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U.S. Political Parties

Learn about the beginnings and characteristics of U.S. political parties, including the Democratic and Republican parties, their ideologies, and their positions on key issues.

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U.S. Political Parties

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  1. U.S. Political Parties

  2. U.S. Political Parties:Beginnings What is a political party? • Organization of people who share similar ideas about the way the country should be governed

  3. The Donkey and Elephant • 1828 Election btwn John Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson • Considered one of the dirtiest campaigns ever • Adams was considered very dirty and immoral • His party called Jackson a “jackass” for his stubborn demeanor

  4. Jackson turned being a “Jackass” in his favor: highlighting the donkey’s loyalty, persistence and ability to carry a heavy load • Soon put the donkey on all his campaign items

  5. The elephant doesn’t come into the picture until 1864 • On a Pro Lincoln banner • Thomas Nast • Took it from there as • The political cartoonist

  6. Political Party Systems • 3 Political Party Systems in the World 1.) One Party System: Political party and the government are the SAME • Only 1 party, so no competing ideas • Party membership based on lineage, wealth, military power, religious power • Example: China (Communist Party)

  7. Political Party Systems 2.) Multi-Party System: Three or more parties compete for control of the government • Common in Europe, Israel, Japan • Advantage: provides voters with many different choices and ideas • Disadvantage: difficult for one party to get majority of votes, which leads to a Coalition: EXAMPLE – Italy (50 different govts. since WWII)

  8. Political Party Systems 3. Two-Party System: Two parties compete with each other to run the government. • Party system of U.S.: Democrats and Republicans • Advantages: Continuity • Disadvantages: Minority parties (third parties) receive little attention – focus is on two main parties

  9. U.S. Political Parties:Beginnings • George Washington against political parties • “parties serve their own interests” • “parties not beneficial to American people” • Parties formed after his exit: • Democratic-Republicans 2. Federalists

  10. U.S. Political Parties:Beginnings • Democratic-Republicans • Supported states rights • Supported economy based on agriculture • Power in hands of all people • Led by Thomas Jefferson

  11. U.S. Political Parties:Beginnings • Federalists • Supported strong national govt. • Supported economy based on industry • Power in hands of wealthy and educated • Led by Alexander Hamilton

  12. U.S. Political Parties:Beginnings • Federalists Breakup • Federalists gradually disappear – no political momentum • John Adams only party member to be elected President • Supporters formed new party: Whig Party (1834-1856)

  13. U.S. Political Parties:Beginnings • Mid 1820’s: Democratic-Republicans breaking up • Democratic Party formed to continue representing small farmers and working people

  14. U.S. Political Parties:Beginnings • 1850’s: Democratic Party and Whig Party split over slavery • Pro-slavery voters form Democratic Party • Whigs and anti-slavery Democrats formed Republican Party

  15. U.S Political Parties: Beginnings • Republican Party • 1860: Abe Lincoln becomes 1st Republican President • Emerges as stronger of 2 parties after Civil War • 1865-1931:Only 2 Democratic Presidents elected • Grover Cleveland • Woodrow Wilson

  16. U.S. Political Parties:Characteristics • Democratic Party • Tends to Attract • Working people (blue collar) • Liberals • Catholics • Minorities • Union Members • People in favor of govt. involvement in social policies

  17. U.S. Political Parties:Characteristics • Republican Party • Tends to attract • Businesspeople (white collar) • Protestants • Conservatives • Non-minorities • Non-union supporters • People against govt.involvement in social policies

  18. Democrats:The Issues • Abortion: • Pro Choice • Favors contraceptive education to prevent necessity of abortion

  19. Republicans:The Issues • Abortion: Pro-life; Anti-Choice • Prefers funding go towards marriage education and abstinence only campaigns • Have tried several times to pass statutes that would allow prosecution of acts that harm fetuses

  20. Democrats:The Issues • Environment: • Support stronger environmental laws and protection of nature • Push for cleaner air and water • Support funding for preservation (Everglades in FL; Redwoods in CA, etc…)

  21. Republicans:The Issues • Environment: • Favor the exploration of all resources in the U.S. for energy production and have generally opposed looking for more environment-friendly power alternatives • Pushed for oil drilling in ANWR, the building of more nuclear power plants, a shift towards the use of coal, and have submitted proposals that would weaken the Clean Air Act

  22. Democrats:The Issues • Gay Rights: • Should be protected from workplace discrimination and hate crimes • Should be given equal work benefits like more traditional families • Largely oppose President Bush’s proposal to ban gay marriage through a Constitutional Amendment

  23. Republicans:The Issues • Gay Rights: • Against giving gays equal rights in the eyes of the law • “We do not believe sexual preference should be given special legal protection or standing in law” • Oppose idea of gay marriage; seek to define marriage as union between man and woman • Supports amendment to the Constitution defining marriage

  24. Democrats:The Issues • Gun Control: • Strong advocates for gun control • Supported both the Brady Bill and the Assault Weapons Ban

  25. Republicans:The Issues • Gun Control: • Favors allowing the sale of firearms to proceed more easily, and with fewer safety precautions • Opposes any new gun-control laws • Fought the regulation and banning of assault weapons

  26. Democrats:The Issues • Health Care: • Push for more Heath Care funding (Medicare, Children’s Health Insurance Program) • In favor of program to ensure all Americans have quality, affordable health care. (100% government funded)

  27. Republicans:The Issues • Health Care: • Believes health care should work within the free market system where competition will lower the costs of healthcare (no federal govt. involvement)

  28. Democrats:The Issues • Foreign Policy: • Generally much more supportive of international agencies than are Republicans – support NATO and the UN • More skeptical of the Bush Administration’s rush to war than were the Republicans • Very skeptical of the handling of the reconstruction of Iraq

  29. Republicans:The Issues • Foreign Policy: • Have brushed aside international organizations in favor of unilateral policy of preemption • Bush Doctrine supports preemptive invasion when necessary to protect the security of the U.S. • Argue that the use of American military force is essential for keeping the world safe for Democracy

  30. Republicans:The Issues • Education: • Support both the “No Child Left Behind” program and the school vouchers • Favor school vouchers because they think that by giving students more educational options, including religious schooling, a competitive market will be created • Argue public schools will be forced to improve in order to retain students

  31. Democrats:The Issues • Education: • More funding for struggling schools is necessary • Highly critical of No Child Left Behind, which has been under funded • Tax money should not be used on religious schools

  32. Republicans:The Issues • Social Security: Favor privatization of social security • Citizens will be able to opt to place portions of money that would have gone into Social Security into other types of accounts. Accounts will give the opportunity to play the stock market in an attempt to increase returns. (takes away Federal responsibility)

  33. Democrats:The Issues • Social Security: • Fundamental right of Americans • Best way to protect is to maintain federal government control • Largely oppose privatizing

  34. Republicans:The Issues • Welfare: • Favors increasing the mandatory work week for those receiving government assistance • Support cuts in child care and training funding while pushing $200 million for marriage education • Pushing for more funding for religious organizations and charities, which then will be responsible to caring for our nation’s poor

  35. Democrats:The Issues • Welfare: • Support increased child care for welfare recipients so theyare more able to work steady jobs • Support funding for job training so recipients will be more competitive in the job market

  36. Democrats:The Issues • Women’s Rights: • For over 20 years, have been pushing to ratify the Treaty of the Rights of Women that arose from the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (would be a statement on America’s part saying that we support equal rights for all women)

  37. Democrats:The Issues • Worker’s Rights: • Favor labor unions and workers rights • Includes right to organize free from harassment and the right to challenge employers for disability and discrimination cases. • Support worker movements to increase the minimum wage and worker benefits

  38. Republicans:The Issues • Workers’ Rights: • Favor the rights of businesses to maximize profits • Favors workers and management working together to do what is in the best of all involved; no outside influences (against Labor Unions) • Believes Labor Unions restrict production of businesses; sees it as a regulation of business

  39. How To Tell Em Apart • Republicans usually wear hats. Ronald Reagan

  40. How To Tell Em Apart • Democrats usually don’t. Jimmy Carter

  41. How To Tell Em Apart • Democrats buy banned books. Bill Clinton

  42. How To Tell Em Apart • Republicans form censorship committees, and then read them. Barbara Bush

  43. How To Tell Em Apart • Democrats eat the fish they catch. FDR Fishing in Warms Springs, GA

  44. How To Tell Em Apart • Republicans hang them on their wall.

  45. How To Tell Em Apart • Republicans study the financial pages of the newspaper.

  46. How To Tell Em Apart • Democrats put them on the bottom of their bird cage.

  47. How To Tell Em Apart • On Saturday, Republicans head for the golf course, the yacht club, or the hunting lodge. President George W. Bush yachting and golfing. President Dwight D. Eisenhower hunting

  48. How To Tell Em Apart • Democrats get a haircut, wash the car, or go bowling. A younger Bill Clinton bowling

  49. How To Tell Em Apart • Republicans have guest rooms.

  50. How To Tell Em Apart • Democrats have spare rooms filled with old baby furniture.

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