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Comments on Social Media Issues

Comments on Social Media Issues. Application of Immunities? PII Treatment of 3 rd Party IP License to use? 3 rd party Indemnification Personal Release Reliance on Terms and Conditions of Use Limit L iability through T&CU ? Warranties re Use of Site Materials Limitation of Liability

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Comments on Social Media Issues

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Comments on Social Media Issues Application of Immunities? PII Treatment of 3rdParty IP License to use? 3rd party Indemnification Personal Release Reliance on Terms and Conditions of Use Limit Liability through T&CU? Warranties re Use of Site Materials Limitation of Liability User Behaviour Are T&CU enforceable as contract of adhesion? Securities disclaimer

  2. New gTLD “.IBRD” “.BIRD” ~ 24 gTLDs - .com, .net., .org Jan 12, 2012 application window opens / Guidebook “.worldbank” ? $285,000 / domain Cost/Benefit : Is “extra” security or improved “brand” worth it? (x multiple languages x multiple scripts) + 10 year contract ($20,000 min/year) + admin cost

  3. WGC to approve strategy Interdisciplinary team formed – LEG, EXT, IMT Adopt “Defensive Strategy” Guidebook provides for “Early Warning” through GAC “Legal Rights”

  4. Defensive Strategy requires “Nettoyage” Of Tradenames and Trademarks Vigilance with Cyber-squatters and typo-squatters ~155 cybersquatted domains

  5. Second-Level Domains “world.bank” “.bank”

  6. “worldbank.net” • Domain identical or confusingly similar to a trademark or service mark; and • Respondent has no legitimate interests in respect of the domain name; and • the domain name was registered and is being used in bad faith “The disputed domain name <worldbank.net> is the same as the Complainant’s trademark except for the absence of a space between the two words and the addition of the gTLD ".net". The absence of spaces between words is common and to be expected in domain names, and does not reduce confusion between them and valid trade or service marks.” “world.bank” ???

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