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Simple Reed-Solomon FEC Scheme for FECFRAME draft-roca-fecframe-simple-rs-01

Simple Reed-Solomon FEC Scheme for FECFRAME draft-roca-fecframe-simple-rs-01. IETF 79 – Beijing, November 2010 V. Roca – M. Cunche (INRIA) J. Lacan – A. Bouabdallah (ISAE) K. Matsuzono (Keio Univ.). Goals (reminder). specifies how to use Reed-Solomon codes in FECFRAME

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Simple Reed-Solomon FEC Scheme for FECFRAME draft-roca-fecframe-simple-rs-01

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  1. Simple Reed-Solomon FEC Scheme for FECFRAME draft-roca-fecframe-simple-rs-01 IETF 79– Beijing, November 2010 V. Roca – M. Cunche (INRIA) J. Lacan – A. Bouabdallah (ISAE) K. Matsuzono (Keio Univ.)

  2. Goals (reminder) • specifies how to use Reed-Solomon codes in FECFRAME • RS codes over GF(2m), m in {2.. 16}, • in practice, focus on m = 4, 8 (default) and 16 • complements our RFC 5510 (RMT WG) • DOES NOT consider RTP framing of FEC repair packets • see: draft-galanos-fecframe-rtp-reedsolomon-02.txt

  3. Situation • most changes since initial version (March 2009) motivated by Qualcomm's patent on FECFRAME see IPR disclosure 1183, the discussion on the list, and our slides presented during IETF'78… • two steps • I-D draft-roca-fecframe-rs-03 already implements Mike Luby's recommendations to avoid infringing QC patent on FECFRAME • Mike also suggested to use a new I-D name to "clear" the IPR disclosure status • we moved to draft-roca-fecframe-simple-rs-* • I-D name reflects the current proposal philosophy : K.I.S.S. • a single scheme remains: RS for arbitrary packet flows

  4. Situation… (cont') • support in IETF'78 to make it a WG Item • … but still needs to be confirmed on list • Greg? • otherwise the document is considered as finished • ready for WGLC when accepted as WG Item

  5. RTP Payload Format for Reed Solomon FECdraft-galanos-fecframe-rtp-reedsolomon-02.txt IETF 79– Beijing, November 2010 S. Galanos (Radvision) O. Peck (now at Kaminario) V. Roca (INRIA)

  6. Some news… • no progress since IETF'77 (Anaheim) • sorry… • now ready to finalize document • the I-D is still strongly supported by Radvision • proposal: I'll act as the I-D editor from now on • next step • confirm interest of WG for this I-D • finalize I-D for IETF'80

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