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Post Testing Procedures Spring 2013. CALENDAR Processing Timeline - Spring 2013. April. ACH -2 day EOC-1 day shipping. Scanning/Processing – 48 hours. May. Ach end. Achievement starts. EOC starts. ACH. EOC. Close Ach SDDV. EOC ends. Close EOC SDDV. June. SH- ACH/EOC CDF rev. CDF.
CALENDAR Processing Timeline - Spring 2013 April ACH -2 day EOC-1 day shipping Scanning/Processing – 48 hours May Ach end Achievement starts EOC starts ACH EOC Close Ach SDDV EOC ends Close EOC SDDV June SH- ACH/EOC CDF rev CDF
Return of Scorable Materials • Ensure all used answer documents with TAG or GIS forms and SGL forms are packed in the Pearson boxes with the appropriate colored labels. • All unused Pre-ID answer documents should be placed under an Unused Pre-ID header and returned with the Scorable materials. • Ensure all remaining used and unused test materials, including Central Office, are packed in the original shipping boxes in the specified order. • Keep your Security Checklists and record the number of boxes per school being returned for your use. • Ship all answer documents and unused Pre-ID documents to Pearson as soon as possible but no later than 3 business days after testing is completed. • K-2 and all 3-8 materials are returned via 2 day shipping. • EOC scoreable materials are returned via overnight shipping. • EOC non-scoreable materials are returned via 2 day shipping.
Key Reminders for Packing and Returning Scorable Materials • Pack each school separately and in the boxes that test materials were shipped in. • Each box will have two labels: • Use the appropriate colored labels for Scorable materials (answer documents). • Add the UPS return label. • Note: Be sure to use the Iowa City labels for both. • Label each box as 1 of X, 2 of X, etc. with X representing the total number of boxes that have correct matching colored labels. • Transcribed answer documents for Braille or Large Print are to be returned with other answer documents in the Scorable boxes. • Overnight returns are ONLY for EOC scorable materials (answer documents). All non-scorable materials should be returned using the regular shipping process.
Return of materials • Each of the testing programs have different colored return labels, one for scoreable materials and another for non-scorable materials. Example of K-2: K-2 non-scoreable Green Label K-2 Scoreable – Tan Label
Return of Materials • Example of Achievement/MAAS Grades 3 - 8 Ach/Maas scoreable - Pink Label Ach/MAAS non-scoreable Blue Label
Return of Materials • Example of End of Course EOC non-scoreable Lavender Label EOC scoreable Yellow Label
Return of Materials • Example of Chemistry FT: Chemistry FT non-scoreable salmon label Chemistry FT scoreable purple label
Unused Pre-ID Header Unused Pre-ID Answer Documents • Unused Pre-ID’d answer documents should be returned under an Unused Pre-ID Document form. • These will be returned with scorable materials. • A sample Unused Pre-ID Document form is located in the TAM for each program. • Unused Pre ID labels from your K-2 students that have not been affixed to a test booklet, should not be returned but disposed of in a secure manner
Return of Scorable End of Course Materials Pack in boxes (top to bottom) • Copies of SGLs • ITM Envelopes • Unused Pre-ID Header (Pre-coded/bubbled) • Unused Pre-ID Answer Documents • Completed GIS Form • Answer Documents (banded) • This includes regular and transcribed Large Print documents • Completed GIS Form • Transcribed Answer Documents for Braille (these need to be under a separate GIS for scoring)
Return of Non-Scorable End of Course Materials Pack in boxes (top to bottom) • Regular Test Books • Opened and Unopened packages • Braille / Large Print Test Books (if applicable) • Braille Ink Print Test Books (if applicable) • Test Booklets that have been used by Examiners • District Overage of Unused Test Books • Ancillary Materials
Security Checklist for Systems • Materials returned by the systems will undergo security check-in processes to verify that all test books distributed to schools/systems have been returned by those schools/systems. • Should Pearson determine any discrepancies with the materials returned versus the materials that were initially distributed, Pearson representatives will contact the system testing coordinators to report and resolve discrepancies. • As part of this process of shipping test books, each Central Office and school will receive a System Security Checklist. This checklist will assist you to track where and to whom the secure test books were distributed for administering the particular test. • The School Security Checklist should be used each day at the start and end of testing to ensure tracking of each test book and who has checked out test materials. • Completing the field indicating the student assigned to each test book is optional, but could assist you with any investigation after testing. • Security Checklists will be available for download in a CSV format on PearsonAccess.
Communications • Contact Information • User Management • Calendar • Message Board • System Uploads
Processing Management • SDDV Audit • Roster • Assessment forms – includes SGLs & RIs • SDDV • Teacher-Student Connection
SDDV Audit: Demographic Data Review The data of 2/25 will be used for pre-id. We will provide additional updates in mid-March and mid-April. The final pull for post-test SDDV will be May 3rd. This data is pulled by a TDOE EIS programmer and cannot be changed or researched by RANDA.
Roster: Teacher review Rosters will be read only until the May 3rd EIS pull, once that pull is loaded teachers and administrators may begin reviewing rosters before TSC opens. Any changes made to rosters will be included in TSC when it is opened during processing.
Step-by-Step Status Information The current status by school and district will be shown at the top of every Audit page and the Processing Admin page. Step 1 on the Progress bar – SGLs and RIs
Reports of Irregularity • RI’s are required for: • Potential Breach of Security • Medical Exemption requests • Inactive Test Materials • Student related administration irregularities • New in Spring 2013 – ITM forms will not be shipped with materials, complete an RI to report ITM issues. The form MUST be printed and returned with the affected materials. If test documents are contaminated, complete an ITM/RI and indicate that the document(s) were securely destroyed by the Building or System Testing Coordinator. Include the bar code number for the destroyed document(s).
For each assessment program: If there are no RI’s including ITM’s then click the NO RI’s boxIf there are RI’s but no ITMs’ click only the NO ITM’s boxIf there are both – ITM’s and other types of RI’s – do not click a box
Item E on the RI form will generate an ITM. The page will refresh and the incident options will appear at the bottom of the page. Select the incident type and enter the information for the student(s) below. Be sure there are response documents for the students returned under the appropriate TAG/GIS forms with scoreable materials.
Step 2 on the Progress Bar Scan Completion Acknowledgement Page(SCAP) • Pearson will send scan files to RANDA • The scan file will be loaded into SDDV • Automated email will be sent to building testing coordinator with notification that SDDV is open • Automated email will be sent to district testing coordinator with notification that SDDV is open for specific schools
Student Demographic Data Verification (SDDV) Step 3 on the Progress Bar • Education Information System (EIS) • Discrepancy reports
Student Demographic Data Verification (SDDV) 4 Step Process 1. Review Duplicates 2. Scan vs. EIS 3. Demographic Discrepancies 4. Finalize
Discrepancy review • Steps 1 and 2 Deal with the Student Population • Duplicates – School/District/State – USID • Scan Only – documents that did not match an EIS record and • EIS Only – EIS records that did not match a scan document
Discrepancy review • Step 3 Deals with the Demographic Discrepancies • TSC can be opened once steps 1 and 2 are complete • RECOMMENDATION: Review Sp ED and Instructional Availability Discrepancies before opening TSC so that you only correct them once. Fields that can be pre-id’d are considered required. If these fields are blank it will generate a discrepancy.
Discrepancy review • Step 4 Final Sign Off Make sure to Finalize SDDV to move through the Process and keep your Gold Stars!
Teacher-Student Connection Step 4 on the Progress Bar • School & District • Audit • Class Rosters • Assignment Rosters • Linkage Rosters
Class Roster / Quick Scores 49-1-617. Development of policy by which student scores on achievement tests comprise percentage of final grade in certain subjects in grades three through eight. — Each local board of education shall develop a policy by which student scores on the Tennessee comprehensive assessment program's grades three through eight (3-8) achievement tests shall comprise a percentage of the student's final grade for the spring semester in the subject areas of mathematics, reading/language arts, science and social studies. The percentage shall be determined by the local board from a range of no less than fifteen percent (15%) and no more than twenty-five percent (25%). The policy shall utilize performance levels determined by the state board of education and be developed and implemented for the spring semester of 2011. [Acts 2010, ch. 1127, § 1.]
Reporting Release Quick Scores
QUICK SCORES SPRING 2013 • Use preliminary data • SGL, RI, SDDV, and Teacher-Student Connection must be completed before release • Will not be released if there are duplicates or other issues • Provides the Achievement Level • Gives the score to use for grade
SPRING 2013 REPORTS POSTED ON PEARSONACCESS • Individual Profile Reports (IPR) and labels will be provided to districts in hard copyin mid-June. • District & School Summary Reports and District Student Data files will be available on PearsonAccess by late June, early July. • Communication regarding report availability will be sent out on EdTools.
Resources – Vendor Links Single Sign-On provides access to vendors used by the Department