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– Jihad – Part 3 of a Ten-Part Study of Sharia Law from the “Horse’s Mouth” The Reliance of the Traveller. Prepared by Lyle B. McCurdy, Ph.D. Overview of the Ten Parts. P1 -- Introduction P2 -- The Caliphate P3 -- Jihad P4 -- Slavery and Dhimmitude P5 -- Men’s Rights and Obligations
– Jihad –Part 3 of a Ten-Part Study of Sharia Law from the “Horse’s Mouth” The Reliance of the Traveller Prepared by Lyle B. McCurdy, Ph.D. Sharia-Details-P3-Jihad.pptx
Overview of the Ten Parts P1 -- Introduction P2 -- The CaliphateP3 -- Jihad P4 -- Slavery and Dhimmitude P5 -- Men’s Rights and Obligations P6 -- Women’s Rights and Obligations P7 -- Societal Aspects of Sharia P8 -- Religious aspects of Sharia P9 -- Health Aspects of Sharia P10 -- Sexual Aspects of Sharia Sharia-Details-P3-Jihad.pptx
Primary source for the Study Reliance of the Traveller (Rott), A Classic Manual of Islamic Sacred Law It is a highly respected source Islamic Jurisprudence (Fiqh) for the four schools of Sunni Islam, with 75% agreement among them (Hanafi, Maliki, Shafi’i, and Hanbali). The Shafi’i school is emphasized because its historical records are best. The Rott is broken into 26 parts, a to z, and its verses labeled accordingly. Sharia-Details-P3-Jihad.pptx
Reliance of the Traveller Rot: d1.3 Reliancemeans that which is depended upon; it reflects the most dependable positions of the Sunni school of sacred Islamic law (Sharia). Traveller derives from travel, meaning to proceed along the spiritual journey of the rules of religion to reach Allah Most High and be saved from perdition. [Reliance of the Traveller (Rott)] Sharia-Details-P3-Jihad.pptx
Section I Introductory Materials Regarding Political Islam Sharia-Details-P3-Jihad.pptx
Some Introductory Definitions Caliphate – a sacred Muslim state (like old Ottoman Empire). Islamist – an adherent of radical Islamic ideology. Jihad – Primarily “Holy War.” Also a “personal struggle.” Kafir, kuffar – non-believers; hated by Allah & Islamists. Salafism – only “true” Sunni Islam; militant & extremist. Sharia – Allah’s sacred Islamic law, from Koran & Hadith. Shiite – 10% of ummah; Caliph from Mohammed; ex.Iran. Sufism – mystical Islam; not believed to be true Islam. Sunni – 90% of ummah; Caliph by vote; ex. Saudi Arabia. Terrorism – violence to civilian targets for political purposes. Ummah – collective community of Islamic peoples worldwide. Wahabbism – an extremist derivative of Salafism in Saudi Arabia. Sharia-Details-P3-Jihad.pptx
“Good” vs “bad” Muslims By definition, a Muslim is a person who follows the doctrine of Islam. A “good” Muslim is one who follows the Koran and Sunna and is Sharia-compliant; those who don’t become kafir. Every action a good Muslim performs is prescribed by the Koran and the Sunna – Sharia. (the Sunna is more important than the Koran.) A good Muslim emulates Mohammed in everything he/she does. [Horn, p. 273] Sharia-Details-P3-Jihad.pptx
Islamic Hierarchy Hardline leaders – militant Islamists for Sharia; Salafists and Wahabbists; Anwar al-Awlaki; Osama bin Laden; MB; Morsi. Militant Jihadists; violence ok for Sharia; Nidal Hassan; MB. Soft Jihadists – cultural jihad & violence for Sharia ok; MB. Believers – Sharia ok, violence ok by others; fear of militants. MINOs – limited Islam, Koran & mosque; ignore radical ideology of Sharia, jihad & mosque-state; peaceful. Secular Muslims: non-supremist; no to mosque-state; reject Sharia & jihad (kafir to Islamists); Zuhdi Jasser, Phx. Sharia-Details-P3-Jihad.pptx
Islam’s Holy Books – the “Trilogy” According to Bill Warner, three documents comprise Islam’s ”Bible,” the Koran, the Sira (Mohammed’s biblography), and the Hadith (Mohammed’s traditions). the latter two are often taken together as the “Sunna,” Mohammed’s perfect examples -- how he ate, how he tied his shoes etc. Of the entire trilogy, the Koran is only 14% of Islamic ideology. While 86% of the trilogy is Sunna (Sira + Hadith), Hence: Islam’s ideology is 14% Allah, and 86% Mohammed. Note: every law in Sharia is drawn from the Koran and the Sunna. [Warner, p. 6] Sharia-Details-P3-Jihad.pptx
Islam’s Holy Books Re Kafirs Bill Warner reports that Islam devotes much energy in dealing with Kafirs, as shown below: 64% of the Koran is devoted to the Kafir, 37% of the Hadith (Mohammad’s Traditions) is devoted to the Kafir, 81% of the Sira is devoted to the Kafir. [Warner, p. 17] Sharia-Details-P3-Jihad.pptx
Section II Introductory Materials regarding Sharia Law Sharia-Details-P3-Jihad.pptx
What is Sharia? Sharia is believed by Islamists to be Allah’s Sacred Islamic law for all mankind. It deals with all aspects of life, including politics, economics, banking, business law, contract law, marriage, divorce, child rearing and custody, sexuality, sin, crime, and social issues. Allah mandates that Sharia replace all other systems by any means, including violence. [Darwish, p. 4] Sharia-Details-P3-Jihad.pptx
Haram -- Forbidden Many things in Islamic societies are Haram and strictly enforced, with harsh forms of discipline such as public flogging, prison, hanging & beheading. In Muslim countries, it is haram for non-Muslims to study, question, or criticize Mohammed, the Koran, the Hadiths, or Allah. It is haram to express one’s thoughts and/or to speak freely, as spelled out in the First Amendment to our U.S. Constitution. [Horn, p. 375] Sharia-Details-P3-Jihad.pptx
Islamists Seek World Domination Jihadists believe Islam & Sharia are supreme.They do not see Islam as equal to any other system. Do you think these guys seek peace for all? Do you want to be friendly with them???? 14 14 Sharia-Details-P3-Jihad.pptx
The Islamist’s Dream Democracy out. Islam(Sharia law) in. Sharia-Details-P3-Jihad.pptx
Section III Introductory Materials Regarding Jihad Sharia-Details-P3-Jihad.pptx
The beginnings of Jihad Early desert life in Arabia was tribal, rough, & cutthroat. Tribal warfare was used to steal booty and enslave women and children from other tribes. Force used to make slaves submit. Mohammed, as a divine leader, needed a way to force Kafirs to become believers. He created jihad (holy war), based upon religion and force, as a way to garner converts to his new religion. [Darwish, p. 194] Sharia-Details-P3-Jihad.pptx
Jihad as Holy War Jihad primarily means Holy War, secondarily, personal struggle. Bill Warner notes that “holy-war” jihad verses take up 9% of the Koran, 21% of the Hadith, and 67% of the Sira. [Warner, p. 24] Sharia-Details-P3-Jihad.pptx
example of radical Islam at work – terrorism. Terrorism -- a tactic used by Islamists to help Kafirs accept Sharia law when they don’t want it. Sharia-Details-P3-Jihad.pptx
Jihad Explained Jihad -- the struggle one must undertake to impose Islam on all non-Muslims by any means, the sword if necessary; as required by the Koran. Jihadists who kill or who are killed in war are promised immediate acceptance into paradise; with ever-flowing rivers of wine, milk, and honey, lovely young virgins and a luxurious existence. Some hadith specify 72 virgin maidens, plus 28 pre-pubescent boys. Jihad also means “struggle” one deals with to control personal desires, etc. [Horn, p. 377] Sharia-Details-P3-Jihad.pptx
Jihad Quote:from a respected Islamic thinker “Islam wishes to destroy all states and governments (…) opposed to the ideology and programme of Islam (…) Islam requires (…) the whole planet (…) because (…) mankind should benefit from the ideology and welfare programme [of Islam] (...) the objective of the Islamic ‘Jihad’ is to eliminate the rule of an un-Islamic system and establish in its stead an Islamic system of state rule.” [Wikipedia: Sayeed Abdul A’laMaududi, Jihad in Islam, p. 6] Sharia-Details-P3-Jihad.pptx
Jihad – The Only Solution [http://jihadprincess.deviantart.com/art/Jihad-The-Only-Solution-186550417] Sharia-Details-P3-Jihad.pptx
Section IV Jihad Verses from the Reliance of the Traveller (Rott). Sharia-Details-P3-Jihad.pptx
Death for Apostacy Rott: f1.3 Someone raised among Muslims who denies the obligatoriness of the prayer, zakat, fasting Ramadan, the pilgrimage, or the unlawfulness of wine and adultery, or denies something else upon which there is scholarly consensus and which is necessarily known as being of the religion (N: necessarily known meaning things that any Muslim would know about if asked) thereby becomes an unbeliever (kafir) and is executed for his unbelief(…) Sharia-Details-P3-Jihad.pptx
Meaning of Jihad Rott: p/o o9.0 Jihad means to war against non-Muslims, and is etymologically derived from the word mujahada, signifying warfare to establish the religion. And it is the lesser jihad. As for the greater jihad, it is spiritual warfare against the lower self (...),[Reliance of the Traveller] Sharia-Details-P3-Jihad.pptx
Jihad from the Koran Rott: p/o o9.0 The scriptural basis for jihad, prior to scholarly consensus is such Koranic verses as: “Fighting is prescribed for you” (Koran 2:216); “Slay them wherever you find them” Koran 4:89); “Fight the idolators utterly” (Koran 9:36);[Reliance of the Traveller] Sharia-Details-P3-Jihad.pptx
Jihad is Required Rott: p/o o9.0 (para 3) (…) “I have been commanded to fight people until they testify that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah and perform the prayer, and pay zakat. [as quoted in Rot from Bukhari & Muslim’s hadith] Sharia-Details-P3-Jihad.pptx
Who is called to Jihad? Rott: o9.4 Those called upon (O: to perform jihad when it is a communal obligation) are every able-bodied man who has reached puberty and is sane. Sharia-Details-P3-Jihad.pptx
Fight against Kafirs Rott: o9.8 (…) ”Fight those who do not believe in Allah and the Last Day and who forbid not what Allah and His messenger have forbidden—who do not practice the religion of truth, being of those who have been given the Book—until they pay the poll tax out of hand and are humbled” (Koran 9:29). Sharia-Details-P3-Jihad.pptx
The three methods of Holy War Rott: o9.8 (para 1)The caliph makes war upon Jews, Christians, and Zoroastrians (N: provided he has first invited them to enter Islam in faith and practice, and if they will not, then invited them to enter the social order of Islam by paying the non-Muslim poll tax (jizya) -- which is the significance of their paying it, not the money itself -- while remaining in their ancestral religions) (: and the war continues) until they become Muslim or else pay the non-Muslim poll tax (O: in accordance with the word of Allah Most High. Sharia-Details-P3-Jihad.pptx
Killing non-Muslims Ok Rott: o9.10 It is not permissible (A: in jihad) to kill women or children unless they are fighting against Muslims. Rott: o9.10 (…) It is permissible to kill old men (O: old man) meaning someone more than forty years of age and monks. Rott: o1.2 The following are not subject to retaliation: (2) a Muslim for killing a non-Muslim, (4) a father or mother (or their fathers or mothers) for killing their offspring, or offspring’s offspring.[Reliance of the Traveller] Sharia-Details-P3-Jihad.pptx
Jihad Against Adjacent Lands Rott: o25.9 (8) (…) and if the area has a border adjacent to enemy lands, an eighth duty arises, namely to undertake jihad against enemies, dividing the spoils of battle among combatants, and setting aside a fifth for deserving recipients. [Reliance of the Traveller] Sharia-Details-P3-Jihad.pptx
Allah’s Hatred of Kafirs Rott: w59.2 (…) For Allah requires that we worship Him by condemning acts of disobedience, hating them, and not acquiescing to them, and blames those who accept them by saying: “They willingly accept a worldly life and are contented with it” (Koran 1:7) (…) And this clarifies the Koranic verses and hadiths about hatred for the sake of Allah and love for the sake of Allah, being unyielding towards the unbelievers, hard against them, and detesting them (…) [Reliance of the Traveller] Sharia-Details-P3-Jihad.pptx
The Abode of War Rott: w43.5 (c) As for other countries, enemy lands (dar al-harb, lit, “abode of war”) consist of those with whom the Muslim countries (Dar al-Islam) are at a state of war (n: in the light of which, it is clear that there is virtually no country on the face of the earth where a Muslim has an excuse to behave differently than he would in an Islamic country, whether in his commercial or other dealings).[Reliance of the Traveller] Sharia-Details-P3-Jihad.pptx
Section V Wrap-Up Comments Sharia-Details-P3-Jihad.pptx
A look into the future. . . “The future of the country – one conceived by the pilgrims and Puritans as “the New Zion” -- is now bound inextricably to Islam. The faith of the Prophet Mohammed will continue to impact and transform all aspects of American life: social, political, and economic. Save for a cataclysmic event that will shatter demographics, Islam by 2050 will emerge as the nation’s dominant religion.” [Williams, p. 277] Sharia-Details-P3-Jihad.pptx
More Attacks Looming? “The future of Islamic terrorist attacks against the United States and the West is not an if, The future of Islamic terrorist attacks against the United States and the West is one of magnitude and when, what, where, and how.” [Horn, p. 278] Sharia-Details-P3-Jihad.pptx
Inspire -- a Magazine for Jihad Editor: Unknown (former editor Samir Khan -- killed 9/2011) Categories: Propaganda Publisher: SITE Institute First issue: June 2010 Country: Yemen Language: English Example: “Make a Bomb in the Kitchen of your Mom”[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inspire_(magazine)] Sharia-Details-P3-Jihad.pptx
No Separation of Church & State The secular separation of church and state is a conceptual distinction that has no vocabulary in Arabic. There is no vocabulary or words for such a separation; no conceptual understanding, and no acceptance. Hence, Islam will never accept or tolerate any notion of separation of church and state. [Horn, p. 382] Sharia-Details-P3-Jihad.pptx
Islamists look to the future “The transformation of America into an Islamic nation, Muslim scholars contend, is a matter of destiny. It is kismet (quisma). The words of the country’s future have been written – and these words no mortal man may alter or erase. [Williams, p. 279] Definition of kismet: fate or destiny, a predetermined course of events. [Wikipedia] Sharia-Details-P3-Jihad.pptx
How can this War be Ended? The Islamists believe this conflict between our civilization and Sharia- compliant Islam will not end until Sharia is in place. We cannot simply stop the conflict – political Islam will never reconcile to live peacefully with us. It’s against their laws, dogma & ideology. This war is about our civilization of rights, freedom, opportunity, goodness, charity, and decency; as compared to one of Islamic oppression, subjugation, hatred, death, ignorance, and abject poverty. To win, we must impose our will on the Islamists and drive them back to their origins, using greater ferocity than they can imagine. If not, we will lose; capitulation is not an option. [Horn, p. 364-365] Sharia-Details-P3-Jihad.pptx
A look at demographics. . . “The US fertility rate is now below 2.1 children per woman, meaning Americans are no longer giving birth to enough children to keep the population from dwindling. But this statistic does not hold true for the average Muslim American woman who displays a robust fertility rate of 2.8.” [Williams, p. 277] Sharia-Details-P3-Jihad.pptx
The End Thank you for your support! Sharia-Details-P3-Jihad.pptx
Selected References Darwish, Nonie. Cruel and Usual Punishment, The terrifying global implications of Islamic Law. Thomas Nelson publications, 2008. Horn, James E. Experiencing Islam (becoming Islam-Aware) and Exposing Coruuption (Sharia). Self published, 2009 as Di DiDawDaw Di. Keller, Huh Ha Mim, editor and translator. Reliance of the Traveller, Revised Edition, The classic Manual of Islamic Sacred Law. Amana Publications, 1994. Shariah, the Threat to America, Report of Team ‘B’ II, Download pdfbooklet free from Center for Security Policy. Warner, Bill. Sharia Law for Non-Muslims, Center for the Study of Political Islam. CSPI, 2010. Williams, Paul. Crescent Moon Rising, the Islamic Transformation of America. Prometheus Books, 2013 Sharia-Details-P3-Jihad.pptx