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Chapter Fourteen – Forensic Toxicology

Chapter Fourteen – Forensic Toxicology. FRSC 8104 Criminalistics II Professor Bensley. FRSC 8104 – Toxicology Objectives. Describe the role of the forensic toxicologist in the following: Postmortem Examinations, Human Performance Testing, and Workplace Drug Testing.

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Chapter Fourteen – Forensic Toxicology

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  1. Chapter Fourteen – Forensic Toxicology

    FRSC 8104 Criminalistics II Professor Bensley
  2. FRSC 8104 – Toxicology Objectives Describe the role of the forensic toxicologist in the following: Postmortem Examinations, Human Performance Testing, and Workplace Drug Testing. Describe the various biological matrices on which toxicological analyses are routinely performed. Explain how alcohol is produced, how it is absorbed into the bloodstream, how it is transported throughout the body, and how it is eliminated by oxidation and excretion. Understand the process by which alcohol is excreted in the breath via the lungs. Describe the basic fundamental concepts of breath alcohol testing procedures (BrAC).
  3. FRSC 8104 – Toxicology Objectives List and contrast laboratory procedures for measuring the concentration of alcohol in the blood (BAC). Relate the precautions to be taken to properly preserve blood samples in order to accurately analyze its alcohol content. Describe techniques that forensic toxicologists use to isolate and identify drugs and poisons. Appreciate the significance of finding a drug in human tissues and organs to in relation to assessing level of impairment.
  4. FRSC 8104 – Toxicology Outline Introduction Definition of toxicology Three areas of forensic toxicology Role of the toxicologist Toxicology vs. Pharmacology All Substances are Poisons? Therapeutic Levels Curare Lethal Dose (LD50)
  5. Typical Dose Response Curve (NOAEL) = No observed adverse effect level (LOAEL) = Lowest observed adverse effect level
  6. LD-50
  7. FRSC 8104 – Toxicology Outline Parmacokinetics – Study of how drugs move into and out of body Absorption - All introduction methods result in passage of drug through a tissue barrier and into the bloodstream Distribution Metabolism Elimination
  8. FRSC 8104 – Toxicology Outline Pharmacodynamics – Study of how drugs act in the body Receptors, Agonists, and Antagonists Tolerance Synergism
  9. FRSC 8104 – Toxicology Outline Sample/Specimen Collection Blood Urine Bile Cerebrospinal fluid
  10. FRSC 8104 – Toxicology Outline Vitreous Humor Gastric Contents Hair
  11. FRSC 8104 – Toxicology Outline Post Mortem Forensic Toxicology Types of cases Specimens Analytical Process Analytes
  12. FRSC 8104 – Toxicology Outline Human Performance Testing (Behavioral Toxicology) Steroids Corticosteroids Anabolic Steroids Prohormones and Designer Steroids
  13. Anabolic Steroids
  14. Steroid Synthesis
  15. Hormone Synthesis
  16. Prohormones
  17. FRSC 8104 – Toxicology Outline Growth Hormones (HGH)
  18. HGH 191
  19. FRSC 8104 – Toxicology Outline Alcohol (Ethanol) Production of Ethanol Sugar Fermentation Distillation Commercial Synthesis Absorption of Ethanol Ingestion Metabolism Oxidation Full vs. Empty Stomach Factors determining absorption rate
  20. Ethanol Oxidation
  21. Ethanol Absorption Curve The effect of food on blood alcohol concentration. The graph shows BAC after a person drank alcohol following an overnight fast (solid line) and immediately after breakfast (dotted line).
  22. FRSC 8104 – Toxicology Outline Distribution of Ethanol Excretion of Ethanol Circulation of Ethanol Direct analysis of Blood Alcohol content of Breath
  23. FRSC 8104 – Toxicology Outline Analysis of Ethanol Field Sobriety Tests Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus Walk and Turn One-leg Stand Touch your Nose Backwards Alphabet, etc.
  24. FRSC 8104 – Toxicology Outline Breath Tests (BrAC) Breathalyzer How to fail a Breathalyzer 101
  25. FRSC 8104 – Toxicology Outline Intoxilyzer Alcosensor III or IV (Fuel Cell)
  26. FRSC 8104 – Toxicology Outline Blood Alcohol Concentration (GC-FID) Extraction Distillation Direct Injection of blood or serum Head Space Procedures
  27. FRSC 8104 – Toxicology Outline Quantitative Analysis Procedures External vs. Internal Standard Plasma/serum Reporting results Sample Preservation (Anticoagulants and Preservatives) Alcohol Impairment
  28. FRSC 8104 – Toxicology Outline Workplace Drug Testing NIDA – 5 classes of drugs Test Types Urine Saliva Hair Blood Sweat (Patch)
  29. http://www.erowid.org/psychoactives/testing/testing_info1.shtml http://www.erowid.org/psychoactives/testing/testing_info1.shtml
  30. FRSC 8104 – Toxicology Outline Classes of Drugs Tested Cannabanoids Delta-9-THC
  31. FRSC 8104 – Toxicology Outline Cocaine
  32. FRSC 8104 – Toxicology Outline Amphetamines Pseudoephedrine
  33. Methamphetamine vs. Neurotransmitters Methamphetamine Dopamine Epinephrine
  34. FRSC 8104 – Toxicology Outline 4. Opiates
  35. FRSC 8104 – Toxicology Outline Phencyclidine (PCP)
  36. FRSC 8104 – Toxicology Outline Others Methods of Analysis Extraction Methods Screening Methods Immunoassay (EMIT, ELISA, RIA) Confirmation Field Tests Special Considerations
  37. At-Home Drug Test Kits
  38. http://www.nida.nih.gov/pdf/monographs/monograph167/108-129_Cone.pdf http://www.nida.nih.gov/pdf/monographs/monograph167/108-129_Cone.pdf
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