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Searching with EBSCO Discovery

Searching with EBSCO Discovery. Northern New Mexico College Library *Notations on screenshots in red. Logging In. To log into the EBSCO Discovery service, you may follow the links on the Library’s home page ( http://library.nnmc.edu ) . Logging In (cont’d).

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Searching with EBSCO Discovery

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  1. Searching with EBSCO Discovery Northern New Mexico College Library *Notations on screenshots in red

  2. Logging In • To log into the EBSCO Discovery service, you may follow the links on the Library’s home page (http://library.nnmc.edu)

  3. Logging In (cont’d) • You may also log in by going to our Database section of the Library site (http://library.nnmc.edu/page/databases) and using any of the links or search bar on that page.

  4. Logging In (cont’d) • Clicking any of the links to the EBSCO Discovery pages will first take you to a login page for our proxy server (see below). This is called “authentication” and lets databases know that you have the necessary credentials to access subscription content. • Your username is your 9-digit Banner ID (include leading 0’s), and your password is your last name. • If you have issues logging in, please contact the library so that we can make sure you are using the correct login and are in our user database.

  5. EBSCO Discovery Homepage • Once you have logged in to our proxy server, you will be taken to the Discovery homepage, which looks like this:

  6. EBSCO Discovery Homepage (cont’d) • If you chose to expand the Search Options, then your options expand to look like this: • You will have opportunities to make these selections on the results page side menus as well.

  7. EBSCO Discovery Homepage & Results Page • If you used the search bar on the library’s website, once you have authenticated with our proxy server you will be taken directly to your search results. Example search for “Artemis”:

  8. EBSCO Discovery Results Page (cont’d) • If you scroll further down a results page, you will see more side menus on the left.

  9. EBSCO Discovery Top Bar • There are several additional links on the Discovery top bar: • “New Search” will clear all of your terms and limiters (choices such as “peer-reviewed” or “full-text” or individual databases selected in the menus on the left) and give you a new search page • “Multimedia” will search photos, illustrations, film clips, etc. • “List of Databases/Journals” will take you to a page that lists all subscription databases with individual links out to them • “Ask-A-Librarian” will take you to an email form that you can send to us with questions about your research – this information is secure and confidential, and we will get back to you as soon as possible via email • “Preferences,” “Sign In,” and “Folder” are all features that you need to create an individual account to use – this is a free service • “New Features” tells you what new features EBSCO may have recently added to the Discovery service • “Help” will take you to EBSCO’s Help page if you have technical difficulties • “Exit” takes you out of Discovery

  10. List of Databases/Journals • If you want a list of the databases to which we subscribe so that you can search individual databases with their proprietary interfaces (e.g., JSTOR, CINAHL, Films on Demand), there is a link on the Databases page (http://library.nnmc.edu/page/databases) • You can also click on “List of Databases/Journals” at the top of the Discovery pages, as seen below:

  11. List of Databases/Journals (cont’d) • After you click on “List of Databases/Journals” in EBSCO Discovery, it will take you to a tabbed page similar, if not identical, to this:

  12. List of Databases/Journals (cont’d) • The “List of Databases” tab shows you just that: a list of all of our individual databases

  13. Questions/Feedback? • If you have questions, comments, etc., pertaining to searching our subscription databases, please do not hesitate to contact the library • The Assistant Librarian, Jessica Jones, handles database inquiries and provides bibliographic instruction. Contact information for all staff follows:

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