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Topics in Python Graphics with Sound & Animation. Professor Frank J. Rinaldo Creation Core - office 401. Graphics Collision Detection. # Slippery Pizza Program from livewires import games import random games.init(screen_width = 640, screen_height = 480, fps = 50) class Pan(games.Sprite):
Topics in PythonGraphics with Sound & Animation Professor Frank J. Rinaldo Creation Core - office 401
GraphicsCollision Detection # Slippery Pizza Program from livewires import games import random games.init(screen_width = 640, screen_height = 480, fps = 50) class Pan(games.Sprite): “”” A pan controlled by the mouse “”” def update(self): self.x = games.mouse.x self.y = games.mouse.y self.check_collider def check_collider(self): for pizza in self.overlapping_sprites: pizza.handle_collide()
Slippery Pizza class Pizza(games.Sprite): “” A slippery pizza “”” def handle_collide(self): self.x = random.randrange(games.screen.width) self.y = random.randrange(games.screen.heigth) def main(): wall_image = games.load_image(“wall/jpg”, transparent = False) games.screen.background = wall_image pizza_image = games.load_image(“pizza.bmp”) pizza_x = random.randrange(games.screen.width) pizza_y = random.randrange(games.screen.height) the_pizza = Pizza(image = pizza_image, x = pizza_x, y = pizza_y) games.screen.add(the_pizza)
Slippery Pizza continued pan_image = games.load_image(“pan.bmp”) the_pan = Pan(image = pan_image, x = games.mouse.x, y = games.mouse.y) games.screen.add(the_pan) games.mouse.is_visiable = False games.screen.event_grab = True games.screen.mainloop() # Kick it off main()
Pizza Panic # Pizza Panic from livewires import games import random games.init(screen_width = 640, screen_height = 480, fps = 50) class Pan(games.Sprite): “” A pan controlled by player “”” image = game.load_image(“pan.bmp”) def __init__(self, y = 450): super(Pan, self).__init__(image = Pan.image, x = games.mouse.x, y = y) self.score = game.Text(value = 0, size = 25, color = coloc.black, x = 575, y = 20) game.screen.add(self.score) def update(self): self.x = game.mouse.x if self.left < 0: self.left = 0 if self.right > games.screen.width: self.right = game.screen.width self.check_catch()
Pizza Paniccontinued def check_catch(self): for pizza in self.overlapping_sprites: self.score.value += 10 pizza.handle_caught() class Pizza(game.Sprite): “”” A pizza which falls to the ground “”” image = game.load.images(“pizza.bmp”) speed = 1 def __init__(self, x, y = 90): super(Pizza, self).__init__(image = Pizza.image, x = x, y = y, dy = Pizza.speed) def update(self): if self.bottom > games.screen.height: self.end_game() self.destroy() def handle_caught(self): self.destroy()
Pizza Paniccontinued def end_game(self): end_message = games.Message(value = “Game Over”, size = 90, color = color.red, x = games.screen.width/2, x = games.screen.height/2, life_time = 5 * games.screen.fps, after_death = games.screen.quit) game.screen.add(end_message) class Chef(games.Sprite): “”” A chef which moves left & right “”” image = game.load_image(“chef.bmp”) def __init__(self, y = 55, speed = 2, odds_change = 200): super(Chef, self).__init__(image = Chef.image, x = games.screen.width / 2, y = y, dx = speed) self.odds_change = odds_change self.time_til_drop = 0
Pizza Paniccontinued def update(self): if self.left < 0 or self.right > games.screen.width: self.dx = -self.dx elif random.randrange(self.odds_change) == 0: self.dx = -self.dx def check_drop(self): if self.time_til_drop > 0: self.time_til_drop -= 1 else: new_pizza = Pizza(x = self.x) games.screen.add(new_pizza) self.time_til_drop = int(65 / Pizza.speed)
Pizza Paniccontinued def main(): wall_image = games.loadimage(“wall.jpg”, transparent = False) games.scren.background = wall_image the_chef = Chef() games.screen.add(the_chef) the_pan = Pan() games.screen.add(the_pan) games.mouse.is_visable = False games.screen.event_grab = True game.screen.mainloop() # start it up main()
Keyboard input # Read Keyboard from livewires import games games.niit(screen_width = 640, screen_height = 48-, fps = 50) class Ship(games.Sprite): “”” A moving ship “”” def update(self): if games.keyboard.is_pressed(games.K_w): self.y = -= 1 if games.keyboard.is_pressed(games.K_s): self.y = += 1 if games.keyboard.is_pressed(games.K_a): self.x = -= 1 if games.keyboard.is_pressed(games.K_d): self.x = += 1
Keyboard inputcontinued def main() nebula_image = games.load_image(“nebula.jpg”, transparent = False) games.screen.background = nebula_image ship_image = games.load_image(“ship.bmp”) the_ship = Ship(ship_image, x = games.screen.width/2, y = games.screen.height/2) games.screen.add(the_ship) games.screen.mainloop() # start game main()
Rotating a sprite # Rotate Sprite from livewires import games games.init(screen_width = 640, screen_height = 480, fps = 50) class Ship(games.Sprite): “”” A Rotating Ship “”” def update(self): if games.keyboard.is_pressed(games.K_RIGHT): self.angle += 1 if games.keyboard.is_pressed(games.K_LEFT): self.angle -= 1 if games.keyboard.is_pressed(games.K_1): self.angle = 0 if games.keyboard.is_pressed(games.K_2): self.angle = 90 if games.keyboard.is_pressed(games.K_3): self.angle = 180 if games.keyboard.is_pressed(games.K_4): self.angle = 270
Rotating a spritecontinued def main(): nebula_image = games.load_image(“nebula.jpg”, transparent = False) games.screen.background = nebula_image ship_image = games.load_image(“ship.bmp”) the_ship = Ship(ship_image, x = games.screen.width/2, y = games.screen.height/2) games.screen.add(the_ship) games.screen.mainloop() # Start the game main()
Animation • What is an ‘animation’? • How do we ‘see’ something move or change? • Answer: • Show multiple images sequentially • One after the other • So… the ‘appears’ to be change or movement!
Animating a sprite # Animating a Sprite from livewires import games games.init(screen_width = 640, screen_height = 480, fps = 50) nebula_image = games.load_image(“nebula.jpg”, transparent = False) games.screen.background = nebula_image explosion_files = [“explosion1.bmp”, “explosion2.bmp”, “explosion3.bmp”, “explosion4.bmp”, “explosion5.bmp”, “explosion6.bmp”, “explosion7.bmp”, “explosion8.bmp”, “explosion9.bmp”] explosion = games.Animation(images = explostion_files, x = games.screen.width/2, y = games.screen.height/2, n_repeats = 0, repeat_interval = 5) games.screen.add(explosion) games.screen.mainloop()
Sound & Music # Sound and Music from livewires import games game.init(screen_width = 640, screen_height = 480, fps = 50) # load a sound missile_sound = games.load_sound(“missile.wav”) # load some music games.music.load(“theme.mid”)
Sound & Musiccontinued # create a simple menu system choice = None while choice != “0”: print \ “”” Sound and Music 0 – Quit 1 – Play missile sound 2 – Loop missile sound 3 - Stop missile sound 4 – Play theme music 5 – Play theme music 6 - Stop theme music “”” choice = raw_imput(“Choice: “) print # exit if choice == 0: print “Good-bye”
Sound & Musiccontinued # play missile sound elif choice == “1”: missile_sound.play() print “Playing missile sound.” # loop missile sound elif choice == “2”: loop = int(raw_imput(“Loop how many extra times? (-1 = forever): “)) missile_sound.play(loop) print “Looping missile sound.” # stop missile sound elif choice == “3”: missile_sound.stop() print “Stopping missile sound.”
Sound & Musiccontinued #play theme music elif choice == “4”: games.music.play() print “Playing theme music.” # loop theme music elif choice == “5”: loop = int(raw_input(“Loop how many extra times? (-1 = forever): “)) games.music.play(loop) print “Looping theme music.” # stop theme music elif choice == “6”: games.music.stop() print “Stopping theme music.” # some unknown choice else: print “\nSorry, but”, choice, “isn’t a valid choice.” raw_input(“\n\nPress the enter key to exit.”)
Homework • Due week 14 • Write a Python Program: • See problem #1 on page 365 of textbook. • In other words, improve Pizza Panic by slowly increasing the difficulty as the game progresses! • Include: • Simple Specification Document • Simple Pseudocode • Python code • Demonstrate program in class