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Title of Project

This project aims to develop a groundbreaking medical device to improve patient care. The product will offer a unique clinical benefit and address current limitations in healthcare. The presentation includes details on market opportunity, competitive edge, technology, and IP landscape, highlighting the team's experience and plans for follow-on funding.

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Title of Project

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Title of Project Name of PI and Co PI Oversight Committee Presentation

  2. Product / Value proposition • What is the product that would result from completion of the entire program? • What is the indication? • What is the anticipated regulatory classification? • What is the clinical benefit/value proposition?

  3. The need • What is the state of the art, what are the limitations, why is your product needed?

  4. The market opportunity • Market size and growth rates • Describe competitive scenario and ongoing development efforts

  5. Competitive edge • Please describe how your product is superior to existing products and ongoing developments. A table presentation is preferable, comparing key product features

  6. Background to the project • One or two slides MAXIMUM highlighting: • Technology • Any preliminary data/basic research you have undertaken to get to this point.

  7. Plan of work- Aims and Objectives: You may use a GANTT chart or a table, as reported below. Max 2 slides

  8. Intellectual Property Landscape • Disclosure/application status • Please succinctly summarize results of • Patent search • Prior art search • PLEASE CONTACT THE OFFICE OF TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT TO COMPLETE THIS SLIDE.

  9. The team • Briefly highlight why you believe your team will be successful and list any prior experience/liason with industry, investment community or start-up

  10. Plan for Follow-On Funding • Assuming that the first set of milestones/first year objectives are met, what’s next? • What are the preferred options for commercializing the results? • How do you intend to fund it? • List proposed specific sources

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