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The World Between the Wars: Revolutions, Depression, and Authoritarian Responses. Chapter 29 Notes Ms. Chattin. Roaring 20s/ Bouncing Back.
The World Between the Wars: Revolutions, Depression, and Authoritarian Responses Chapter 29 Notes Ms. Chattin
Roaring 20s/ Bouncing Back • War caused over 10 million deaths plus countless more were wounded and returned home to find broken and less confident societies. After the war there was also a pandemic influenza strain killing another estimated 50 million people across the globe! • Economic costs of the war were staggering! Billions of dollars of property damage occurred with industries disrupted or wiped out due to the war effort. • Many countries following the Great War tried to deal with their financial crisis by printing off more money…this only caused inflation! In Germany inflation got so bad people literally started to burn money to heat their houses!!!!
Shifts • Culturally the war caused many to challenge older traditions in art/ architecture/ writing and music • Pablo Picasso-cubism • Increased women’s participation in society as well as politics (some states women got the right to vote-US, GB, Turkey???) • Mass consumption-western countries (radios) and big department stories • US and Japan economically took over from GB and Germany during war and continued their strong hold over the world economy. Western Europe limited after the war to export economies Fighting to regain their edge. • New political parties creep up on both the right and left to deal with problems left in society after the war (communism and socialism-popular parties)
Guernica 1937 by Picasso “hailed as the most significant painting of the 20th century…Picasso presents a picture of European society that is brutal and horrible. It is a condemnation of the modern technological war that targets civilian populations; there on the horrifying canvas are portrayed the consequences of totalitarianism and the failure of democracy that characterized the European search for stability”.
Other Industrial Sectors • Canada, Australia, and New Zealand were rewarded for their help. Australia-confirmed early independence (1901) and co-equal status with Great Britain. The British Commonwealth of Nations became a free association based on shared culture. These white dominions also experienced a population boom based on immigration. • US: Huge economic boom increased big corporations-now had research and development departments! Henry Ford-assembly line for automobiles applied to larger industrial sector. This was copied in Europe, Japan, and even the Soviet Union. US rejected Treaty of Versailles-League of Nations and focused on isolationist foreign policy…afraid of “Red Scare” • Culturally US exported Jazz and Hollywood • Japan: increased industrialization due to the agricultural revolution and labor being released from farms to factories!!! Focused on heavy industry: metallurgy, shipbuilding, and electric power =placed in zaibatsu (industrial combines –big companies). Japan still dependent on cheap exports for fuel and natural resources increased populations and focus on military powers above parliament. (military=diplomacy –scary!!!)
Post WWI • Governments in the west survived in spite of communist predictions that WWI would cause the collapse of capitalism • U.S. withdrew from world politics and become “selectively involved” • Russia continued to be isolated due to both its economic problems and its government (communist regime under Lenin) • Germany and Soviet Union refused to accept some of their territorial losses • Redefined borders produced animosity and seeds of ongoing conflict • Germany adopted a new liberal democratic government: Weimar Republic • Government progressive: voting rights for women and civil liberties for German citizens • Industries were able to easily recover due to the fact that war had not been fought on German soil
Germany gained an advantage from dismantling of Habsburg Empire and removal of Poland and Baltic states from Russia These weak buffer states were more susceptible to German influence Germany’s primary goal was revision of the treaty of WWI Wanted to end disarmament, territorial losses, and reparations 1922 Treaty of Rapallo: economic alliance between Germany and Russia Territorial Advantages and Goals
France distrusted Germany and recognized its military powers (Franco-Prussian war 1870-1871 and WWI 1914-1918) France was devastated by the war whereas Germany was not France had to have the support of Britain and the U.S. …in order to keep Germany militarily weak But they refused long-term peacetime alliances Looked for new alliances: eastern buffer states: Poland, Czechoslovakia, Romania, and Yugoslavia Germany didn’t renounce ambitions in E. Europe Germany expected to recover its lost “corridor” 1920-1933 Germany secretly rearmed and trained soldiers (in Russia) in violation of the Treaty of Versailles Germany vs. France
To keep Germany militarily and economically weak they attempted to enforce the Treaty of Versailles 1921-23 French army invaded the Ruhr district of Germany and occupied it with the intention of collecting reparations. Threatened stability of German mark so other allies got involved! U.S. loans and U.S. didn’t approve of occupation 1924-25 decided to cooperate with the U.S. and Britain b/c US threatened to pull its loan support! French anxiety continued: Maginot Line (construction of a system of defensive fortifications between Germany and France) U.S. policy was for actively restoring German economic vitality for their trade benefit France
In 1918 all states involved in the war had debts Most nations had borrowed from their own populations via war bonds However, local populations could not provide all the money required to pay back war debts Many in alliances with US borrowed from them Some printed off more money causing inflation Germany saw reparations payments as disgrace and all knew it couldn’t fully be paid back Crisis in the World Economy
Post war liberal governments offered no solutions to economic hardships, which were only further compounded by the Great Depression Fascism promised what liberal democratic societies had failed…a way out of economic chaos Fascist leaders were dictators with charisma Fascists identified ready enemies (scapegoats) for failed economic and national ambitions Rise of Fascist Dictatorship in Italy
Fascism was a right- wing movement that sought to fill the void between discredited liberalism and revolutionary socialism of the Soviet Union Committed to extreme nationalism and the politics of the irrational, fascism became a powerful force in post-war politics Benito Mussolini was Italy’s first fascist leader Fascist Dictatorship in Italy
Mussolini was active in the socialist movement but moved to the right in 1914 when the Italian government failed to support the Triple Alliance. In 1915 Mussolini resigned from the Socialist Party when it advocated support for the Allies in WWI Benito Mussolini
After being wounded he returned to Milan to edit the right-wing Il Popolo d'Italia. The journal demanded that the Allies fully supported Italy's demands at the Paris Peace Conference Mussolini attacked Vittorio Orlando for failing to achieve Italy’s objectives in the Treaty of Versailles As a result, he organized various right-wing groups into the Fascist Party Benito Mussolini • Mussolini’s party identified communists, big business, and labor unions as enemies of the Italian state • Middle class embraced Fascist party and the security it offered to them…party began taking over Italian cities • Mussolini neutralized his political rivals through the use of violence and terrorism • 1925 Left-wing parties were suppressed and Italy became a one-party state. Mussolini also carried out an extensive public-works programs and the fall in unemployment made him a popular figure in Italy.
Mussolini failed to solve economic problems. To focus attention away from failure he turned to Ethiopia 1935 invaded Ethiopia Allies expressed displeasure with occupation, but could not prevent it for happening Mussolini then turned to an alliance with fascist Germany, the Pact of Steel, in 1939 Albania was annexed in 1939 to Italy Benito Mussolini
Between 1924 and 1929 inflation increased despite the growing economy During the Great Depression the U.S. pulled out loans causing high unemployment The Weimar (veimar) Republic suffered from economic problems German parliament proved ineffective in decision making Chancellor Heinrich Bruning tried to override Weimar constitution to end problems in parliament. This opened the door to critics of the Republic Hitler and the Third Reich
Hitler was a WWI veteran who disapproved of the armistice and blamed the Weimar Republic Hitler’s theory “stab in the back” was attractive to veterans who believed they had been betrayed in the humiliating Treaty of Versailles Hitler blamed Weimar Republic, communists, socialists, liberals, and Jews for economic problems and humiliating peace terms such as reparations Hitler and the Third Reich
Hitler was born in Austria in a middle class family His father was very harsh He was not particularly successful…denied admission into architecture school He stated that the war awoke him from sleepwalking He found a new direction from the war Stab-in-the-back legend provided him with a commitment to changing the political landscape of Germany Hitler and the Third Reich
Hitler attempted a political revolution in 1923 at Munich Beer Hall Putsch He stormed into the hall and attempted to take it over (Bavarian leaders) The revolution failed and some police officers were killed in the process Hitler served a jail term for this (brief). While in jail he wrote his famous Mein Kampf (blue-print for political ideology of Nazism ) Hitler and the Third Reich
In Mein Kampf Hitler blamed the downfall of Germany on Jews, communists, and middle-class liberals Due to failure of the revolution Hitler changed his tactics for taking over power He wanted to gain through legal terms Set out to increase numbers within the Nazi party Party supported farmers, small business, civil servants, and the young 1930-32 Nazi party became largest supported party in country 1933 Hitler was offered the position as chancellor of Germany by President Paul von Hindenburg due to his party’s success Hitler and the Third Reich
Conservatives leaders mistakenly believed that they could control Hitler and use him for their purposes Once in power Hitler convinced Hindenburg and the Reichstag that there was a communist revolution about to be carried out As such he got consent to establish emergency laws: …outlawed freedom of speech and press and approved use of violence Abolished all other political parties and trade unions * Within two months after he came to power Germany was a police state where Hitler was a legal dictator * Hitler called his new state the Third Reich Hitler and the Third Reich
Suspended parliamentary government (Reichstag) Gestapo-secret popo Eliminated enemies using S.A. and S.S. S.A. (sturmabteilung) led by Ernst Rohm who helped Hitler achieve electoral victories by way of violence toward opponents S.S. (schutzstaffel) protection squad led by Heinrich Himmler Wore black uniforms Controlled political policing force Hitler purged S.A. and Rohm and SS became his exclusive elite corps Hitler and the Third Reich
Lebensraum: (territorial acquisition). It was a right/ duty of the master race (Aryans) to expand land into territory of inferior states (Baltic/Balkans/ Russia) Rearmament: continue secretly arming Germany. 1939 moved troops into Rhineland… …demilitarized zone between France and Germany), withdrew Germany from League of Nations, and ended relationship with Russia Autarky: economic self-sufficiency. Germany to produce everything it consumed Nazi Goals
Economic recovery: full employment after 1936 due to autarky, concentration on big business for industry, 4 Year Plan to reach economic goals Autarky also met lebensraum needs by way of Germany annexing territories that could feed them much need raw materials Go to the following link to read some of Hitler’s most famous speeches: http://www.hitler.org/speeches/ Nazi Goals
To sell his program Hitler created the “total state” Created the Ministry of Propaganda headed by Joseph Goebbels (journalist) Goebbels organized massive displays of public loyalty At demonstrations they would fly the flag and display the swastika Again, Hitler like Mussolini was a charismatic speaker Propaganda
Women were regulated to family life and baby production Children were indoctrinated with Nazi values at a young age through Nazi organizations to teach them the correct values State promoted large families by tax cuts 1939 Nazis required female labor because of war (total war) Women and Children
Foreigners (Mickey Mouse), communists, deviants (homosexuals, criminals), mentally ill and disabled, gypsies, and Jews Sent to concentration camps, put through programs of (eugenics) sterilization, and exiled Anti-Semitism was not a new idea but Hitler cultivated it for political purposes…to unite his party Kristallnacht: Night of broken glass-17 yr. Herschel Grynszpan (Jew from Germany) shot an employee of the German Embassy in Paris to get back at Germans for deporting his father Result: attack on Jews in Germany on Nov. 9, 1938 Enemies of the state
Soviet Union faced with solving its economic problems Women’s Battalion of Death 1917-shame men into fighting-80% casualties 1917 strikes: food riots, work, and need for political reform. Led to a council of workers, soviet, to take over the city government and arrest the tsar’s ministers forcing the tsar to abdicated in March of 1917. Parliamentary government ruled but they continued with the war and didn’t deliver on land reform Thus in November of 1917 a 2nd revolution occurred: the radical Bolshevik Revolution (Social Democratic party renamed the Communist party under Lenin) Soviet Union Vladimir Lenin • Soviet Russia was forced to embark on a program of rapid industrialization with drastic costs to Russian society
Lenin signed the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk in 1918 to end Russia in WWI-had to give much land away to Germans. Germans then promptly lost that land in the Treaty of Versailles 1919-created buffer states from that land. 2nd problem-election where the Social Revolutionary Party was more popular (peasant and rural reforms) so Lenin shut down the Parliament. He replaced it w/ Congress of Soviets dominated by Bolsheviks Lenin declared the revolution and civil war had been won in the name of the “dictatorship of the proletariat” Russia thus did not have a western style multiple party system, but rather a Bolshevik monopoly. At the end of revolution the Bolsheviks, not the people, were in charge of government The communist party seized power and ruled over Russia until 1989 Bolshevik government was directed by a seven-man committee of leading Bolsheviks, Politburo Western powers freaked out over communism because it went against property rights and freedoms, it was unexpected, and they refused to pay off their debts. So briefly the Entente tried to support the aristocracy in the Civil War that followed once Lenin came to power. However he quickly fought them off and western power pulled out. Soviet Regime at the End of Civil War
Russian Civil War:1918-1921- White armies ( aristocrats loyal to old tsar and true Russia) vs. Red armies (Bolsheviks). White army saw Treaty of Brest-Litovsk as a betrayal to what they had worked so hard for Allies supplied White army and continued their support past the armistice of WWI (nov. 11, 1918) Many Soviets saw this support as predatory capitalists intending to destroy the fledgling Soviet state for its own desires! After Civil War Lenin declared that it had been won in the name of “the dictatorship of the proletariat” (Marx) Hammer and sickle of Soviet flag represented untied rule of workers and peasants and were reminders of the commitment to “rule from below”, but the Bolsheviks not the people were in power after the civil war. Called Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) to show multinational character of nation Lenin head of Soviet state. Central Committee of Communist party to rule but it was really Lenin and the Politburo (inner circle of the Central Committee) Ultimate problem-fix economy! Soviet Regime
It was up to the Politburo to stabilize the Russian economy Industrial sector in shambles and agricultural activity disrupted/ depleted by civil war After Lenin- 3 -members: Leon Trotsky, Nikolai Bukharin, and Joseph Stalin -2 extremes in the argument of how to fix the problem A) Planned economy ruled from above (militarization of labor) Soviets and the Economy B) Economy controlled from below. Actual: Lenin choose a middle course “temporary retreat” from Communist goals -Supreme Soviet similar to Parliamentary system, except only Communists could be elected. Soon communists reestablished authoritarian system of rule on Russia with even secret police (KGB)
1921 New Economic Policy (N.E.P.): ended requisition of agricultural products from peasants in favor of a % payment system (a tax) Meant peasants had control over their surplus and this could be disposed on private markets. New plan afforded peasants and business owners much freedom! Economy began then to recover Question: how to Russia crippled by poverty create enough capital to industrialize Nikolai Bukharin thought that peasant profits would create demand for manufactured goods (private farms) (surplus) He also wanted foreign investment Many felt the NEP was too capitalistic! New economic policies 1921-28 Creative mood-women’s and worker’s groups developed…educational reformed helped. Education used to reshape culture and move away from peasant traditions and religion to science and communist political analysis.
In 1924 Lenin died leaving a divide in the Politburo and Bolshevik party over the economic problem (series of strokes started in 1923) In 1928 Joseph Stalin (steel) intervened in the agricultural economy when peasants attempted to hoard their produce. He closed down free markets He additionally had Trotsky and Bukharin removed from the Politburo and killed (rivals) Stalin ruled Russia as dictator from 1928-1953 Stalin was not from Russia, but Georgia. He was very poor and received seminary education-joined Marxists groups-Lenin Stalin and Rise to Power
Stalin committed Russia to a program of rapid industrialization based on seizing all profits from agriculture This meant an end to the NEP and free agricultural markets Stalin’s Five-Year Plan was to achieve this rapid industrialization under the control of the government Industrial labor force created virtually overnight out of peasant men and women No sacrifice was too great in producing steel and iron Grain crisis of 1928 resulted in development of collectivization of farms The First Five-Year Plan
Collectivization meant confiscating land and establishing collective farms run by the state. By 1938 private lands had been virtually eliminated This also freed large amounts of the peasantry to work in industrial sector Those farmers who resisted (kulaks) were deported State set prices, controlled distribution, and selected crops Collectivization laid the foundations for a Soviet planned economy Millions of peasants died /families torn apart/ village life destroyed from this process After transition period allow for normal food supplies and a release of labor for industry Went West was having a Depression Soviet output of machinery and metal grew 14 fold. The Soviet Union became the world’s 3rd largest industrial power behind US and Germany Urban crowding, factory discipline, incentives, welfare services surpassed West, and vacations/ recreational programs No legal outlet for workers b/c industry controlled from top-workers concerned studies and problems addressed The First Five-Year Plan
Comintern was based in Moscow and consisted of representatives of 37 countries Made for the purpose of promoting and coordinating the coming world revolution When the revolution never happened it became a group concerned with ideological purity 1929: Stalin withdrew support for non-communist groups, splitting socialism in Europe (comm vs. social dem) 2nd Five-Year Plan: increase in heavy industry while decrease in imports Stalin introduced harsh punishments for workers and a system of rewards (quotas): Stakhanovism Stalin controlled intellectual life-Socialist realism-depicted ideas of workers, soldiers, and peasants (went against exiled to Serbia) Backed up industrialization program with police procedures-enemies executed. MVD secret police-terror spread like (Reign of Terror in the French Revolution) The Comintern/ Great Purge
Great Purge: 1934-1939. Stalin labeled anyone he believed to be opponents as class enemies Most prominent figures were put on trial (many were Bolshevik leaders) and executed Put army and navy through purge destroying many qualified personnel Also created labor camps Purges
Gulag Tens of thousands of labor camp prisoners became the secret fuel of the Soviet Five-Year Plans and such giant projects as construction of the White Sea – Baltic Sea Canal, the Moscow River – Volga River Canal, the dam and power station at Dneprostroi, and the industrial center at Magnitka.
Gulag During the period of July 1929 - January 1, 1934, the number of prisoners incarcerated in labor camps increased 23 fold
Soviets planned to emancipate women: Right to vote in 1917 and abortion 1920 However did not meet economic demands Found it more difficult to find work due to child care and maternity leave issues Women did not enter the top echelons of the Communist Party Traditional role of women as mothers was officially reinstated due to a decline in birth rates 1936 abortion outlawed Women expected to perform dual roles of mother and worker Amount of labor imposed on women actually increased Women and Family
USSR • Diplomatic relations with major nations slowly reestablished • Soviet Union accepted into the League of Nations • Hitler’s rise in Germany problematic b/c a strong Germany was inevitably a threat to Russia from the west and Hitler was vocal for his scorn of Slavic peoples and communism. • USSR wanted to help Western powers block German threat but during the Spanish Civil War they were suspicious of the Soviets just as much as the Nazis So the Soviets signed an agreement/pact with Hitler in 1939
Porfirio Diaz ruled Mexico until 1911 (for 36 years-dictator). His motto was “Liberty, Order, and Progress”- but only freedom for large hacienda owners and foreign investors (not poor peasants-1% of population owned 85% of land). He had rigged elections and any that opposed him were in trouble! RRs developed and machinery was imported but really for the benefit of the upper class and a few businessmen. Diaz (although mestizo) discriminated against nonwhites majority and wanted to get rid of “rustic” Mexican traditions in favor of European ones. (repressive) Mexican revolution turned out to be a social revolution-no one party-developed haphazardly. Francisco I. Madero-ran against Diaz –more liberal-arrested and after he got out called for a revolt. President following collapse of Diaz government in 1911-wealthy family. Clear he couldn’t resolve continued social problems in Mexico 1913 Madero-military coup and murdered –US responded under Wilson by occupying Veracruz Middle class and industrial workers of Mexico were angry in inequities in society and foreign intervention Mexican Revolution
Pancho Villa led forces under Madero to the north and Emiliano Zapata to the south. They turned against him though when reforms didn’t come through. General Victoriano Huerta the tried to led a Diaz type dictatorship. Villa and Zapata worked together to fight against this government and were joined by middle-class opponents to Huerta’s illegal rule-1914 forced from power. RRs aided in moving troops (soldaderas-women w/ arms) Villa and Zapata remained in control in their home regions, but couldn’t get control in Mexico City from moderate politicians Alvaro Obregon-beat Villa in 1915 and emerged as the leader of the new Mexican government 1919 Zapata defeated and killed 1923 Villa assassinated 2 million people died in the civil war plus destruction 1917 Mexican Constitution-more liberal and peasant rights: Party of the Institutionalized Revolution (PRI) dominant force in Mexico Mexican Revolution
Toward Revolution in China In 1912 Puyi abdicated and the Qing dynasty ended –allowing for revolutionary movements and foreign ideas Struggle over leadership: warlords, students, politicians, secret societies, communists, and even Japanese intruders?? (Ultimate victory under Chinese Communism and Mao Zedong) Sun Yat-sen a middle class politician headed the Revolutionary alliance, anti-Qing political groups They led revolt against Qing and after it was toppled they claimed the mandate or right to rule over the people (had no real power-warlords did) Alliance elected Sun president and parliamentary government formed –little effect b/c warlords controlled China Sun Yat-sen resigned as president to the northern warlord, Yuan Shikai in 1912 He had the best chance to unify China under a single rule-but went against alliance and Sun Yat-sen called for a 2nd revolution. Led to assassinations and suppression of movement
China’s May fourth Movement Yuan Shikai wanted to become the next emperor of China, but he was stopped. Japan-1902 treaty with British-WWI entered Triple Entente and seized German islands in the Pacific as well as German concessionary areas in China Japan gave Yuan 21 demands which if accepted would reduce China. Yuan didn’t accept or reject but rather decided to focus on the throne. In 1916 Yuan was forced to resign the throne b/c of warlord. China joined the Entente in WWI-Treaty of Versailles Japan was given former German concessions –China felt betrayed by the Entente powers. Led a mass demonstration May 4, 1919 against the Japanese inroads-beyond just marches to strikes and boycotts against Japanese goods. Intellectual and students played a leading role-liberal democracy-against tradition Confucian social code. Soon clear that liberal democracy couldn’t solve the problems of China
May 4th/ Marxism Civil liberties didn’t make sense in warlord driven society and a society of extreme poverty! China needed radical change-gave rise to the communist left. China noticed how the Bolsheviks rebuilt Russia and began focusing on Marxism, but the Chinese believed in major alterations to Marxist ideology b/c China was mostly a peasant society and not an industrial society (Li Dazhao-peasants as vehicle of revolutionary change-all of China=proletarian-exploited by the West) Li appealed to students like Mao Zedong who joined his study circle-angered by China’s betrayal by the Entente Wanted a return to leaders who were committed to social reform, social welfare, and a authoritative state (started as clubs then turned into larger political organizations) Out of a secret meeting in 1921 the Communist party of China was born
Seizure of Power by China’s Guomingdang Guomingdang-Nationalist party- wanted mandate to rule like the communist party too (rivals). Sun Yat-sen 1911-1925 head of nationalist party (exiled for a few years) Forged alliances and started their own army (needed to fight warlords). Wanted to unify China under a strong central government to get out imperialistic intruders and alleviate poverty. Concentrated on political and domestic issues to peasants dismay. In 1924 formed an alliance with Communist party-wanted link to peasants. Also turned to Bolshevik Russia for assistance (Whampoa Military Academy 1924-led by Chiang Kai-shek) Nationalists got distracted with political issues while peasants (90%) suffered (couldn’t even bury dead) Sun Yat-sun refused to believe in exploitive landlords or that there were series problems in the countryside?
Mao and Peasant Option Mao Zedong-son of wealthy peasant-rebelled against father’s mis-treatment of workers-forced to make it on his own. Gained his own education and found himself open to ideas about the peasant problems. Nationalists-post Sun’s death in 1925 taken over by Chiang Kai-shek and his warlord allies. Nationalists seized Yangtze River valley-later Beijing. By late 20s Chiang was the master of China-the head of warlord hierarchy. Chiang turned against communists (massacre or workers in Shanghai in 1927’). Western support with Chinese aristocracy-attacked communist strong hold which caused Mao Zedong to launch the Long March (90,000 marched in 1934 across thousands of miles to remote northwest China-communist center. Mao became the leader of Chinese communism. Japan invaded in 1930s forcing Chiang to ally with communists-started losing power