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The Renaissance in Italy

The Renaissance in Italy. Features of the Renaissance. What does the word mean? Secular and scientific values (spirit of adventure) Still very Christian in attitude Transition from: Medieval to modern world religious control to lay control Fragmented to unified

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The Renaissance in Italy

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  1. The Renaissance in Italy

  2. Features of the Renaissance • What does the word mean? • Secular and scientific values (spirit of adventure) • Still very Christian in attitude • Transition from: • Medieval to modern world • religious control to lay control • Fragmented to unified • New attitudes towards learning • Focus on HUMAN experience in the here and now

  3. Humanism • Defn: To celebrate the dignity of mankind. The study of Latin and Greek classics and of Church fathers for their own sake. Education for its own sake, to aid the individual, not to come to a closer understanding of God • Francesco Petrarch: Letters to the Ancient Dead (The father of Italian humanism)

  4. The Growth of the Italian City State • Trade with east = powerful city states • Venice, Milan, Florence, Naples • Wealth led to Patron families to support education and the arts • Ex: Florence: The Medici’s

  5. A new secular spirit • Material instead of eternal world • Pope Julius II tore down the old St. Peters basilica (Michelangelo the dome) • Machiavelli The Prince: No need to be guided by a pre-determined code of behavior • Safer to be feared than loved • “Ruthless political expediency” (ends justify means)

  6. New Techniques and skills • Oil paints • Chiaroscuro (light and shade) • Linear perspective • Frescoes • Realism / Detail

  7. Important Renaissance Artists • Michelangelo : Pieta, David, Sistine Chapel • Leonardo DaVinci: Mona Lisa, inventor, dissection of corpses • Raphael: Madonna's, School of Athens • Botticelli: The Birth of Venus, Adoration of the Magi • Brunelleschi: The Cathedral of Florence, Linear perspective

  8. Art Form Characteristics Renaissance Artwork Medieval Artwork Religious subject matter Important figures are shown as larger than others around them Figures look stiff with little sense of movement Fully clothed Faces were serious and showed little emotion. Flat and two-dimensional Backgrounds were one color. • Realism and Expression • Perspective • Classicism • Emphasis on Individualism • Geometrical Arrangement of Figures • Light & Shadowing/Softening Edges • Artists as Personalities/Celebrities

  9. The Vocation of Peter and Andrew (Duccio)

  10. The Birth of VenusBotticelli

  11. Mona Lisa and anatomy sketchesLeonardo DaVinci

  12. The Pieta and Moses at the tomb of Pope Julius II

  13. Michaelangelo, The David

  14. Creation (Mike, Sistene Chapel)

  15. The School of Athens (Raphael)

  16. The Northern Renaissance • Differences: Deeply concerned with religion (groundwork for reformation) • Called for a return to an earlier simple Christian faith • Northern Artists: work on a smaller scale more landscapes etc…

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