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The Flood. Total Truth Or Tall Tale?. Evidence For The Global Flood Of The Bible. Some object to the flood on the ground of what seems like logical impossibilities… How could the ark be big enough to carry on all the “species” of animals on the earth (Genesis 6:15).
The Flood Total Truth Or Tall Tale?
Evidence For The Global Flood Of The Bible • Some object to the flood on the ground of what seems like logical impossibilities… • How could the ark be big enough to carry on all the “species” of animals on the earth (Genesis 6:15)
One critic said, “The ark was far too small to be able to contain the earth’s millions of… animal species” and another said “…There would be about one and a half cubic feet for each pair of the 2,000,000 to 5,000,000 species to be taken aboard”
Evidence For The Global Flood Of The Bible • Some object to the flood on the ground of what seems like logical impossibilities… • How could the ark be big enough to carry on all the “species” of animals on the earth (Gen 6:15; 7:13-14) • Some question the adequacy of the window (Gen 6:16)
“How could so many creatures breathe with only one small opening which was closed for at least 190 days?” They say that only one window that is 18 could never properly ventilate the ark… that such poor venting would prove lethal
Evidence For The Global Flood Of The Bible • Some object to the flood on the ground of what seems like logical impossibilities… • How could the ark be big enough to carry on all the “species” of animals on the earth (Gen 6:15; 7:13-14) • Some question the adequacy of the window (Gen 6:16) • Some don’t believe people like Noah had the skill or intelligence to build such a vessel (Gen 4:21-22; 6:14-16)
Evolutionists have certainly had their impact on our perception of ancient people and cultures!
Evidence For The Global Flood Of The Bible • Some object to the flood on the ground of what seems like logical impossibilities… • How could the ark be big enough to carry on all the “species” of animals on the earth (Gen 6:15; 7:13-14) • Some question the adequacy of the window (Gen 6:16) • Some don’t believe people like Noah had the skill or intelligence to build such a vessel (Gen 4:21-22; 6:14-16) • Some critics say that it would have been impossible for Noah to handle all the animals (Gen 6:19-20) • Finally, some skeptics object to the flood because the water would’ve had to go somewhere (Gen 7:17-24)
“Scientists scanning the deep interior of the Earth have found evidence of a vast water reservoir beneath eastern Asia that is at least the volume of the Arctic Ocean… The discovery marks the first time such a large body of water was found in the planet’s deep mantle.”
Evidence For The Global Flood Of The Bible • The existence of so many “flood legends” all throughout ancient cultures is also evidence: • When legends exist in different places with very similar elements, it points to some real event (Acts 17:28)
“In 95 percent of the more than two hundred flood legends, the flood was worldwide; in 88 percent, a certain family was favored; in 70 percent survival was by means of a boat; in 67 percent, animals were also saved; in 66 percent, the flood was due to the wickedness of man; in 66 percent, the survivors had been forewarned; in 57 percent, they ended up on a mountain; in 35 percent, birds were sent out from the boat; and in 9 percent, exactly eight people were spared.”
Evidence For The Global Flood Of The Bible • The existence of so many “flood legends” all throughout ancient cultures is also evidence: • When legends exist in different places with very similar elements, it points to some real event (Acts 17:28) • Consider some of the legends in ancient societies…
Among Ancient American Tribes Aztecs: “Only two people, the hero Coxcox and his wife, survived the flood by floating in a boat that came to rest on a mountain.” Soon after it, giants built a great pyramid to try to reach the heavens. This angered the gods who scattered them with fire Toltects (Mexico): A flood destroyed the “first world “ 1,716 years after it was created. Only a few people escaped this in a “toptlipetlocali” (means, closed chest). Later they built a “zacuali” (a high tower) in case another flood came. At this time their languages were confused and they separated to different parts of the earth.
Among Ancient American Tribes Another ancient tribe of Mexico: Tells of Tezpi, a man who escaped the flood in boat filled with animals. He sent out a scavenger bird that never returned. Then a dove that came back with an olive leaf. Then a hummingbird that brought back a twig.
Ancient Greek Mythology Humans became very wicked. Zeus wanted to destroy the humans by a flood and create another group. Before he does this, a man named Deucalion and his wife Pyrrha were warned of the coming destruction. They were placed in a large wooden chest by one of the immortals named Prometheus. For nine days and nights the waters covered almost all the earth. Only a few mountain peaks remained. The wooden chest came to rest on the peak of Mount Parnassus. When Deucalion left the chest, he made a sacrifice to Zeus.
Ancient Babylonian (Gilgamesh Epic) The gods told Utnapishtim to build a boat because a great flood was coming. He built the boat, covered it with pitch, and put animals of all kinds on it, plus needed provisions. After he entered the boat with his family, it rained for six days and nights. The flood ended and the boat rested on Mount Niser. After seven days, he sent out a dove to see if the waters had receded. The dove came back, so he sent out a swallow, which also returned. Finally, he sent out a raven which never returned. Utnapishtim and his family finally exited the boat and sacrificed to their gods.
Ancient Asia Area China: People of Nosu have a legend that God sent a personal messenger to this world to warn three sons that a flood was coming. Only the youngest, Dum, listened. He built a wooden boat to prepare for the flood. When the flood came he entered his boat and was saved. When the waters receded the boat rested on Mount Tibet where Dum had three sons who repopulated the earth. Ibans of Sarawak – A Trow floated around in an ark with his wife and domestic animals. Natives of India – A man named Manu built an ark after being warned. A great flood came. Later the waters receded and the ark rested on a mountain
The Great World Flood GEN.6:5-8; 7:7 + + = Person Eight Boat Large Ship
Evidence For The Global Flood Of The Bible • The existence of so many “flood legends” all throughout ancient cultures is also evidence: • When legends exist in different places with very similar elements, it points to some real event (Acts 17:28) • Consider some of the legends in ancient societies… • How did this come into existence? The Bible gives a likely source: The tower of Babel! (Gen 11:1ff, 7-9)
The Chinese walked from the west after a greatdivision To Migrate, to Move = + + + Migrate Great Division West Walk
Evidence For The Global Flood Of The Bible • The fossil record supports the flood of the Bible: • One of the most peculiar parts of the fossil record is the presence of dinosaur graveyards all over the world:
“Coelophysis… lived during the Late Triassic Period, about 210 million years ago, at a time when northern New Mexico was an arid, lowland environment. Periodic monsoonal rains interrupted the dry conditions, producing flash floods that swept across the land. One of these flash floods may have drowned an entire herd of Coelophysis, causing the great concentration of bones that is found at Ghost Ranch.”
“The fossil bones were strewn throughout an ancient flood deposit in Chile’s Atacama desert, suggested that they were animals or corpses caught up in a flood perhaps 110 million years ago at the beginning of the Cretaceous period.” “Hypsilophodons have only been found on the Isle of Wight. Palaeontologist Dr. Dave Martill of Portsmouth University feels that as many as 5,000 Hypsilophodon specimens exist on the Island, all of which drowned when trapped in a tremendous flash flood.”
“The (Sahara) desert we know today would not have existed in Jobaria's day - the animal would have populated an area covered by open forests and broad rivers… It looks as though the dinosaurs may have been caught in an ancient flash flood and buried quickly.” “After A Seasonal Flood: This scene of 145 million years ago is based on clues found in the rock face behind you. Carcasses brought downstream by the fast moving, muddy water were washed onto a sandbar. Some were buried completely by tons of sand – their bones preserved in a nearly perfect state”
Evidence For The Global Flood Of The Bible • The fossil record supports the flood of the Bible: • One of the most peculiar parts of the fossil record is the presence of dinosaur graveyards all over the world • Within the sedimentary layers of the earth there are “polystrate fossils” which support the Biblical flood:
“Organic material (like wood) that is exposed to the elements will rot, not fossilize. Thus, the entire length of these tree trunks must have been preserved very quickly, which suggests that the sedimentary layers surrounding them must have been deposited rapidly – possibly (and likely) during a single catastrophe.” “Polystratic trees are fossil trees that extend through several layers of strata, often twenty feet or more in length. There is no doubt that this type of fossil was formed relatively quickly; otherwise it would have decomposed while waiting for strata to slowly accumulate around it.”
Evidence For The Global Flood Of The Bible • The fossil record supports the flood of the Bible: • One of the most peculiar parts of the fossil record is the presence of dinosaur graveyards all over the world • Within the sedimentary layers of the earth there are “polystrate fossils” which support the Biblical flood: • The fossilized remains of marine life in places that are far from oceanic supports the great global flood:
“We find marine fossils in most of the rock layers in Grand Canyon. This includes the topmost layer in the sequence, the Kaibab Limestone exposed at the rim of the canyon, which today is approximately 7,000–8,000 feet (2,130–2,440 m) above sea level.1 Though at the top of the sequence, this limestone must have been deposited beneath ocean waters loaded with lime sediment that swept over northern Arizona (and beyond).” “Marine fossils are also found high in the Himalayas, the world’s tallest mountain range, reaching up to 29,029 feet (8,848 m) above sea level.3 For example, fossil ammonites (coiled marine cephalopods) are found in limestone beds in the Himalayas of Nepal. All geologists agree that ocean waters must have buried these fossils in these limestone beds.”
“Scientists have found fossils of whales and other marine animals in mountain sediments in the Andes… Among the fossils the scientists reported bringing back were the bones of whales and other marine animals found at altitudes of more than 5,000 feet.”
Evidence For The Global Flood Of The Bible • The current structure and appearance of the earth is evidence for the Biblical global flood: • The Bible gives us insight into what happened during the flood (Gen 7:11-12; 17-24; Psalm 104:6-10)
Evidence For The Global Flood Of The Bible • The current structure and appearance of the earth is evidence for the Biblical global flood: • The Bible gives us insight into what happened during the flood (Gen 7:11-12; 17-24; Psalm 104:6-10) • The way the continents appear to have once been connected but are drifting apart… The “Pangea”
“Many earth science books used in public schools, suggest that many millions of years ago, Pangaea existed as the main land feature on the globe. Due to rather slow processes, known as continental drift, the continents lazily drifted apart over millions of years. With an array of impressive terms such as plate tectonics, sea-floor spreading, polar wandering, and paleomagnetism, evolutionary scientists explain the division of Pangaea using uniformitarian philosophy in which present conditions and rates of drift are extrapolated back through millions of years of supposed Earth history.”
Evidence For The Global Flood Of The Bible • The current structure and appearance of the earth is evidence for the Biblical global flood: • The Bible gives us insight into what happened during the flood (Gen 7:11-12; 17-24; Psalm 104:6-10) • The way the continents appear to have once been connected but are drifting apart… The “Pangea” • The observable surface of the earth seems to bear the marks of a great global flood
“The sides… go almost straight up and down. (In fact, they actually do go straight up and down in quite a few places...) If gradual natural processes of erosion formed this Grand Canyon, and not Noah's Flood, then the top edge (or "rim") should be rounded, and not an edge at all, since the gradual processes of erosion always tend to round out sharp edges, not create them. In fact, after hundreds of millions of years, these same processes of erosion… would have turned any such edges that might have once existed into gradual slopes.”
National Geographic Kids: “For a long time scientists believed that the Grand Canyon was carved out slowly over millions of years. Scientists also thought that the canyon had finished forming around 1.2 million years ago. But new research has turned both theories upside down. Geologists now think that the Grand Canyon grew in quick, violent spurts from massive flooding of the Colorado River”
Gary Parker (Doctorate in Biology & Geology) writes, “I once believed and taught, like so many others, that the rock layers in Grand Canyon represented stages in evolution laid down over vast eons of time. But, after leading over 15 week-long backpacking trips for university students through the Canyon and studying the rock layers and fossils close up, I’m ready to stake the place out with Bible verses! What I once assumed was a record of a lot of time, now looks like evidence of a lot of water instead.”
He also writes, “One of the tilted units is so soft you can dig it out with your fingernails. Another is so incredibly hard that researchers can barely knock off a piece with a hammer. Had the two different rock types been tilted up slowly and eroded gradually by rain and rivers, the crumbly rock would be all gone, leaving valleys, and the hard unit would stick up in ridges and hillocks. Instead it looks as if the flood current came in with such titanic force that the hard and soft rocks were sheared off almost equally in a nearly straight line.”
“The so-called "Scablands," 200 miles east of Seattle, are a vast region of weird terrain, including gorges hundreds of feet deep, enormous pits, huge boulders scattered as if dropped by giants, undulating hills that look like huge ripples, strange layers of silt and ash, and a "waterfall" five times wider than Niagara - but without any water. The name Scablands perfectly suits the scarred and wounded landscape, which baffled most geologists throughout the 19th century and much of the 20th. To them, no plausible explanation fit all the facts.”
“Modern day geologist Vic Baker has done extensive work on the scabland project… he believes a huge ice dam that held the waters of Lake Missoula burst and caused a megaflood that devastated the landscape. In fact, Baker says that he believes this type of flood happened several times in this area. When Baker was asked about floods in other areas, he mentioned large areas of flooding in Canada, Asia, the Altai and Sayan Mountains in Siberian Russia, as well as areas in China and Mongolia. He stated that the flooding in these regions was comparable in magnitude, though perhaps not in volume, to the Missoula floods.”
“Surveys of the Channel bed using new sonar techniques have revealed the remains of a huge valley, running south-west from the Strait of Dover. The sonar survey, led by Sanjeev Gupta, from Imperial College, London, uncovered deep bowls, scour marks and piles of rubble on the sea bed that may have been caused by a torrent of water.” “The data show a collection of landforms that, taken together, indicate a catastrophic flood origin… Our study provides the first direct evidence that a megaflood event was responsible for carving the English Channel valley network”