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Español 4H Unidad 13: Gramática C pág. 398-399. UNINTENTIONAL EVENTS WITH “SE” + IOP. El Uso General. These are situations where the agent does not claim responsibility for something that happened (caer, olvidar, perder, quedar, romper, quemar…). Formula.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Español 4HUnidad 13: Gramática C pág. 398-399 UNINTENTIONAL EVENTS WITH “SE” + IOP

  2. El Uso General • These are situations where the agent does not claim responsibility for something that happened • (caer, olvidar, perder, quedar, romper, quemar…)

  3. Formula • (Clarifying phrase) +Se + indirect object pronoun + verb + subject • always begin with “se” (constant) • IDOP tells you who the action happened to • Verb is always Ud. or Uds. and agrees with how many things were involved (subject)

  4. Clarifying phrases • Are for emphasis • A mí • A ti • A él/ella/Ud. • A nosotros • A ellos/ellas/Uds.

  5. Combinaciones • Se + IOP • Se is constant in formula, IOP is variable and explains to whom the unintentional event happened. • Se me • Se te • Se le • Se nos • Se les

  6. Verboscomunes con el concepto • Caer = to drop • Quemar = to burn • Olvidar = to forget • Acabar = to run out • Quedar = to leave behind • Perder = to lose • Romper = to break • Descomponer = to break down/stop working

  7. Ejemplos • Se me olvidaron las llaves. • Iforgot the keys (unintentionally). • Se le cayó la torta. • Hedropped the cake (accidentally).

  8. Comparación • Ella rompió el vaso. (Active Construction) • She broke the glass. • Se le rompió el vaso. (“SE” construction) • She broke the glass (accidentally).

  9. Formas del verbousado • The verb used agrees with the subject (the thing or things) and will be singular (Ud.) or plural (Uds.) • Typically the preterite is used with this construction • Se me cayó el libro. • Se me cayeron los libros.

  10. Práctica • The tourist lost his passport. • I forgot my wallet. • You left your homework at home. • We dropped the plates. • Their car broke down.

  11. Respuestas • Al turista se le perdió el pasaporte. • Se me olvidó la cartera/billetera. • Se te quedó la tarea en casa. • Se nos cayeron los platos. • Se lesdescompuso el carro.

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