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The Loves of the Triangles: A Study of Triangular Relationships in the 18th Century

Explore the intricate relationships and symbolism of triangles in literature and mathematics during the late 1700s. Dive into the works of notable figures like Dr. Patricia Fara and Edmund Burke, and unravel the connections between geometry and societal structures. This fascinating study delves into the intersection of art, science, and culture, shedding light on the hidden meanings embedded in triangular motifs.

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The Loves of the Triangles: A Study of Triangular Relationships in the 18th Century

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  1. TRIANGULAR RELATIONSHIPS Dr Patricia Fara Clare College, Cambridge

  2. Wilberforce v Huxley

  3. Wilberforce v Darwin

  4. Erasmus Charles

  5. ‘The Loves of the Triangles’ Anti-Jacobin, 1798

  6. The Loves of the Plants

  7. …MEADIA’S soft chains five suppliant beaux confess, And hand in hand the laughing belle address; Alike to all, she bows with wanton air, Rolls her dark eye, and waves her golden hair… The Loves of the Plants

  8. ‘The Loves of the Triangles’ …And first, the fair PARABOLA behold, Her timid arms with virgin blush unfold! Though, on one focus fix’d, her eyes betray A heart that glows with love’s resistless sway… Anti-Jacobin, 1798

  9. ‘The Loves of the Triangles’ …For me, ye CISSOIDS, round my temples bend Your wandering Curves; ye CONCHOIDS extend; Let playful PENDULES quick vibration feel, While silent CYCLOIS rests upon her wheel… Anti-Jacobin, 1798

  10. ‘The Loves of the Triangles’

  11. ‘The Loves of the Triangles’ …How Loves and Graces in an Angle dwell ; * How slow progressive Points protract the Line…** * Angle—Gratuspuellæ risus ab Angulo. —Hor. ** How slow progressive Points—TheAuthor has reserved the picturesque imagery which the Theory of Fluxions naturally suggested for his ALGEBRAIC GARDEN; where the Fluents are described as rolling with an even current between a margin of Curves of the higher order, over a pebbly channel, inlaid with Differential Calculi.

  12. William Pitt A SPHERE, projecting against a PLANE James Gillray, 1792

  13. ‘Loves of the Triangles’ …Nor long the time ere Britain’s shores shall greet The warrior-sage with gratulation sweet: Eager to grasp the wreath of Naval Fame, The GREAT REPUBLIC plans the Floating Frame!...


  15. …The freckled IRIS owns a fiercer flame, And three unjealous husbands wed the dame... The Loves of the Plants, 1789 …Three gentle swains evolve their longing arms, …And woo the young REPUBLIC’S virgin charms: ‘The Loves of the Triangles’, 1798


  17. Edmund Burke …[variations between different parts of France] ‘render mensuration a ridiculous standard of power…and equality in geometry the most unequal of all measures in the distribution of men.’ Reflections on the Revolution in France, 1790

  18. French Encyclopédie ‘…that pestiferous work’ disseminating ‘Anarchy and Atheism...’

  19. …A man would not naturally expect to meet with disgusting strokes of obscenity in a system of botany, but...obscenity is the very basis of the Linnean system…

  20. Sir Joseph Banks (President of the Royal Society)

  21. Gillray, New Morality

  22. Pieter Camper



  25. Richard Payne Knight The Progress of Civil Society 1796

  26. ouroboros

  27. …With quicken’d pace successive rollers move, And these retain, and those extend the rove; Then fly the spoles, the rapid axles glow; -- And slowly circumvolves the labouring wheel below… Darwin

  28. …With quicken’d pace successive rollers move, And these retain, and those extend the rove; Then fly the spoles, the rapid axles glow; -- And slowly circumvolves the labouring wheel below… …The spiral grooves in smooth meanders flow, Drags the long chain, the polish’d axles glow, While slowly circumvolves the piece of beef below: The conscious fire with bickering radiance burns, Eyes the rich joint, and roasts it as it turns… Darwin Anti-Jacobin

  29. ‘…all nature exists in a state of perpetual improvement…’

  30. Erasmus Darwin …in the great length of time, since the earth began to exist, perhaps millions of ages before the commencement of the history of mankind, would it be too bold to imagine, that all warm-blooded animals have arisen from one living filament, which THE GREAT FIRST CAUSE endued with animality, with the power of acquiring new parts, attended with new propensities…and thus possessing the faculty of continuing to improve by its own inherent activity, and of delivering down those improvements by generation to its posterity, world without end!...

  31. ‘The Loves of the Triangles’ …We may conceive this Primeval Point…evolving itself by its own energies, to have moved forward in a right Line, ad infinitum, till it grew tired—After which, the right Line, which it had generated, would begin to put itself in motion in a lateral direction, describing an Area of infinite extent…capable of containing the present existing Universe…

  32. ‘The Loves of the Triangles’ …it seems highly probable that the first effort of Nature terminated in the production of Vegetables, and that these supplied themselves with wings or feet… in time, would restrict themselves to the use of their hind feet: their tails would gradually rub off by sitting in their caves or huts…

  33. Joseph Priestley …it is nothing but a superior knowledge of the laws of nature, that gives Europeans the advantages they have over the Hottentots...science advancing, as it does, it may be taken for granted, that mankind some centuries hence will be as much superior to us...as we are now to the Hottentots…


  35. This day buried a fine woman slave, No. 11, having been ailing some time…Sent a girl, ill of the flux (No. 92) on shoar…This morning buryed a woman slave (No. 47). Know not what to say she died of…

  36. Tea, the ‘blood-sweeten’d beverage’

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