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Network Layer Support for Overlay Network

Network Layer Support for Overlay Network. John Jannotti MIT EECS Ph.D Thesis. MIT LCS Parallel and Distributed Operating Systems Group. Aug. 2002. Author. Postdoctoral Scholar Publish

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Network Layer Support for Overlay Network

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  1. Network Layer Support for Overlay Network John Jannotti MIT EECS Ph.D Thesis MIT LCS Parallel and Distributed Operating Systems Group Aug. 2002

  2. Author • Postdoctoral Scholar Publish • John Jannotti, David K. Gifford, Kirk L. Johnson, M. Frans Kaashoek, James O'Toole Jr.: Overcast: Reliable Multicasting with an Overlay Network. OSDI 2000 • Eddie Kohler, Robert Morris, Benjie Chen, John Jannotti, M. Frans Kaashoek: The click modular router. TOCS 2000 • Jinyang Li, John Jannotti, Douglas S. J. De Couto, David R. Karger, Robert Morris: A scalable location service for geographic ad hoc routing. MOBICOM 2000

  3. Outline • Problem • Packet Reflection • Path Painting

  4. Problem • Stress : The number of times that a semantically identical packet traverses a given link • Stretch : The ratio of latency in an overlay network.

  5. Problem E2 receives packets only after they have traversed eight links, rather than the four of a direct unicast

  6. Packet Reflection

  7. Packet Reflection (cont.)

  8. Packet Reflection (cont.)

  9. Packet Reflection (cont.) • Handshake mechanism • ASK • Offer • Demand

  10. Fig. 1 Packet Reflection (cont.) • ASK • Initiate the request. • It contains a list of copies that the requester would like made on its behalf

  11. Fig. 2 Packet Reflection (cont.) • OFFER • OFFER lists the subset of copies from the ASK that the router is willing to service • Nonce • Cryptographically generated integer

  12. Fig. 3 Packet Reflection (cont.) • DEMAND • A DEMAND contains the nonce of the OFFER. • It will also contain the same copy info as the OFFER.

  13. Packet Reflection (cont.) ASK

  14. Packet Reflection (cont.) Offer + Nonce

  15. Packet Reflection (cont.) Demand + Nonce

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