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Children are a beautiful part of our lives. If you and your partner are struggling to have a baby, itu2019s time you visit a reputable infertility specialist. They will let you know whether you have infertility issues and share some easy and safe therapies which will increase your chances of getting pregnant. Various factors can affect the male and female reproductive system. Few of the common signs of infertility in women have been stated in the slides that follow.
P r e s e n t e d b y ifmkolkata.co.in info@ifmkolkata.com Kolkata 9831175977 | 9830047676
Childrenareabeautifulpartofour lives. Ifyouandyourpartnerare strugglingtohaveababy, it’stime youvisitareputableinfertility specialist. Theywillletyouknow whetheryouhaveinfertilityissuesand sharesomeeasyandsafetherapies whichwillincreaseyourchancesof gettingpregnant. Variousfactorscan affectthemaleandfemale reproductivesystem. Fewofthecommonsignsofinfertility inwomenhavebeenstatedinthe slidesthatfollow info@ifmkolkata.com Kolkata 9831175977 | 9830047676
Ifyouhavepainfulorheavymenstruationand can’tgetpregnantevenaftertryingforayear ormore, getintouchwithaninfertility specialist. Awomanmightfailtoovulateregularlydueto endometriosis. Itisaconditionwhen endometrialtissuesappearoutsidetheuterus. Fewcommonsignsindicatingissueswith menstruationaremissingperiods, irregular cyclesandanoddshadeofthemenstrual blood. info@ifmkolkata.com 9831175977 | 9830047676
Generally, ittakesafewmonthsforawoman togetpregnantoncethecoupletriesto conceive. Ifitistakingtoolong, youmight haveinfertilityissues. Ifyouarelookingforaninfertilityspecialistin Kolkatawithyearsofexperience, visitthe InstituteOfFetalMedicine. Hewillconductafewinfertilitytestsandgive thepropermedicalandclinicaladvice. info@ifmkolkata.com 9831175977 | 9830047676
Bothoveractiveandunderactivethyroidissues arecommonnowadaysandcanleadto infertilityissuesinwomen. Womenwithunderactivethyroidissuesmight havetoundergohormonemeditationsotheir hormonelevelsarenormal. Hyperthyroidismoreseveretodealwith. Ifyou plantoremovethethyroid, youhavetowaitfor morethansixmonthsbeforegettingpregnant. info@ifmkolkata.com 9831175977 | 9830047676
Since you are now aware of the common causes of infertility in women, it’s time you get in touch with the infertility specialists at the Institute Of Fetal Medicine info@ifmkolkata.com 9831175977 | 9830047676
Institute of Fetal Medicine (IFM Kolkata) Reach Us 23B Biplabi Kanailal Bhattacharya Sarani (Baker Road ), Kolkata 700027 Address: Phone: 9831175977 / 9830047676 info@ifmkolkata.com Hours of operation: 9am to 6pm Email: Visit our Website: ifmkolkata.co.in