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The Grassland Biome. A Sarah Feinman Presentation. Which of these is a grassland?. B. A. C. D. THEY ALL ARE GRASSLANDS!. B. A. C. D. What is a Grassland?.
The Grassland Biome A Sarah Feinman Presentation
Which of these is a grassland? B A C D
What is a Grassland? • “A plant community in which the dominant species are perennial grasses, there are few or no shrubs and trees are absent” (Moore, 1964) • “Loose” definition • Trees • Species Dominance • An area where land is dominated by grasses or other herbaceous (non-woody) plants
Why are grasslands important? • Wide distribution • Approximately 40% of global land surface (excluding Greenland and Antarctica) • Large carbon sink • Biodiversity • Important source of primary production • Food for humans and animals
Types of Grassland • North American Prairies • Pampas of Argentina • Steppes- between desert and forest (Russia) • Savanna • Every continent except Antarctica
Environmental Factors Effecting Grasslands • Fire • Precipitation • Temperature • Light • CO2
Fire and Grasslands Mayer et al 2011
Fire and Humans Bowman et al 2009
Current Fire Observations Westerling et al 2006
Current Fire Observations Abatzoglou and Kolden 2011
Current Fire Observations Pausas 2004
Fire in the Future Moriondo et al 2006
Future Precipitation IPCC , 2007
Grasslands and Precipitation Grime et al 2000
Grasslands and Precipitation Knapp et al 2002
Grasslands and Precipitation Zavelta et al 2003
Future Temperatures IPCC, 2007
Temperatures and Grasslands Alward et al 1999
Temperatures and Grasslands Zavelta et al 2003
Temperatures and Grasslands Grime et al 2008
Future CO2 Hansen and Sato 2004
CO2 and Grasslands Huang et al 2001
CO2 and Grasslands Owensby et al 1999
CO2 and Grasslands Zavelta et al 2003
References Abatzoglou, J. T. & Kolden, C. A. Climate change in western US deserts: Potential for increased wildfire and invasive annual grasses Rangeland Ecology and Management 64, 471-478 (2011). Alward, R. D., Detling, J. K. & Milchunas, D. G. Grassland vegetation changes and nocturnal global warming. Science 283, 229-231 (1999). Bowman, D. M. et al. Fire in the Earth system. Science 324, 481-484, (2009). Grime, J. P. et al. The response of two contrasting limestone grasslands to simulated climate change. Science 289, 762-765, (2000). Grime, J. P. et al. Long-term resistance to simulated climate change in an infertile grassland. ProcNatlAcadSci U S A 105, 10028-10032,(2008). Hansen, J. & Sato, M. Greenhouse gas growth rates. ProcNatlAcadSci U S A 101, 16109-16114, (2004). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grassland http://www.bcgrasslands.org/library/world.htm Huang, Y. et al. Climate change as the dominant control on glacial-interglacial variations in C3 and C4 plant abundance. Science 293, 1647-1651 (2001). Knapp, A. K. et al. Rainfall variability, carbon cycling, and plant species diversity in a mesic grassland. Science 298, 2202-2205, 2002). Mayer, A. L. & Khalyani, A. H. Ecology. Grass trumps trees with fire. Science 334, 188-189, (2011). Moriondo, M. et al. Potential impact of climate change on fire risk in the Mediterranean area. Climate Research 31, 85-95 (2006). Owensby, C. E., Ham, J. M., Knapp, A. K. & Auen, L. M. Biomass production and species composition change in a tallgrass prairie ecosystem after long-term exposure to elevated atmospheric CO2. Global Change Biology 5, 497-506 (1999). Pausas, J. G. Changes in fire and climate in the eastern Iberian peninsula (Mediterranean basin). Climatic Change 63, 337-350 (2004). Spedding, C. R. W. Grassland Ecology. (Clarendon Press, 1971). Westerling, A. L., Hidalgo, H. G., Cayan, D. R. & Swetnam, T. W. Warming and earlier spring increase western U.S. forest wildfire activity. Science 313, 940-943, 2006). Zavelta, E. S. et al. Grassland responses to three years of elevated temperature, CO2, precipitation and N deposition. Ecological Monographs 73, 585-604 (2003).
Photo Credits http://africangrasslanddunsieth.blogspot.com/ http://free-photo.gatag.net/en/2010/07/16/010000.html http://www.destination360.com http://www.blueplanetbiomes.org/grasslands.htm http://www.destinosdeviagem.com/wp-content/gallery/deserto-savana-floresta-africa/savana.jpg http://www.bcgrasslands.org/library/world.htm http://www.marietta.edu/~biol/biomes/biomes.htm http://www.mbgnet.net/sets/grasslnd/types.htm http://morriscourse.com/elements_of_ecology/chapter_23.htm http://environment.nationalgeographic.com/environment/photos/grasslands-landscapes http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:PAMPAS.png http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/media/100034/ http://www.westminster.edu/staff/athrock/Australia/Lecture.htm http://www.cactus-art.biz/note-book/Dictionary/Dictionary_S/dictionary_steppe.htm http://teachers.sduhsd.net/hherms/herms/METEOROLOGY/climates/steppe.htm http://science.nationalgeographic.com/science/photos/sun-gallery/#/sunspot-loops_1236_600x450.jpg http://www.pawas.com/graphics/grass.htm http://www.keepbanderabeautiful.org/climatechange.html