1. Food Allergens and New Product Development Sydney
16 February 2006
2. Food Allergens and New Product Development 1. Raw Materials
2. Production process
3. Impact
3. New Product
4. Raw Materials Approved suppliers are used
Allergens considered as part of the approval process
Supplier information (MAD form)
What allergens?
What concerns?
5. Raw Materials New allergens?
Type of allergen – oil, starch, protein containing material
Cross contact at the supplier
Type of cross contact
6. Raw Materials Assess the product allergen profile to understand impact
Approval from head office to introduce new allergens
7. Raw Materials
8. Production Process
9. Production Process Preliminary HACCP
Include QA, Technologists, Engineers, Production etc.
Consider segregation and storage of the raw material
10. Production Process Assess the impact of the product on the product line
Will products manufactured on the same line need precautionary labelling?
If you need to change the labels then consider alternatives for the trials
Equipment used
New equipment – hygienic engineering
11. Production Process Assess the product schedule
If a new allergen is introduced – consider when and where to produce the trial
Consider the type of raw material – particulates, powder, liquid
At the end of production run followed by a clean
12. Production Process Consider also containers and tools used
Manual addition of minor ingredients may avoid cross-contact
Rework – like-into-like policy
Evaluate the rework matrix
Validate the cleaning where used to remove new allergens
Commence trial only when pHACCP is approved
13. Impact Labelling of product trials
CCP for allergen labelling
Double sign-off of allergen labelling from original information provided
Sensory panellists need to be advised
14. Impact Documentation of procedures
Communication with operators when a new allergen is introduced
Awareness is not enough – all parties must have the right attitude
15. Impact Consider alternative manufacturing sites if introducing a new allergen
Source another raw material
Precautionary label all other products affected by the new allergen – before running the trial
16. Food Allergens and Product Development Consider raw materials
Look at the production process at all stages, including the warehouse
Labelling products – sensory panellists
Manage the changes