs Freeways Expressways
No more than 2 destinations on one sign • Avoid a city name and street name on same sign • Sign legends should not exceed three lines of copy, exclusive of the exit number and action or distance info
Standardized freeway and expressway guide signs shall have sizes as shown in Table 2E-1 • Option: Larger signs may be used
Words like: • Street • Boulevard • Avenue • should be abbreviated to expedite recognition of the sign legend
Use a hyphen instead of a solidus (slanted line), which should only be used for fractions CARS/TRUCKS CARS – TRUCKS
Symbol designs shall be unmistakably (previously “essentially”) like those shown in this Manual and in the Standard Highway Signs and Markings book
On post-mounted signs the directional arrow may be placed below the legend if placing it to the side creates an unusually wide sign.
Arrows shall be placed over the center of the lane to which it applies • Down arrows shall only be used for lanes restricted to one direction of travel • Cannot have multiple down arrows pointing to the same lane
New Section • Introduces the Arrow-per-Lane guide sign design • Arrow-per-Lane or Diagrammatic guide signs shall be used for all multi-lane exits at major interchanges with an option lane • Arrow-per-Lane and Diagrammatic guide signs shall not be used on freeways and expressways for any other type of exits or splits that do not have an option lane • Arrow-per-Lane should be considered for intermediate interchanges. Conventional guide signing can be used at minor interchanges if Arrow-per-Lane is not warranted
Diagrammatic guide signs have been shown to be less effective than conventional or overhead Arrow-per-Lane guide signs at conveying the destination/direction that each lane serves, regardless of whether dedicated or option lanes are present
Arrow-per-Lane guide signs shall be used on all new or reconstructed freeways and expressways
APL sign at the exit shall be located where the lanes begin to diverge from one another – NOT at the theoretical gore Not here! Here!
Option: • At existing, non-reconstructed locations, an existing structure at the theoretical gore can be used with Exit Direction and Pull Through signs in conjunction with APL advance signs
Option: • At existing, non-reconstructed locations, an existing structure at the theoretical gore can be used with Exit Direction and Pull Through signs in conjunction with APL advance signs • Cannot use APL at the gore in this situation
Option: • At existing, non-reconstructed locations, an existing structure at the theoretical gore can be used with Exit Direction and Pull Through signs in conjunction with APL advance signs • Cannot use APL at the gore in this situation • If being reconstructed, cannot use Exit Direction sign at the gore – must use standard APL signing sequence
For non-major multi-lane interchanges with an option lane, it may be suitable to use post-mounted guide signs.