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Washington Irving

Washington Irving. Life. Born in 1783 in New York City Named after George Washington From a large, wealthy family Learned to appreciate literature, art, theater, and opera Loved American landscapes and exploring the countryside

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Washington Irving

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  1. Washington Irving

  2. Life • Born in 1783 in New York City • Named after George Washington • From a large, wealthy family • Learned to appreciate literature, art, theater, and opera • Loved American landscapes and exploring the countryside • Considered being a painter, but used his talent to write about American landscapes instead

  3. Life • Spent much of his life abroad • Studied law, but ended up joining the family business in England • Stayed in Europe for the next 17 years and served as a U.S. diplomat

  4. Characteristics of His Writing • Humor, wit • Complex and interesting characters • Stylized prose • Use of European legends and events of the past • Pioneered the short story

  5. Notable Works • “The Devil and Tom Walker” • “Rip van Winkle” • “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow”

  6. Imagery

  7. Imagery • The descriptive words and phrases a writer uses to re-create sensory experiences • Imagery is like a multimedia presentation in your mind, including pictures, sounds, physical sensations, tastes, and smells

  8. Types of Imagery Auditory Visual Olfactory Kinesthetic Organic Gustatory Tactile

  9. Auditory (Hearing) The reader can hear the sounds being made/heard in the story. “Or sinking as the light wind lives or dies;And full-grown lambs loud bleat from hilly bourn;Hedge-crickets sing; and now with treble softThe redbreast whistles from a garden-croft,And gathering swallows twitter in the skies.”

  10. Olfactory (Smell) The reader can imagine the smells of the scents and odors in the writing. "She smelled as sweet as roses.""I was awakened by the strong smell of a freshly brewed coffee."

  11. Tactile (Touch) The reader can imagine the feel or texture of certain things. "The blanket was as soft as cotton and as smooth as silk."

  12. Gustatory (Taste) The reader can imagine the tasteof things described in the writing. "She served the bland sea-shell pasta with the sweet marinanasauce.“ "The first bite she took filled her mouth with a spicy kick from the jalapeños, and so she drank the sweet and fruity juice she had been given."

  13. Visual (Sight) The reader can see, or imagine in their mind, what scenes or settings the author is describing. "The tavern was worn down with age, the wooden bar chipping away, the floors looking black from the dirt, and the ceiling carrying dark brown stains from water damage.“ “Over the winter glaciersI see the summer glow.And through the wild-piled snowdriftThe warm rosebuds below.”

  14. Kinesthetic (Body) The reader can envision the movements and actions of a character or object. "His body moved fluidly throughout the obstacle course, dodging every object thrown at him with agility and grace while speeding down the path.“ "Her heartbeat was so loud, she felt it could be heard across the room."

  15. Organic (Feeling) The reader can envision the movements and actions of a character or object. "His body moved fluidly throughout the obstacle course, dodging every object thrown at him with agility and grace while speeding down the path.“ "Her heartbeat was so loud, she felt it could be heard across the room."

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