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Academy Funding in 2014/15. This presentation will cover: context changes from 2013/14 exceptions and exclusions overview of high needs timetable further information. The context. The overall architecture is the same Refinements. Journey from complex to simple. Before 2013. 2013/14.
Academy Funding in 2014/15 This presentation will cover: context changes from 2013/14 exceptions and exclusions overview of high needs timetable further information
The context • The overall architecture is the same • Refinements
Journey from complex to simple Before 2013 2013/14 2014/15
Refinements and improvements • Changes to some existing factors • A new requirement on the amount of funding to be pupil-led • Changes to the lump sum • Introduction of a new sparsity factor • A new ‘falling rolls’ fund introduced • Changes to the Schools Forum regulations
Changes to pupil-led funding: Local authorities must ensure that at least 80% of delegated funding is distributed by pupil-led factors
Changes to the lump sum 2013/14 2014/15 • Option to have different lump sums for primary and secondary • Lump sum capped at £175,000 per school • Amalgamating schools receive 85% of the combined total for the next full year • LA Pro forma includes sparsity calculation
The new sparsity factor - Funding • Aimed at supporting necessary small schools • £100k maximum allowable for a sparse school • Flat rate or tapered amount, relative to the size of the school
Next nearest school Sparse Primary Academy has 100 pupils 5 miles 4 miles Average miles to the next nearest school = 2.38 miles 3 miles Sparse Primary Academy 2 miles 1 mile 1 mile KEY Distance to Sparse Primary Academy Distance to 2nd nearest school 1 mile 2 miles Next nearest school
Sparsity factor calculations Average miles: 19 miles/8 pupils = 2.38 miles
Falling rolls fund • Fund in advance of a temporary dip in population • Only for good or outstanding schools / academies • Schools Forum to agree the criteria and be consulted on allocations • Needs to relate to local place planning
Changes to Schools Forum regulations • One member from an institution providing education to 16-19 year olds required • Requirement to have representation from a 14-19 partnership removed
Exceptions and exclusions examples • Carry forward of approval on exceptional premises factors • No carry forward of approval for exclusions from the MFG • Changes to pupil numbers as a result of reorganisation or age-range change • Sparsity calculation, if the ‘crow flies’ measure produces perverse results
Pupils with special educational needs (SEN) • Now mandatory that local authorities delegate sufficient funding to allow schools to meet the costs of additional SEN support up to £6k • Criteria for extra targeted funding to be decided in advance and described on pro forma • More detail in the separate High Needs presentation
Pre-16 high needs funding Pre 16 SEN and AP Specialist Setting Mainstream Setting Element 1: core education funding Place Led Mainstream per pupil funding (basic entitlement) Base funding of £10,000 for SEN and £8,000 for AP placements. Base funding is provided on the basis of planned places Element 2: additional support funding Contribution of £6,000 to additional support required by a pupil Element 3: top-up funding Pupil Led ‘Top up’ funding from the local authority responsible for the pupil (or it could be a school in the case of AP) to meet the additional costs of meeting the needs of each pupil or student placed in the institution
Growth revenue • Pupil numbers decreasing • Lagged funding (Census based) • Estimates (Pupil Number Adjustment) • Falling rolls fund • Pupil numbers increasing • Popularity • Basic need • Small and/or rapidly growing institutions • LA wide re-organisation • Exceptional circumstances
Inputs: your funding calculation LA pro forma Allocation The accuracy of your allocation depends on the data on which it’s based. Census Estimates
Further information • Funding guidance available on the DfE website and Resources tab of the Live Group portal • Queries and applications to disapply the regulations should be sent to ReformTeam.funding@education.gsi.gov.uk • Recoupment guidance for 2013-14 can be found here • Academy enquiries can be addressed to academyquestions@efa.education.gov.uk • Responses on the Feedback tab of the Live Group portal
Other online events Presentations: • Post-16 funding • High Needs for academies • High Needs for Local Authorities Webinars: • High Needs for academies • High Needs for Local Authorities • Funding for Free Schools, University Technical Colleges and Studio Schools