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Course Outline Repository (Enhanced) “The CORE”. Using the Enhanced Application. Introduction to Quality Assurance Using the Application Fall 2008 Process/Critical Dates Three Key Tabs Creating/Editing a Master Course Outline Editing an Existing Course Outline Approved Course Outlines
Course Outline Repository (Enhanced)“The CORE” Using the Enhanced Application
Introduction to Quality Assurance Using the Application Fall 2008 Process/Critical Dates Three Key Tabs Creating/Editing a Master Course Outline Editing an Existing Course Outline Approved Course Outlines No Course Description Populating Information Topics Essential Employability Skills Gen Ed Themes Learning Outcomes Learning Elements Assessments Approvals Resources Maintenance Search for a Resource Adding a Resource ISBNs Explained Linking Resources No Resources Finished Linking for Now? Submit Resources for Approval Viewing Approved Resources Linking to Vocational and/or External Standards Quick Link Finished but want to come back? Approving Quick Links Quick Link for Gen Ed Approval Checklist CLinking What is CLinking? CLinking on CORE Table of Contents
The CORE • Rolling out in phases: • 2007/08 – 1st Year Course Outlines • 2008/09 – 2nd Year Course Outlines • 2009/10 – 3rd Year Course Outlines • Benefits: • One time input and approvals • Easy editing • Course outlines accessible across departments • Instant access for students when registering • On-line archives for students in 2007/08 intake onward Done
Ontario College Quality Assurance Service Credentials Validation Service (CVS) Provincial Quality Assurance Process Audit (PQAPA) Program Quality Assurance at Mohawk College • Program Mapping: • Outcomes-based course outlines • Links to Standards • Curriculum Mapping Matrix • Analysis • Program Reviews • KPIs • Fast Track (aka FITS) • Mapping Report • Other Initiatives • Semester Start The CORE was developed in response to Ministry and Colleges Ontario call for quality processes and assurance. • Course Outline Repository • New on-line application • One outline per course • Ownership of quality • On-going Matrix Updates • May/June • Mini-review • Quality Enhancement • Learning Plan • Implementation • Coordination • Assessments • Measure outcomes • Linked to Standards • Essential Employability Skills
Course Outline Repository Using the Application
Checklist of Approvals • Master Course Outline • Resources • Quick Link to VS and/or ES
Creating/Editing a Course Outline • Three Key Tabs • Course Outline – one master document per course, automatically applies to all programs that offer the course, no matter in which semester • Resources - text/courseware/on-line/supplies by program, • Links & CLinks – program specific
Course Information Fill fields, in order, across the screen: Effective Term: 200830 (Note: no longer differentiate between Post-secondary and Continuing Ed) Subject Code: 4 letter code preceding course code (ie COMM) Course Code: 2 letter, 3 number or 5 number code (ie LL041, or 10092)
No Course Description If no course description exists in Banner, this page will NOT populate. You can continue to enter course outline information in subsequent sections but the outline cannot be approved until the course description is entered. Complete a Course Update form and send the hard copy to Tammy Capone. The information will automatically populate one the course description is input.
Once you fill in the top fields and press enter, the repository automatically populates the remaining fields on this page using information from Banner. If any of the information (i.e. course description) needs to be amended, you need to complete a Course Update form and send a hard copy to Tammy Capone. Populating Information Foundational: learners acquire a broad introduction to and/or context for further learning. Specialized: learners achieve in-depth and/or focused learning on a limited number of topics Integrational: learners synthesize numerous concepts and processes at a program-exit level.
Topics Topics are “titles” for your course learning outcomes. If you have 3 outcomes, you likely have 3 “titles.” They should be input one at a time (so they show up as bullets). If you want to change the order of the topics, click edit and change the # in the sequence (i.e. from 1 to 3, and 3 to 1) and click update. The topics will rearrange into the new sequence.
Standards – EEs & GE Themes • Drop down menu for: • Essential Employability Skills (EEs) – links to EEs remain the same no matter to which program the course is offered • General Education (GE) – if a course links to GE themes, it cannot be linked to Vocational Standards (VS).
Learning Outcomes All learning outcomes are input first; elements follow on the next screen. Input the learning outcomes one at a time, push add, then do the same for the next. The stem “Upon successful completion of this course, the students will reliably demonstrate the ability to ...” already exists in the database. You do not need to type it in here. • Learning outcomes, usually 3-5 for a 42 hour course: • Describe one of the required skill proficiencies for course • Capture performance a competent person would use outside context of the course • Begin with an action verb (at the appropriate level of Bloom’s Taxonomy) • Specify an integrated performance instead of multiple performances • Describe a performance that is observable and can be assessed • Require application of skill, knowledge or attitude/value • Present a clear, concise and precise statement describing the required action • Describe learner performances, not instructor’s activities, learning plans, or instructional standards
Learning Elements Learning elements are associated with specific learning outcomes and define/clarify the process by which the learning outcome can be accomplished. Input learning elements one by one so they appear as a list (as below). If the list is long, the elements will wrap to a second page. Development of learning elements follows the same 8 characteristics as learning outcomes.
Indicate whether or not the course is “requirements met” or if it receives a grade. Select broad assessment types and indicate what % of the course grade will be earned using the selected method. Assessments must add up to 100%. Link at least one learning outcome to each assessment. Once an assessment has been used, it does not appear on the drop down menu anymore. “Requirements met” courses may have assessment types defined but no weight % will be assigned. Assessments In most cases, there is a selection from the drop down menu that will meet broad assessment requirements. Since there is only one outline per course, the assessments section must remain broad enough to allow for faculty and student flexibility while maintaining the overall integrity of the course.
Approvals Once the input is complete and proofed, it is sent for Associate Dean approval, course outlines cannot be edited. Students will not be able to access course outlines until they are approved. Approvals remain for course outlines from one semester to the next, until the Associate Dean takes it off.
Resources All resources (textbooks, courseware, online resources, and supplies) must be input into the database using the Maintenance function. A resource is input only once, regardless of the number of programs for which it is used. Resources are then linked to specific programs using the Linking function. All resources must be submitted for approval before the course outline can be served to students.
Resources - Maintenance In Maintenance, select the type of resource(s) you want to add.
Searching for a Resource Before you input a resource, search the database using the ISBN, title, key word, author, or publisher. If the resource exists in the database, you can go directly to Linking.
It is essential that all resource information be correct and match that used by the bookstore to order textbooks, courseware and other resource material. Adding a Resource • To add a textbook, enter the correct ISBN, title, author, publisher, and version. You can find the ISBN on the cover of your text. • Search for book information – enter a key word in Search All • As of 2007, ISBN became 13 digits long. • For a 10 digit ISNB created before 2007, add the “prefix” 978. Some 10 digit ISBN end in X • A different ISBN will be assigned, however, if you have ordered a special printing of the text (i.e. selected chapters) or are having it bundled with other materials (i.e. another text, workbook). You will need to contact your publisher’s representative to obtain the correct ISBN. • Please note: at the moment, there is no edit or delete feature in the database at this time. Please proof information before you add.
ISBNs Explained • International Standard Numbers are unique codes used by publishers, libraries and suppliers to identify published monographs, serials and music. • ISBNs (International Standard Book Numbers) are assigned to books, pamphlets, educational kits, microforms, CD-ROMs and other digital and electronic publications; • ISSNs (International Standard Serial Numbers) to serial publications; • ISMNs (International Standard Music Numbers) to printed music publications. • The parts of a 10-digit ISBN and the corresponding EAN-13 and barcode. Note the different check digits in each. The part of the EAN-13 labeled "EAN" is the Bookland country code that converts the 10-digit ISBN to 13 digits
Adding Custom Courseware Custom Courseware has either a 6 or 8 digit barcode number assigned by the print room.
Adding Online Resources Add the URL of any online resource that students need to access during the course, including links to WebCT or FRED.
Adding Supplies Add a list of supplies students require to successfully complete the course. Before adding a supply, make sure it hasn’t been added previously.
In this section, resources are linked to individual, specific programs. Complete the resources for one program before moving on the next following the instructions on the following pages. Select the Subject, Course, and Program (CE=0000) Version – is the POS version (defaults to the most current version) Semester – select the semester in which this course is offered in the program area Select the Resource type and then indicate if it’s: REQ – required REC – recommended REF – reference material Linking Resources Click these ONLY When you are finished inputting ALL resources: Finish – if you want to come back to this section later (i.e. to proof and edit) Submit – if you are absolutely, positively, sure that you have no more resources to input AND all the information input is correct.
Once you select the type of resource (i.e. textbook) the database list of all textbooks will appear. Scroll down to the bottom of the screen … it could be a long way …and search for the text you want by entering a keyword. To add to current resources, double click on the selected text. When you’re finished selecting texts, go on to the next resource type. Find/Link a Text When a resource has been mistakenly added, you can easily delete it at this point.
Find/Link Online Resources Link online resources in the same way as you did texts. Scroll down to the bottom of the screen. If you see the online resource you want, you can double click on the selected supply to add to current resources. Or you can enter a keyword to search. Again, double click on the selected resource to add to current resources.
Link supplies in the same way as you did texts. Scroll down to the bottom of the screen, enter a keyword to search for the supply.Double click on the selected supply to add to current resources. Find/Link Supplies
Link Custom Courseware in the same way as you did texts. Scroll down to the bottom of the screen, enter a keyword to search for the supply.Double click on the selected courseware to add to current resources. Find/Link Courseware
Even if the course has no resources, you must indicate this for each program to which it is offered. This information is stored in the database under “courseware” No Resources
This is how “No Resources” is stored in the database. This does not, however, show on the student view of the course outline. No Resources
Finished Linking for Now? If you want to proof resources or come back to keep inputting resources later, click on Finish.
Submit for Approval If you’ve finished inputting your resources and are certain everything is input correctly, click Submit
When linking courses to Program Vocational and/or External Standards, you have two choices: Quick Link – link the course outline to standards CLink – link to course learning outcomes to standards & characterize links (1, 2, 3, 4) Link and CLink
Quick link courses to Program Vocational and/or External Standards. To add links, select the type of standard (VS or ES), then select the specific standard(s) to which the course outline links. Quick Link Select ONLY those standards that the course specifically addresses and assesses, either in part or in its entirety.
Finished but want to come back later? If you want to leave Quick Link and come back later, select “Finish”
Approving Quick Links “Quick Links” must be approved before for each program to which the course is offered before outlines will be served to students. Before you approve “Quick Links” make sure you’ve selected the appropriate VS and/or ES.
Quick Link for Gen Ed Courses When a course has been linked to Gen Ed themes, in “Quick Link” the version shows as GE. Even though there are no VS and/or ES links for a Gen Ed course, you still need to submit the “Quick Link” for approval before the outline can be served to students.
Checklist of Approvals • Unless all three of the following are approved, the course outline cannot be served to students: • Master Course Outline • Resources • Quick Link to VS and/or ES
Course Outline Repository (Enhanced)“The CORE” CLinking Demystified
Quick Linking Identifies which vocational standards (VS), essential employability skills (EE), and/or external standards (ES) the course (as a whole) helps the student accomplish Linking is used during for the: Program approval process Credentials Validation Service (CVS) process Detailed on student view of course outlines on a program by program basis CLinking Linking course outcomes to standards Characterizing relationship of outcomes to achieving standard A link is established when the performancedescribed in the Course Learning Outcome contributesto a learner’s ability to achieve the graduate levelperformance. CLinking used to develop Curriculum Mapping Matrix (CMM) CMM basis of program map and informs on-going program quality enhancement and program review Quick Link versus CLink
Linking Considerations • Does the Learning Outcome and associated Learning Elements link to any VS, EE, and/or ES and associated Elements of Performance? • A link is established when the performance described in the Course Learning Outcome contributes to a learner’s ability to achieve the graduate level performance. • Establish a link only if the VS/EE/ES isexplicitly addressedin the course (or previously taught courses). (Do you teach it?) • Establish a link only if the learner’s performance of the LO isassessedin the course andassigned a grade. (Do you mark it?)
Linking Considerations • Some courses, notably field placement or capstone courses, may have learning outcome links to several VS, EE, and/or ES. • Some courses and/or outcomes may not associate clearly with one set of standards. That’s OK. They usually associate with another set. • Learning Outcome statements describe performances that lead gradually to the learner’s ability to achieve the graduate level Vocational Standards.
CLinking with Multiple SMEs • If there are multiple people teaching a course, before linking, it is best to: • Examine course learning outcomes • Review the range of assessments used by those Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) • Obtain consensus between SMEs regarding which links to VS, EE, and/or ES • Is it addressed? Is it assessed? • Develop a common understanding and agreement on the characterization of the link (i.e. minor, moderate, significant, very significant) • Review & revise assessments in light of CLinks
Characterization of Links (CLinking) • The characterization represents the degree to which the learner performance at the end of the course contributes to the graduate performancedescribed in the VS/EE/ES. 4 very significant degree 3 significant degree 2 moderate degree 1 minor degree • Learning outcomes lead gradually to graduate performance. • Outcomes characterized as “contributing to a minor degree” are as essential to the learning process as those characterized as “contributing to a very significant degree”.