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Evolution of Animal Behaviour

Evolution of Animal Behaviour. Monika Siekelova. Honey bees. caste. gender. tasks. Queen. Fertile female. taying eggs. Producing pheromone. Drone. Fertile male. Mating with virgin females. Worker. Infertile female. collecting nectar and pollen. Feeding larvae. Guarding hive.

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Evolution of Animal Behaviour

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  1. Evolution of Animal Behaviour Monika Siekelova

  2. Honey bees caste gender tasks Queen Fertile female taying eggs. Producing pheromone Drone Fertile male Mating with virgin females Worker Infertile female collecting nectar and pollen. Feeding larvae. Guarding hive Social Organization

  3. Naked mole rats Queen fertile female mates with one male Frequent workers Dig tunnels and bring food Infrequent worker help with heavier tasks Non workers keep breeding female and her young safe. Social Organization

  4. Evolution of Altruistic Behaviour dictionary definition- "unselfish behaviour" biology definition- an action that increase another individual's lifetime number of offspring at a cost to one's own survival and reproduction Two examples- non-breeding naked mole rats                           Blood sharing in vampire bats

  5. Mole rats in a colony are all generically related, so although the workers are helping to rear offspring that are not their own, they are helping to ensure the survival of their own genes. Non-breeding naked mole rats

  6. Blood Sharing in Vampire Bats     -Live in groups and feed at night by sucking blood from larger animals     -If one fails to deed for more than two consecutive nights it may die     -Bats that have fed successfully regurgitate blood for a bat that has failed to feed.     -This is called reciprocal altruism         they donate blood in case they need the blood for themselves later

  7. - The long and brightly colored tail feathers of a peacock - Only used during courtship - Other times the tail will be an encumbrance, hindering rapid movements.  -Explains evolution of exaggerated trait     -those that survive, despite the exaggerated trait, must be well-adapted in other ways and so is a good mate to choose Evolution of Exagerrated Traits

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