1. Animal Behaviour:Psychology/Biology 3750 Fall 2011: Week 1 Sept 7 2011
Office hours: MF, 10:00-11:30; W 1-2 astorey@.mun.ca
Mariana Kroll, SN2082,
Office hour: 1-2 Wed
3. Course Materials TEXT: Dugatkin, L. 2009, Principles of Animal Behaviour, Norton, 2th ed.
4. Lecture Outlines on WEB http://dogsbody.psych.mun.ca (no www)
Scroll down to Psychology 3750
- Find PowerPoint files.
- If no PP, to view, get PowerPoint “viewer” from
Mi crosoft.com
- to print: B&W, handouts
5. Evaluation 25%, Midterm Exam;
40%, Final Exam
35 % assignments (some group work)
6. Other business….
Initial class roster and provide e-mail address on your class list sheet
7. Reading in Dugatkin
Friday, Sept 9 & Monday, Sept 12: Chapter 1
Wed, Sept 15, Chapter 2
8. Why learn about animal behavior?
- Historical interest (Fig. 1.2 – 1.4)
- Current: basic and applied
9. MUN is a great place to study Animal Behaviour ‘Cognitive and Behavioural Ecology Graduate Programme’
- faculty in the Psychology and Biology departments
10. Basic research & Applications of Animal Behavior Knowledge Commercial enterprises. Examples?
Conservation. Examples?
Application to our species?
11. Cognitive and Behavioural Ecology Graduate Program: example – parental behavior of murres
12. Commercial: habitat for juvenile cod Piglet foragingPiglet foraging
13. Conservation: Endangered Newfoundland Pine Marten Polar bear moviePolar bear movie
14. Application to our species? Chimp tool use movieChimp tool use movie
15. COURSE FOCUS Behaviour is the organism’s interface between the environment and its physiology /genes
17. Proximate vs Ultimate Causation of Behaviour (Tinbergen’s four questions) Ultimate: evolution
Proximate: individual’s lifetime
18. Proximate vs Ultimate Causation of Behaviour (Tinbergen’s 4 questions) Ultimate Questions (Evolution)
Function (why)
2. Evolution (how)
19. Proximate vs Ultimate Causation of Behaviour (Tinbergen’s 4 questions) Proximate questions (Individual)
3. Mechanisms
4 Development
20. Why do birds sing?(White-crowned sparrow)
21. Why do animals display? (Lizard) Video: 2-2, 2-6Video: 2-2, 2-6
22. Why do birds sing?
23. Why do birds sing/animals display? UltimateCausation Function - The WHY question
How to test for function?
How does behavior increase survival and/or reproductive success
24. Function: Red epaulet display: red-winged blackbirds (Hansen &Rohwer 1986)
25. Function: Effects of darkening red epaulets
26. Ultimate causation: 2. Evolution Use evolutionary history to understand behavioral solutions
28. Why do birds sing and mammals mark?
29. Origin of mating display Use related species to track change of function
30. Empid flies – empty balloon gift?
31. Proximate Questions: 3. mechanism Why do birds sing? External Triggers
Photoperiod changes
Conspecific behavior
32. Proximate Questions: 3. mechanism Why do birds sing?
Internal factors -
neural and hormonal factors
33. Hormone changes in birds during reproduction Ball, 1991
34. Brain areas associated with bird song
35. Proximate Questions: 4. Development Is singing innate or learned?
When does song learning occur?
Critical period?
36. Young white crowned sparrows learn song from their fathers