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Creative Thinking, Strategic Thinking & Creative Problem Solving. Robert Alan Black, Ph.D. Intro/ Overview. Don ’ t Just Sit There. Tools & Techniques Divergent. 1. Summary & Integration. 2. 8. Learning Teaching Training C.T. Creative Thinking Styles. 3. 7. 4. 6. Creative
Creative Thinking, Strategic Thinking & Creative ProblemSolving Robert Alan Black, Ph.D.
Intro/ Overview Don’t Just Sit There Tools &Techniques Divergent 1 Summary & Integration 2 8 LearningTeachingTrainingC.T. CreativeThinkingStyles 3 7 4 6 Creative Tools Convergent 5 Creative Teams Fight Cre8ngCPS Process
DAY ONE DAY TWO Intro/Overview 5 1 Cre8ngCPS Process Don’t Just Sit There 2 6 Creative Teams Fight Creative Tools Divergent 7 3 Creative Tools Convergent Learning TeachingTraining C.T. Summary & Integration 8 4 CreativeThinking Styles
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