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2005 Key Performance Indicator Highlights

2005 Key Performance Indicator Highlights. 16 November 2005. In Summary ……. KPIs provide a counterbalance to the heavy focus on length of stay Definitions and collection processes have improved Trends show improvements in areas of Waiting List Management Sick Leave

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2005 Key Performance Indicator Highlights

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  1. 2005 Key Performance Indicator Highlights 16 November 2005

  2. In Summary …….. • KPIs provide a counterbalance to the heavy focus on length of stay • Definitions and collection processes have improved • Trends show improvements in areas of • Waiting List Management • Sick Leave • However, ‘less progress’ is being made in areas of • ED Indicators • Re-admissions to ICU, returns to Operating Theatre • Staff turnover • Next steps (lesson): Talk to leading organisations to learn their innovations

  3. What have we learnt from collecting Key Performance Data for 4 Years? • Emergency • Wait List • Patient Information Management • Clinical / Quality • Workforce • Financial

  4. Emergency Triage 1 Time to be Seen Triage 2 Time to be Seen Triage 3 Time to be Seen Triage 4 Time to be Seen Triage 5 Time to be Seen Time to Disposition – All ED Patients Time to Admission – Admitted ED Patients Median Time to Analgesia

  5. 113 Triage Category 3 – ED Time to be Seen Category 3 patients seen by a doctor within 30 minutes of presentation during the sample time period (August). Numerator: All category 3 patients during the sample time period, excluding those who "did not wait" to be seen Denominator: Benchmark:  % seen within 30 min is >/= 75% % seen within 30 min is >/= 60% but < 75% % seen within 30 min is < 60% No data supplied Source: ACEM - Aust Triage Scale

  6. 113 Triage Category 3 – Time to be Seen Percentage of patients seen in time specified (30min)(Benchmark 75%) Benchmark One Standard Deviation above the mean Mean One Standard Deviation below the mean

  7. 113 Triage Category 3 – Time to be Seen Percentage of patients seen in time specified (30min)(Benchmark 75%) All Hospitals compared to continuously participating Hospitals

  8. 113 Triage Category 3 – Time to be Seen - - Current Period: 3 Hospitals report meeting or exceeding the benchmark Vega, Cougar, Hawk_ANG

  9. 113 Triage Category 3 – ED Time to be Seen Hospitals have improved their individual results Vega

  10. 113 Triage Category 3 – ED Time to be Seen Hospitals have improved their individual results Centauri

  11. Waitlist Patients on Waitlist Cancelled BEFORE Admission Patients on Waitlist Cancelled AFTER Admission Patients on Operating Theatre List Cancelled by Hospital

  12. 211 Cancellation from Wait List BEFORE admission Number of elective Surgical patients on the Waitlist given a planned date (during the survey month) for surgery who had that date cancelled or changed by the hospital BEFORE their admission during the time period. This includes re-scheduling of patients to a later time. Numerator: Total number of elective surgical cases actually performed or cancelled (including reschedules) from the Waitlist during the month. Denominator: Benchmark:  Patients cancelled by hospital before admission </= 9.1% Patients cancelled by hospital before admission </=19.9% but > 9.1%   Patients cancelled by hospital before admission > 19.9% No data supplied  Source: HRT – Mean of 2002_2 and 2003_1 Values at 75th Percentile

  13. 211 Cancellation from Wait List before admission

  14. 211 Percentage of Patients cancelled from the Waitlist BEFORE Admission -- Current Period 13 Hospitals Met Benchmark. Orion Electra Altair Hawk Hawk_ANG Athene Tornado Regulus Demeter Panther Sirius Polaris Storm

  15. 211 Percentage of Patients cancelled from the Waitlist BEFORE Admission Hospitals have improved their individual results Panther

  16. 212 Cancellation from Wait List AFTER admission Number of elective Surgical patients on the Waitlist given a planned date (during the survey month) for surgery who had that date cancelled or changed by the hospital AFTER their admission during the time period. This includes re-scheduling of patients . Numerator: Total number of elective surgical cases actually performed or cancelled (including reschedules) from the Waitlist during the month. Denominator: Benchmark:  Patients cancelled by hospital after admission </= 2.0% Patients cancelled by hospital after admission </= 6.4% but > 2.0%   Patients cancelled by hospital after admission > 6.4% No data supplied  Source: HRT – Mean of 2002_2 and 2003_1 Values at 75th Percentile

  17. 212 Cancellation from Wait List AFTER admission

  18. 212 Percentage of Patients cancelled from the Waitlist AFTER Admission -- Current Period 9 Hospitals Met Benchmark. Centauri Falcon Thunder Hawk_MRH Sirius Storm Hawk_ANG Rigel Hera

  19. 211 Percentage of Patients cancelled from the Waitlist AFTER Admission Hospital with leading consistent results Centauri

  20. ICU Re-admission to ICU < 72hrs

  21. 311 Re-admission to ICU within 72 Hours Numerator: Total number of patients returning to ICU within 72 hours of release during the 6 month period (Jan-Jun or Jul-Dec) prior to the collection period. If a patient returns more than once, please count all returns. - Exclude neonates - Include cardiothoracic and neurosurgery - Note the level of the ICU - Include whatever the unit managed by the Intensivist Note. This measure intentionally does not take into account the reason for readmission to make it simpler for data collection purposes Denominator: Total admissions to ICU in the 6 month period (Jan-Jun or Jul-Dec) prior to the collection period. Benchmark:  % patients re-admitted to ICU </= 1.0% % patients re-admitted to ICU </= 2.3% and > 1.0%   % patients re-admitted to ICU > 2.3% No data supplied  Source: HRT – General Discussion

  22. 311 Readmission to ICU within 72 Hours

  23. 311 Readmission to ICU within 72 Hours -- Current Period Two Hospitals report 0% Readmission – Capella, Vega Hospitals meeting Benchmark: Capella Vega Hawk_MRH Orion Eagle

  24. 311 Readmission to ICU within 72 Hours -- Current Period Capella

  25. Hospitals have improved their individual results 311 Readmission to ICU within 72 Hours -- Current Period Dionysis

  26. Patient Information Management % Records Coded by 15th Month

  27. 472 Percent Records Coded by 15th of the Month Numerator: Number of prior discharges with manual coding completed by the 15th day of the collection period Number of records audited where the record's actual location is the same location as that indicated by the tracking system Denominator: Benchmark:  % Records coded by 15th of the Month >/= 99.5% % Records coded by 15th of the Month >/= 62.0% and < 99.5%   % Records coded by 15th of the Month < 62.0% No data supplied  Source: HRT – Set at Roundtable

  28. 472 Percent Records Coded by 15th of the Month

  29. 472 Percent Records Coded by 15th of the Month -- Current Period Seven Hospitals report 100% Coded – (Benchmark) Capella Aphrodite Achilles Hawk Achilles_DNG Hawk_ANG Vega

  30. 472 Percent Records Coded by 15th of the Month -- Current Period Achilles

  31. Clinical / Quality Re-Presentation to ED- After admission - After Attendance Remaining in >14 Days Returns to Operating Theatre INR > 5 Pressure Ulcers (ungraded) Occupancy

  32. 422 Percent Urgent Re-Presentation to ED by ED Patients Numerator: All Triage Category 1, 2 or 3 patients seen in Emergency within 24 hours of discharge from the Emergency Department. Note: Include re-presentation within 24 hours of patients who attended Emergency in any triage category and were not admitted. Denominator: All Emergency Presentations (all categories) during the sample period Benchmark:  % ED patients re-presenting to ED </= 0.5% % ED patients re-presenting to ED </= 1.9% and > 0.5%   % ED patients re-presenting to ED > 1.9% No data supplied  Source: HRT – Mean of 2002_2 and 2003_1 Values at 75th Percentile

  33. 422 Urgent Re-Presentation to ED by ED Patients

  34. 422 Urgent Re-Presentation to ED by ED Patients -- Current Period Three Hospitals reported results under the benchmark (Jason, Hawk, Demeter) with Jason reporting the lowest percentage

  35. 422 Urgent Re-Presentation to ED by ED Patients -- Current Period Jason

  36. 431 Percent Returns (Planned & Unplanned) to Operating Theatre The number of patients having a planned or unplanned return to the operating room during the same admission, during the collection period. If a patient returns more than once during the collection period please count all returns. Numerator: Denominator: Final number of patients on all Elective Operating Room lists in the month, including late additions and cancellations Benchmark:  % returns to Operating Theatre </= 1.2% % returns to Operating Theatre </= 3.2% and > 1.2%%   % returns to Operating Theatre > 3.2% No data supplied  Source: HRT – Mean of 2002_2 and 2003_1 Values at 75th Percentile

  37. 431 Percent Returns (Planned & Unplanned) to Operating Theatre

  38. 431 Percent Returns (Planned & Unplanned) to Operating Theatre -- Current Period Five Hospitals reported results under the benchmark with Tornado reporting the lowest percentage Tornado Apollo Storm Capella Aphrodite

  39. 431 Percent Returns (Planned & Unplanned) to Operating Theatre -- Current Period Tornado

  40. 423 Inpatients remaining longer than 14 Days This is a new indicator – hence no time period chart. Number of ACUTE patients remaining in hospital greater than 14 days during the sample period. Count each patient only once Numerator: All ACUTE inpatient discharges (excluding dialysis) during the sample period Denominator: Benchmark:  % inpatients remaining longer than 14 days </= 4.0% % inpatients remaining longer than 14 days </= 8.0% and > 4.0%   % inpatients remaining longer than 14 days > 8.0% No data supplied  Source: HRT – General Discussion

  41. 423 Inpatients remaining longer than 14 Days -- Current Period 10 Hospitals reported results under the benchmark with Regulus reporting the lowest percentage Regulus, Cougar, Fury, Hawk_ANG, Apollo, Hera, Asklepios, Achilles_DNG, Demeter, Electra

  42. 423 Inpatients remaining longer than 14 Days -- Current Period Regulus

  43. Workforce Sick Leave- Nursing - Other Turnover - Nursing - Other Lost Time Claims - Nursing - Other

  44. 511 Percentage Nursing Staff Sick Leave Total number of hours of sick leave claimed by all NURSING staff on the payroll during pay periods in the past half year prior to the collection period. Note: Include carer and family leave types Numerator: Total number of hours paid (not accrued) for all NURSING staff on the payroll during pay periods in the past half year prior to the collection period. Denominator: Benchmark:  % Nursing Staff sick leave </= 3.3% % Nursing Staff sick leave </= 4.4% and > 3.3%   % Nursing Staff sick leave > 4.4% No data supplied  Source: HRT – Mean of 2002_2 and 2003_1 Values at 75th Percentile

  45. 511 Percentage Nursing Staff Sick Leave

  46. 511 Percentage Nursing Staff Sick Leave -- Current Period 12 Hospitals reported results under the benchmark with Tornado reporting the lowest percentage Tornado, Altair, Asklepios, Centauri, Panther, Antares, Orion, Vulcan, Eagle, Athene, Rigel, Demeter

  47. 511 Percentage Nursing Staff Sick Leave -- Current Period Tornado

  48. 522 Percentage of Other Staff Resignations Total number of Other staff who ceased employment during pay periods in the past half year prior to the collection period, for any reason Numerator: Total number of Other staff on the payroll at the beginning of the sample time period. Please count individual people, not full-time-equivalents Denominator: Benchmark:  % Other Staff resignations </= 0.8% % Other Staff resignations </= 1.9% and > 0.8%   % Other Staff resignations > 1.9% No data supplied  Source: HRT – Mean of 2002_2 and 2003_1 Values at 75th Percentile

  49. 522 Percentage Other Staff Resignations

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