Monday, October 31st, 2011Objective: by the end of this lesson, 1. you will be able to summarize the main events and characters of “A Thought for the Crippled”;2. Identify the characteristics of level one, level two, and level three questions;3. identify three moments of transgression in Q & A; Silent Do Now: *Please take out last night’s homework (Vocabulary cards, annotations and plot points for “A Thought for the Crippled”) *In 2-3 complete sentences, please answer the following. Use your vocabulary sheets!: • What is a connection between anonymity and acclaim? Agenda: • Do Now … 5 minutes • Organize Binders … 7 minutes • Discuss “A Thought for the Crippled” … 20 minutes • Vocabulary Sentences … 7 minutes • Identify moments of Transgression in Q & A ...10 minutes • Homework: • Finish transgression chart • Read “How to Speak Australian” • Annotate – 6 post-its • Write a level 1, 2, and 3 question
Learning Goals: SWBAT Identify the characteristics of level one, level two, and level three questions. Level One, Level Two, Level Three Questions Transcend = ____________________________________ Example: _________ _________________ ___________________________________________________________________? Example: __________ __________________ ___________________________________? Example: ______________ ______________________ _____________________?
Learning Goals: SWBAT Identify the characteristics of level one, level two, and level three questions. Level One, Level Two, Level Three Questions Transcend = to go beyond Example: Why do people harm innocent children for their own profit? Example: do you agree with Ram and Salim leaving the crippled kids? Example: What happens to children at the crippled school?
Objective: SWBAT… Identify the characteristics of level one, level two, and level three questions. “A Thought for the Crippled” Leveled Questions Discussion Directions: Now that you know what leveled questions are, write one type of question each about “A Thought for the Crippled”.
Name: Identifying Examples of Transgressionin Q & A Directions: Independently review your plot points and star which ones are examples of transgression. Then work with your partner to find three moments of transgression from anywhere in the first three chapters of the book.
Tuesday, November 1st, 2011Objective: by the end of this lesson,1. you will be able to illustrate and describe the term “agency”;2. identify three moments where a character exerts his/her agency and describe a connection between “transgress” and “agency”. Silent Do Now: • What does agency mean? What do you think of when you hear the term? Please write 2-3 sentences. Agenda: • Do Now • Agency vocabulary lesson • Agency activity • Discuss “How to Speak Australian” • Homework: • Read “Hold on to your Buttons” • Annotate – 6 post-its • Plot points! (5-8)
Objective: by the end of this lessonyou will be able to describe and illustrate the term “agency”. Name: ______________________________ Agency (noun) My current level of understanding (circle one): 1 2 3 4 Describe in your own words (without copying off the slide): ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please draw a picture that illustrates agency and demonstrates you understand this term’s meaning:
Objective: by the end of this lessonyou will be able to describe and illustrate the term “agency”. Now my level of understanding (circle one): 1 2 3 4 Use each term in a sentence: Agency (noun): __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Further Understanding: How does agency connect to Q & A? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. How does agency connect to your life? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Learning Goal: SWBAT Describe and illustrate the word “agency”. Vocabulary Lesson #2:Agency • This word has many different meanings. • It can be used as a noun as in “I have to go to the employment agency to try to get help finding a job.” or “I went to the modeling agency and gave them my headshots.” This is not the version of this word we will be working with in this unit!
Think like Philosophers! The other way to use this word is very complicated and abstract. It’s okay if you don’t get it right away! We’ll keep talking about this word throughout the unit. • The way we’re going to talk about this word in this unit it in relation to power and control. • Agency is your power to control your own life or to define who you are and not to have others (either people or systems) control and define you. • Your agency or your group’s agency is always in tension, or in opposition to a structure, or boundaries that exist to control you to some extent. • To be an agent is to be a person/individual who owns his/her actions– to act knowingly and to take responsibility for actions. • If you don’t feel like you have agency then you feel like someone else has taken away your power. • Agency is very fluid from moment to moment, day to day. In some classrooms you might have more agency than in others. Learning Goal: SWBAT Describe and illustrate the word “agency”.
Examples of Agency Learning Goal: SWBAT Describe and illustrate the word “agency”. • In the United States, the government and the white ruling majority attempted to strip African-Americans of their agency (ability to control and define their own lives) through restrictive Jim Crow laws. • The Civil Rights Movement is an example of a collective act of agency– of an attempt to reclaim control from a structure that tried to oppress them.
More Examples of Agency Learning Goal: SWBAT Describe and illustrate the word “agency”. • Teenagers often feel like they are denied agency by adults (school, parents) who they think are trying to control them. Teenagers often feel like they need to resist or act out against these adults in order to claim their agency.
Agency: Official Definition • the state of being in action or of exerting power • a means of exerting power or influence Learning Goal: SWBAT • Describe and illustrate the word “agency”.
Agency • A person can have, demonstrate, exert, express, or practice agency • BUT a person cannot be agency • Agency is a characteristic of a person (attribute) *A person CAN BE an agent
Wednesday, November 2nd, 2011Objective: by the end of this lesson,1. identify three moments where a character exerts his/her agency and describe a connection between “transgress” and “agency”;2. summarize the main characters and events of “How to Speak Australian”. Silent Do Now: • What does agency mean? • What does transgress mean? • What are level 1, 2, and 3 questions? • How are leveled questions represented on a pyramid? What are they represented this way? Agenda: • Do Now • Vocabulary Review Worksheet • Agency Activity • Discussion • Homework: • Write a story using ALL of the Lesson #2 vocabulary terms. • Read “Murder on the Western Express” Be prepared for a reading quiz! • Annotate – 6 post-its • Plot points! (5-8)
Name: Learning Goal: SWBAT Describe and illustrate the word “agency” and identify connections between transgress and agency by completing a “double bubble” graphic organizer with a partner. Analyzing Word Relationships Directions: Use your notes on “transgress” and “agency” to complete the double bubble graphic organizer with a partner. Describe the words in their own circles, identify similarities or characteristics these two words have in common in the space where they overlap, then on the outside, next to each of the arrows, list words, events, people or ideas that these two words remind you of. If you need additional space you can attach loose-leaf paper.
Directions: With your partner, identify three moments when a character was exerting their agency. Identifying Moments of Agency in Q & A by VikasSwarup
Objective: by the end of this lesson,1. you will be able to summarize the main characters and events of “How to Speak Australian”. Identifying Examples of Transgressionin Q & A Directions: Independently review your plot points and star which ones are examples of transgression. Then work with your partner to find three moments of transgression from anywhere in the first three chapters of the book.
“How to Speak Australian” • 1. Who is Colonel Taylor? • 2. Describe the Taylor family. What is Ram’s life like with the Taylor family? • 3. How do the Taylors treat Ram? • 4. What do we learn about Ram in this chapter? What is a new way we can characterize him from his actions in this chapter? • 5. What items of Roy’s does Ram gain? How does he get them? • 6. Who is Jai? What does Jai eventually do in this chapter? • 7. Why is Salim not with Ram in this chapter? • 8. What is Colonel Taylor’s secret? • 9. How does Colonel Taylor’s secret change Ram’s opinion of him? • 10. Describe how this chapter ends. Where is Ram off to in the end? Why? • 11. Why is “Speak Like an Australian” an appropriate chapter title? Please do not just discuss the Australian portion. **Then review your leveled questions with your group** Objective: by the end of this lesson,1. you will be able to identify three moments of transgression from the novel Q & A
“A Thought for the Crippled” and “How to Speak Australian” Discussions • Choose a role: • Facilitator: keeps the conversation focused and on-task • Time Keeper: ensures that group is following the time limits so you can complete the discussion • Encourager: ensures that all group members are participating equally • Challenger: challenges points (especially for level 2 & 3 questions) by respectfully encouraging deep thinking, questioning, or asking group members to find evidence from the text • Objective: by the end of this lesson,1. you will be able to summarize the main characters and events of “How to Speak Australian”.