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Teacher Satisfaction and Retention: Data From the Lutheran Teacher Survey Northern Illinois District Administrators January 15, 2002. Commission on Ministerial Growth and Support (314) 996-1378 Lutheran Education Association (708) 209-3343. Research Objectives. Purpose
Teacher Satisfaction and Retention: Data From the Lutheran Teacher SurveyNorthern Illinois District AdministratorsJanuary 15, 2002 Commission on Ministerial Growth and Support (314) 996-1378 Lutheran Education Association (708) 209-3343
Research Objectives Purpose • Maintain faithful, joyful and competent teachers and administrators in Lutheran schools Phase I - Qualitative • Gain an understanding and insights regarding teachers’ roles, attitudes, satisfaction and educational needs Phase I I - Quantitative • Measure teachers’ attitudes, satisfaction and educational needs • Increase ability to predict satisfaction and likelihood to leave
Methodology & Sample • Quantitative Measurement using Mail Survey • Rated satisfaction or agreement with over 120 variables • teaching environment, compensation issues, personal development, balance between career and personal life, relationships • Ranked skills and resources needs • Explored emotional well-being • Gathered a wide range of behavioral data • Sample • Conducted in June 2000 • Survey mailed to 1,232 randomly selected current teachers of pre-school and K - 12 • 464 returned (27%) • 60% of commissioned teachers responded • only 14% of non-commissioned teachers responded
Findings apply mostly to... Commissioned Teachers Non-Commissioned Teachers Teachers who have left Aspiring Teachers We lack data for... Information Gap
Overall, how satisfied are you with your current teaching situation? How likely are you to leave your teaching ministry in the Lutheran school system during the next three years? Analysis Revolves Around... The First Two Key Questions
Somewhat Satisfied 215 46% Very Satisfied 150 32% Not Satisfied 55 12% Overall Satisfaction Total Number of Teachers (420 Responded)
Very Likely 62 13% Not at all Likely 145 31% Somewhat Likely 81 18% Not Very Likely 167 36% Likelihood to Leave Total Number of Teachers (455 Responded) 31%
Overall, how satisfied are you with your current teaching situation? How likely are you to leave your teaching ministry in the Lutheran school system during the next three years? Analysis Revolves Around... The First Two Key Questions How can we influence?
F F F F F F F F F F Using Factor Analysis to Reduce a Large Number of Variables to a Manageable Number v v v v v v v v v v v v 121 Variables 10 Factors
Relationship with Administration Relationship with Peers / Work Environment Pressure / Conflict Relationship between School & Congregation Opportunities for Continuing Education Pastoral Support Compensation Relationship with Parents Effectiveness as a Teacher Balance or Lack ofDistress Factors Impinging on Teachers
What allows us to better predict….? Teacher Satisfaction 10 Factors 18 Demographics 7 Factors and 1 Demographic Variable Emerge Impact Modeling
Relationship with Administration Relationship with Peers / Work Environment Tenure at Current School Relationship between School & Congregation Opportunities for Continuing Education Compensation Balance or Lack ofDistress Effectiveness as a Teacher In Order of Effect on Satisfaction
What allows us to better predict….? Likelihood to Leave 10 Factors 18 Demographics 4 Factors and 4 Demographic Variables Emerge Impact Modeling
Relationship with Administration Relationship with Peers / Work Environment Presence of Children Yes (+) Relationship between School & Congregation Gender (Female) Taught Grade 6 - 12 Compensation Taught K-5 (+) In Order of Effect on Likelihood to Leave At Risk!
Compensation #1 Teacher Retention #3 Teacher Satisfaction What helps us better understand this factor?
Salary Provides Adequate Support for Needs • Almost 45% of our teachers disagree! • (Higher among non-rostered!)
Characteristics of a salary adequate for the teacher and the teacher’s family needs (<.01) • Agree that my compensation is in line with my responsibilities and workload • Agree that I am willing to compromise on salary to teach in a Christian environment • Agree that I am satisfied with opportunities to develop or update my skills • Have children at home
Characteristics of a salary adequate for the teacher and the teacher’s family needs (<.05) • Agree that the school has a good reputation for providing quality education • Agree that I think the school board attempts to meet district salary guidelines • Agree that my needs as a teacher are being met very well • Are satisfied with competency in counseling situations
Teacher-Principal/Administrator Relationships #1 Teacher Satisfaction #2 Teacher Retention So, investigating this further… What are the central characteristics that make up principal/administrator relationships?
Characteristics of a Positive Relationship with the Principal/Administrator (<.01) • (My Principal) treats teachers with respect • (My Principal) is sensitive to the needs and abilities of the teacher • Climate (at my school) is positive • Teachers (at my school) have someone to go to for discussing sensitive issues such as compensation, feelings of isolation • (My Principal) recognizes teachers for their effort • (My Principal) is approachable
Characteristics of a Positive Relationship with the Principal/Administrator (<.05) • (At my school) teachers are given a clear understanding of their responsibilities/priorities • (My principal) demonstrates sensitivity/flexibility around work family issues
Relationship to Peers/Work Environment #2 Teacher Satisfaction #4 Teacher Likelihood to Leave What helps us better understand this factor?
Satisfaction with Relationship with Other Teachers Basically, our teachers are satisfied with their peer relationships
Characteristics of a Satisfactory Relationship with Other Teachers(<.01) • Agree that I am encouraged and befriended by other teachers/staff • Agree that at my school there is a sense of camaraderie and teamwork. • Agree that at my school teachers exude the joy of teaching
Characteristics of a Satisfactory Relationship with Other Teachers(<.05) • Agree that at my school teachers have a voice in the decisions that affect them. • Agree that at my school people trust one another. NOTE: NO DEMOGRAPHIC VARIABLES
Relationship Between School and Congregation #5 Teacher Satisfaction #5 Teacher Likelihood to Leave What helps us better understand this factor?
Positive School-Congregation Relationship 6 out of 10 teachers report a positive school-congregationrelationship
Characteristics of a Positive Relationship Between the School and the Congregation(<.01) • School-congregation relationship: enthused (opposite: indifferent) • Agree that congregation leaders treat the teachers as professionals • Agree that a good number of congregation members’ children attend our school • Disagree that there is a tension between the congregation/school: “church” v. “school” • Agree that pastor demonstrates his concern for spiritual welfare of faculty members • School-congregation relationship: close (opposite: distant) Note: NO DEMOGRAPHIC VARIABLES
Another Question of Interest Principal has a good relationship with the pastor • Almost 7 of 10 teachers report a positive pastor-principal relationship
What helps the principal-pastor relationship? >.01 - Agree that pastor is supportive of teachers - School-congregation relationship is collegial (opposite: antagonistic) >.05 - Agree that congregation leaders share their appreciation for the teachers
Is the Pastor Supportive of the Teachers? 2/3 of the teachers say “YES”
Pastor is supportive of teachers >.01 • Agree: the pastor shows that he appreciates the teachers • Agree: the pastor promotes the school to the congregation • Agree: the pastor has reasonable expectations • Agree: the pastor demonstrates his concern for the spiritual welfare of faculty members
Another Key Question Among the various difficult feelings teachers could be experiencing, which are most prominent and what is their makeup? We measured being bothered by: isolation, self-doubt, depression, discontentment, anxiety, being overwhelmed, anger, disillusionment, frustration, inability to relate to others.
But when we measure frustration and being overwhelmed… Great Deal Somewhat Combined Frustration 11.4% 44.4% 56% Being Overwhelmed 18% 41% 59% We wanted to look further into these feelings.
Major Sources of Feeling NOT Overwhelmed I have been able to strike a balance between my professional and family life My principal/administrator understands the challenges teachers face in the classroom I feel comfortable asking questions about my workload or compensation-related issues (I am satisfied with) my effectiveness as a teacher
Major Sources of Feeling Overwhelmed (I agree that) teachers feel pressured to deliver a high quality education (1.3) Ifind it difficult to balance my work and personal life (1.4) (I agree that) teaching at a Lutheran school requires an unreasonable financial sacrifice (1.1)
Major Sources of Feeling Frustrated Students are more disruptive and harder to control than in the past School - Congregation relationship is indifferent Students come with needs that teachers are not prepared to deal with
Major Sources of Feeling NOT Frustrated Overall satisfaction with my present situation My needs as a teacher are being met very well Overall satisfaction with my relationship with the parents of students (In the work environment) the needs of the teachers are met very well
Another Key Question Are teachers’ spiritual needs being met?
Spiritual Needs Met 70% “strongly” or “somewhat” agree
What contributes to the spiritual needs of the teacher being met? (<.01) Satisfied with the work environment at my school Agree that the pastor demonstrates his concern for the spiritual welfare of faculty members Agree that the environment (at the school) is intellectually stimulating Agree that teachers have adequate opportunity for group devotion or Bible study Congregation leaders have reasonable expectations of the teachers
Of 13 skills offered to teachers, there was no one skill that everyone felt would increase their effectiveness. But... 43% want to improve skills in counseling with children and families 37% want to learn new teaching methods and computer applications 20% want to improve classroom management skills Clustering Teachers by Skill Training Needs … three skill tracks offer something of interest to virtually every teacher!
Conclusions • Based on this survey of primarily Commissioned teachers, a small number (12%) report being dissatisfied with the current teaching situation. The majority are only ‘somewhat satisfied’ with many of the aspects measured by the survey • We must take care to not project our findings beyond Commissioned teachers. It is reasonable to assume that non-commissioned teachers would be less positive, less satisfied and perhaps more likely to leave • ‘Overall satisfaction with current teaching situation’ is not a strong predictor of whether or not a teacher is likely to leave. However, the research indicates that about one in ten Commissioned teachers will leave annually over the next several years
Conclusions • Satisfaction and Likelihood to Leave are not simple “effects’ attributed to single causal factors; however, we have identified factors and demographic variables that affect the odds that a teacher is dissatisfied or satisfied and whether or not they will be more or less likely to leave their teaching ministry • Relationships, especially the relationship between teacher and principal and relationships with peers, have more effect on teachers’ satisfaction than compensation • Teacher-principal/administrator relationships have specific characteristics that can be influenced
Conclusions • Half of the teachers who plan to leave are doing so for personal reasons usually associated with life stage or lifestyle change. On the surface, one might assume their decisions cannot be influenced or reversed. However, measures might be considered to retain these teachers: bonuses tied to tenure, reduced work schedules, etc. If teachers enjoy teaching and have good relationships, they might ‘defer’ leaving their teaching ministry.