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PY18 BA Principal Initiatives Accomplishments. Business Affairs to Stanford Redwood City PY18. PY 18 Initiative.
Business Affairs to Stanford Redwood City PY18 • PY 18 Initiative • Support and Collaborate with LBRE and the SRWC Executive Committee, meeting input deadlines, to facilitate completion of the SRWC campus design, construction documents, and operations planning, enabling us to continue to attract and retain world-class staff at the new campus. [4th year of multi-year initiative] • Completed • Proposing PY19 Initiative for Change Management, Technical Fit up, Managed Print, Move & more will be 5th & final year
Business Affairs to Stanford Redwood City a) In coordination with BAHR, develop and deliver a Business Affairs “Managing Changes” training for all BA staff plus manager training; i) Draft a Management and Communications strategy leveraging University Human Resources plans and tools to be delivered over PY 2018 & 2019; and ii) Deliver 1-2 modules of the “Managing Changes” Staff & Manager in PY2018 COMMUNICATION: Developed Lunch & Learns & Planning and Preparing to be in SRWC leveraging the UHR Communications plans & materials & developing BA Specific information. Presenting to each Department. Focus group and TDP members have also been ask to drive discussions in their staff/work group meetings WORKSHOPS: As of end of April, we had delivered 6 Leading through Change workshops for managers and have 7 more in the pipeline. There are 4 sessions scheduled for individuals with many more to be scheduled. We also have staff in the SRWC Subject Matter Expert role facilitating the SRWC specific breakouts and discussions in the training.
Business Affairs to Stanford Redwood City – cont. b) Complete planning to prepare, equip and support Business Affairs employees for the transition to SRWC and for effective new ways of working including, remote work, open plan and AV use and etiquette, and use of new communication technologies. In addition, support the BA staff that will remain on the Palo Alto campus and the split location departments. Share learnings with other SRWC occupants: i) Create plans, roadmap, and timelines – September 2017; ii) Develop shared, x-functional plans and implementation rollouts. Fall/Winter 17/18; and iii) Continue to use the SRWC pilot space in 3160 for university and BA change management purposes, while also utilizing the workspace for BA facilities accommodations Fall/Winter 17/18 (All) Practice & Prep: Each Department has begun working in the areas of change needed (Operational, Technical & Cultural) Specific department efforts are highlighted in every Practicing & Preparing to be in SRWC presentation. More work needed in this area in PY2019. Every unit needs to create a working team dedicated to the specific needs of each department in their area – this has already happened in a few areas.
Business Affairs to Stanford Redwood City – cont. Practice & Prep: CRC has negotiated discounted pricing for headset options and cameras for AV meetings and open work plan distraction reduction. These are featured with the recommended Laptops and on the Jabber site. Many departments are testing these We provided a UIT PM to work with SRWC Advisory committee to create a SRWC project roadmap pulling together all the various activities for the SRWC campus project into a project plan. The new Campus Director has expanded on our initial work. Our contribution allowed both a communications plan and a campus project plan to be created UIT completed the Communications & Collaboration initiative which provided the following support of Redwood City: Jabber Pilot – return of handsets Enterprise version of SLACK Creation of a “tools to use” matrix for communication and electronic storage needs in process Obtained funding to enable 200 more conference rooms on the historic campus and to ensure the existing 100 are compatible with the AV Standards Zoom is becoming a standard. Zoom option added to nearly all meetings
Business Affairs to Stanford Redwood City – cont. Formalize a service that provides alternatives and tools for document management and archiving solutions that support remote work and a reduction of paper files. (By July 2017). Promote this service with UMG, SRWC Advisory team, UIT Service pages, departments, and through the Managing Changes trainings (b above). (all year) UIT Ditch Paper – Document Management Consulting https://uit.stanford.edu/service/documentmanagement Shared information through news letter, presentations, etc. Largest groups contracted to date: Hoover Institution, Risk Management, & Graduate School of Education. All need to take time in documenting/revamping their paper driven business processes and sorting out their existing physical paper.
Business Affairs to Stanford Redwood City – cont. Support definition and development of Business Center(s) Main Campus, SRWC, and possibly other Bay Area remote sites. Include Business Affairs as pilot participants in regional remote sites, if such are approved Business Center(s) Wrote & submitted joint white paper proposal with UHR Proposal & persistence led to the survey provided by LBRE to gage the wider interest in the space Helped further develop the specifications of a space on the historic campus Space identified. Awaiting Provost’s approval next month WeWork 1 year pilot in SJ managed by BAFF 75 Unique Business Affairs staff have participated over 3 rotations 261 University participation total to date (156 unique participants) Designed & collecting survey data to support case for additional sites Report out on early results to Executive Committee
Status Update on PY 2018 Priority Initiatives for Business Affairs UIT Presentation to Business Affairs Senior Staff, May 16 2018
IT SERVICE MANAGEMENT (16) COMMUNICATION AND COLLABORATION (5) IT FUNDING MODELS (17) INTEGRATED IDENTITY AND ACCESS MANAGEMENT (15) INFORMATION SECURITY (2) CLOUD ADOPTION (4) Implement a modern, scalable identity and access management solution. [2nd year of multi-year initiative] Facilitate adoption of cloud-based technologies that enable Stanford to be nimble, cost-efficient, secure and innovative with a variety of computing and collaboration needs. [new initiative] Implement ServiceNow to transform and unify service management for University IT and the broader campus community. [3rd year of multi-year initiative] We will provide security solutions such that we have no incidents attributable to a lack of best practices. [4th year of ongoing initiative] Partner with APEx to evolve our integrated collaboration and communication solution to include voice, video, and instant messaging in addition to email and calendar; and support robust solutions between Main Campus, Redwood City, and other remote sites. [2nd year of multi-year initiative] Assess and rationalize funding models (e.g., service center, General Funds, other chargeback model) for University IT communications and support services. [new initiative]
PY18 Business Affairs Initiatives Additional status notes: • MinSec Master Dashboard is attestation based, so ISO performed spot checking for accuracy • PAWs distributed, but not heavily utilized beyond Ring 0
3. Talent Development Initiative PY2017/2018 – Fully met In support of growing our internal talent, continue multi-year program for staff development that includes the three E’s: Exposure, Experience and Education. [5th year of multi-year initiative]1) Based on a positive and strong evaluation of the first year of the Rotation Program, create and deliver a proposal (to be delivered during the FY19 General Funds budget process) to expand beyond the two year pilot Completed2) Launch and evaluate the Top 3 pilot programs from the TDP’s brainstorming efforts: a) TDP Buddy System - Through the partnership with a buddy, participants will learn about and be exposed to another Business Affairs (BA) organization/department by spending a day with their buddy. Completed b) AVP Shadowing Program - Provide addition EXPOSURE to AVP level meetings by shadowing and debriefing a meeting with the AVP. Completed c) 3 & 2 Development Opportunities - Structure a few Talent Development Assignments so that the individual works 3 days in the development area while still working 2 days a week at their present job and thus providing Experiences for more of the TDPs. CompletedThe program will continue to include: i) Alignment with APEx initiatives; Completed ii) Review and update succession plans for AVPs and their direct reports; and Postponed iii) Evaluation and identification of Talent Development Participants to include clarification of the criteria for TDP participation; and Completed iv) Defining and refining of the vision and guiding principles of the program for clarity Completed
PY18 Business Affairs Initiatives Additional status notes: • Softphone was made broadly available December 2017 • It was service ready and launched in March 2018
6 – Enterprise Risk Management Continue to implement a more robust ERM program [2nd year of multi-year initiative] • Work with risk owners to document mitigation and monitoring actions and plans. Clarify management’s role in documenting and OCRO’s role in validating – Complete • Conduct integrated reviews of at least four enterprise risks to assess the effectiveness of mitigation and monitoring actions and plans – Complete • Conduct a minimum of three awareness sessions to senior leadership groups or functional units to promote consistent messaging regarding ERM’s purpose, process and value at Stanford – Complete • Provide support to Board Committees and staff for presentations on enterprise risks – Complete • Additional accomplishments • New Board member orientation • Cabinet ERM presentations • Two BA talent development participants rotated through the ERM program
Sponsored Research Expenditure Review and Certification System • 8. Complete implementation and rollout of new online quarterly expenditure certification system that also integrates payroll distribution certification. • UAT August 2017. On Time • Pilot deployment October 2017. On TimeCompleted in parallel with UAT. • Campus wide rollout December 2017. On TimeSystem launched December 4, 2017. During the first certification quarter, 6,885 individual PTAs were certified electronically. 80% of PI’s surveyed rated the system “very satisfied/satisfied”.
Clinical Trial Process Review • 9. Improve the business process and systems associated with clinical trial set-up, billing, and collections, in partnership with the School of Medicine. • Complete current state assessment and recommendations for improved business process and systems. Complete. Conducted interviews across 15 groups; documented process-flows; identified process gaps and pain points; validated current state based on data analysis. The team has moved forward with a d School adopted design approach on customer focused ideation. Several working sessions already held.
Clinical Trial Process Review • 9. Improve the business process and systems associated with clinical trial set-up, billing, and collections, in partnership with the School of Medicine. • Review the CRISP billing system to determine if the current system can be enhanced to address user needs, or if a new system is required. Complete. Identified and captured user needs, resulting in two system enhancement releases (December 2017 and March 2018). Also, focus group meetings with Spectrum, CCTO, and SoM determined a need for more robust training tools and ongoing support, resulting in a new user guide, a new look instructional video, an FAQ page along with on-site training and open labs. Ideation approach from previous slide will determine if CRISP can replace other SOM vendor solutions (Encore).
Business Affairs Initiatives – FMS[BA-10] Evolve and Consolidate Financial Planning & Reporting Financial Management Services Consolidate and update tools for financial management reporting, with the ultimate goal of moving financial reporting content to OBIEE (Analysis and BI Publisher).
Business Affairs Initiatives – FMS[BA-11] Authority Financial Management Services Update Delegations of Authority from Board of Trustees to the President, and from President to University Officers and other administrators:
Business Affairs Initiatives – FMS[BA-12] P2P Transformation: Purchasing Marketplace Financial Management Services Continue to roll out Amazon for Business with a focus on reducing the administrative burden for campus. Focus on increasing product selection and competitive pricing while providing functionality that delivers seamless compliance in real time
Business Affairs Initiatives – FMS(BA-13) P2P Transformation: Vendor Management Financial Management Services Continue development of a scalable Vendor Management Program (VMP) to help manage vendor performance, compliance and pricing:
Business Affairs Initiatives – FMS(BA-14) GFS Redesign Financial Management Services Redesign and modernize functionality for managing entry, approval and reporting of financial support for graduate students and postdoctoral scholars