1. Well-Being Measures for Public Policy
Ed Diener
University of Illinois, and
Senior Scientist, The Gallup Organization
United Nations Development Program
October 8, 2008
2. Subjective Well-Being (SWB) Peoples evaluations of their lives in both thoughts and feelings. For example:
Life satisfaction
Marital, work, & health satisfaction
Pleasant emotions, e.g. Joy, affection, & trust
Low negative emotions, e.g., anger & depression
3. Overview Subjective well-being helps reveal the progress of societies quality of life
It provides useful new information to policy makers
-- with some policy examples
Also SWB directly benefits societies health, longevity, prosperity, and peace
Finally, I will answer objections
4. Gallup
World Poll
5. Culture and Well-Being
6. WHY SWB? Why not just measure income, education, and longevity the HDI?
7. Limitations of Existing Indicators, Including the HDI
What they do not measure
e.g., Trust
Air pollution
Gender equality
Job security
Green urban space
Crime etc.
8. Characteristics of Nations Missed by HDI?
9. SWB measures more than the HDI:Correlates of National Life Satisfaction
Income .82
Longevity .73
Political stability .52
Trust other people .48
Unemployment -.44
Time with family/friends .41
10. Example: Crime
Assault rate adds to the prediction of Life Satisfaction beyond the HDI
11. 2. HDI Has Low CeilingDifferentiation only for less developed nations
12. 3. Need ever-expanding lists of measures to capture all elements of quality of life
How to include them all?
How to weight them?
13. How large a list? Commuting time
Factory emissions
Support for science
Literary achevements
Support for the arts
Litter rates
Quality of roads
Building safety
Rape rates
Tertiary education
Education gender equality
Income equality
Unemployment rate
Inflation rate
Political corruption
Business corruption
Child abuse
Infant mortality
AIDS rates
School dropout rate
Juvenile delinquency
Free time
Youth sports participation
Recycling rates
Exercise rates
Consumption of junk foods
Consumption of animal protein
Locally grown produce
14. How to Weight? Health, education, equality, crime, pollution all weighted the same?
Example: U.S.A. Cities
333 cities many can be rated first OR last, depending on weighting of indicators!
15. 4. Whose List to Use? Amartye Sen; Martha Nussbaum?
U.S. experts (elites)
U.S. example: The fine arts versus roller-derby
SWB measures are democratic -- from the people -- what they value and weight
16. SWB Weights and Integrates The Things About Which People Care, the Optimal Weights, and The Direction of Influence!
17. 5. Also measurement problems with economic and other measures Subjectivity in contents GDP
Missed black & grey markets, & bartering
Unreliable in poor nations
How to integrate different approaches to measuring GNP
18. 6. Other Measures Miss Something Very Important!
HDI Robots educated, long-living with money
Dont we want more than orderly worker-bees?
Dont we also want people leading meaningful and rewarding lives?
19. Why SWB ? It is peoples evaluations of their lives surely we want these to be positive! Democratic!
People rate it as very important, even the most important. They want it!
Well-being is a core component of mental health, and mental illness likely largest cause of illness-related misery in the 21st century
Behavioral benefits of well-being
20. Importance Ratings (1-9) Happiness Wealth Health
(28 nations) 8.0 6.8 7.9
Chile 8.6 6.9 8.1
Singapore 8.4 7.1 8.0
Egypt 8.1 7.6 8.0
USA 8.1 6.7 7.6
Japan 7.4 6.6 7.8
21. Disease Burden Misery burden from mental illnesses likely to be largest by 2020, yet missed by longevity statistics
Autism, Schizophrenia, bipolar disorder
This burden reflected by SWB indicators
22. BUT
Is happiness good?
Is it functional?
24. The Error of Flaubert
To be stupid, selfish, and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost.
Gustave Flaubert
25. Our Research Shows that Happiness is BeneficialFlaubert 180 degrees off
26. Social Benefits of Being Happy More friends
Better and longer marriages
Social capital: Trust
27. Work Benefits Higher supervisor ratings at work
Better organizational citizens
Higher incomes
28. Societal Benefits Volunteering
Pro-peace attitudes
29. Health Benefits of SWB 1. Illness
Immune, cardiovascular, etc.
2. Longevity
30. Longevity: The Nun Study Danner, Snowden, & Friesen, U Kentucky 1. Nuns autobiographies at age 22
Expression of positive emotions
2. Happy and less happy nuns living in same life circumstances through lifespan
How long do they live?
32. Psychologists
Happy live about 6 years longer
33. Predicting National Mean Life Expectancy Corr. Beta r B
GDP/Capita .66 .12
Health Expenditures .47 .01
Life Satisfaction .76 .65
34. Predicting National Life Expectancy
When control GDP and Health Expenditures first:
SWB Affect and Life Satisfaction add
16% more variance in predicting longevity!
35. In sum: National Accounts of Well-Being People believe well-being is important
It leads to several desirable outcomes
It helps with social capital
We ought to be measuring it!
36. Policy Examples Economics
Air pollution
37. Slow & Incomplete Adaptation to Unemployment (Mostly Re-Employed, and Controlling for Income)
38. The Environment: Commuting
Life Satisfaction is consistently lower for those who have long commutes
Rising commute time resulting in higher incomes does not raise LS
39. The Environment: Smokestack Emissions Life satisfaction
Quasi-experimental study
in Germany
40. Objections 1. Cant measure happiness validly
-- must look at behavior
2. People adapt to their conditions
3. Happy pigs and happy mafia
4. Happiness is an individual affair; we dont want paternalism
41. Measurement Objectivity?
SWB measures have
proven validity
42. The: Would you move?Diener Measure of ValidityLife Evaluation LadderIdeal to Worst (10 to 0)
Denmark 8.0
Finland 7.7
Switzerland 7.5
Netherlands 7.5
Spain 7.2
Ireland 7.1
Togo 3.2
Cambodia 3.6
Sierra Leone 3.6
Georgia 3.7
Zimbabwe 3.8
West Bank 4.7
43. Measurement Validity:SWB Measures Correlate With:
Suicide (individual and national)
Physiological (brain, hormones, immune)
Informant reports (family and friends)
Interview ratings
Reaction-time to stimuli tasks
44. Surveys in Economics Survey measures used in GNP
Subjective decisions about how to sum those numbers
Subjective reports do have issues, yes, but no more than counting
Examples: Education, Unemployment, Eastern bloc
45. Objection 2: Adaptation:Life Satisfaction & Disability
People adapt to bad and
good conditions
The Happy Poor
Happy Slaves?
46. Adaptation?
47. 3. Happy Mafia & Pigs? Bad people, dumb people, etc. can be happy
Yes, and they can be: Rich
Long-lived too
Happiness is NOT the only value; other things matter too
48. Other Values More Important?
For example: capabilities & functionings
Maybe, but so what?
This does not mean SWB is
not also very important!
49. 4. Paternalism CLAIM
Happiness is an individual affair, not the business of governments
50. Paternalism?
51. Conclusions SWB can simultaneously reflect many desirable aspects of life
In addition, it is valuable for nations; it helps functioning!
It can be validly measured
It can add information for policy and individual decisions beyond existing measures
52. Using SWB Measures OECD
Stats Canada
C.D.C. in USA
53. The Gallup Organization would give the U.N. data for two (more?) years:
Ladder for 140+ nations
Positive emotions of nations
Negative emotions (e.g., depression) of nations
54. References
Well-being for public policy
Diener, Lucas, Schimmack, & Helliwell (2009), Oxford U Press
Beyond money: Toward an economy of well-being
Psychological Science in the Public Interest
Diener and Seligman, 2004
55. The most authoritative
and informative book
about happiness ever ^
56. Thank You!
59. Societal Policies?Pleasant EmotionsEnjoyment etc. Highest Lowest
New Zealand 88 % Georgia 43 %
Ireland 88 % Pakistan 48 %
Netherlands 87 % Armenia 49 %
Costa Rica 87 % Palestine 50 %
UK 86 % Sierra L. 51 %
60. OECD Nations Affect Balance (PA NA) Women Men
Ireland .69 .66
New Zealand .65 .66
Sweden .65 .61
Netherlands .62 .63
Canada .62 .61
Denmark .61 .61
Australia .61 .61
Austria .61 .60
Mexico .60 .62
Norway .60 .58
Switzerland .58 .57
U.S.A. .56 .61
U.K. .56 .54
Finland .53 .52
Women Men
Japan .53 .43
Germany .52 .56
Belgium .51 .57
France .50 .51
Poland .50 .50
Spain .48 .58
Czech Rep. .48 .50
S. Korea .44 .35
Italy .42 .42
Hungary .41 .48
Slovak Rep. .41 .39
Greece .31 .42
Portugal .30 .44
Turkey .17 .20
61. More on Diminishing Returns:
62. 15 Highest on Ladder
Denmark 8.0
Finland 7.7
Switzerland 7.5
Netherlands 7.5
Canada 7.4
Norway 7.4
Sweden 7.4
Australia 7.4
New Zealand 7.3
Belgium 7.3
United States 7.2
Israel 7.2
Venezuela 7.2
Spain 7.2
Ireland 7.1
63. Lowest Life Ladder
Benin 3.3
Cambodia 3.6
Sierra Leone 3.6
Tanzania 3.7
Georgia 3.7
Uganda 3.7
Niger 3.7
Ethiopia 3.8
Burkina Faso 3.8
Zimbabwe 3.8
Cameroon 3.9
Madagascar 4.0
Kenya 4.0
Mali 4.0
65. Proposal for National Indicators of Well-Being and International Indicators
Long overdue
Resistance based on outmoded philosophy & data
Ignorance of newest findings
66. Health Research Funding Disease burden computations:
Life Years and
Use SWB instead of Willingness-to-pay
Paul Dolan, UK health economist
67. 4. Optimal Amount?Can there be too much or too little? Examples:
Divorce rate
Percent in science & engineering
Tertiary education for all
68. Example: Divorce Rate Is 0 percent good?
No freedom
Is 55 percent better?
Unstable relationships & childrearing
Optimum level
Reflected in well-being