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Hitler’s Rise to Power. How did these problems help the Nazis?. The Nazis used the Depression to gain popularity. They highlighted the weaknesses of the Weimar Government and promised the people of Germany jobs and food.
How did these problems help the Nazis? • The Nazis used the Depression to gain popularity. • They highlighted the weaknesses of the Weimar Government and promised the people of Germany jobs and food. • To the people of Germany Hitler represented a strong, powerful leadership, going back to the time of the Kaiser when Germany was strong and successful.
How did the Nazis do it? • The effects of the Depression can only partly explain the success of the Nazis. • All the parties claimed to have solutions to the Depression. • What made the Nazis so special?
Task • Using the information on page 51in your text books you have to explain how each of those factors helped the Nazis rise to power.
Organisation • The Nazis were very well organised and had skilled leaders at almost every level. • How did this help? • It meant that the Nazis looked better and more powerful than the other parties. At a time when Germany was in chaos the Nazis were strong and organised.
Propaganda • The Nazis were masters at propaganda and they trained local groups in propaganda skills. • How did this help? • The Nazis were believed to be the most powerful party in Germany. People believed their promises.
Support of the industrialists • One of the Nazis aims was to achieve the support of the powerful industrialists. Hitler made a deal with the Nationalists, by which both parties agreed to co-operate. • How did this help? • The Nazis gained votes and also received financial backing from the industrialists.
Use of Technology • The Nazis used technology to influence people. They used radios to reach large audiences and in the 1932 presidential election Hitler flew all over Germany in order to speak at 4 or 5 massive rallies each day. • How did this help? • The use of technology was impressive. It also meant that Nazi ideas were spread all over Germany and reached huge numbers of people.
Promises to voters • The Nazis promised people what they wanted to hear. • How did this help? • Everyone wanted to vote for the Nazis as they appealed to everyone.
Flexibility • If the Nazis found that an idea was losing them support then they would change and if an idea was popular they would repeat it. • The Nazis made lots of vague promises such as they would ‘make Germany great again’ • How did this help? • No-one really knew what the Nazis stood for but it sounded good!
Hitler the superman • Hitler was portrayed as the saviour of Germany. The Nazi campaigns focused around his personality and his skills. • How did this help? • Hitler was a powerful leader and no-one from any of the other parties could match him.
But… • Hitler needed glasses to read but refused to be seen wearing them in public. His speeches had to be typed in print 12 mm high!
Weaknesses of the opposition • Other parties constantly underestimated the Nazis. • They also quarrelled amongst themselves rather than uniting to fight the Nazis. • How did this help? • It meant that there was no effective opposition to the Nazis.
Summary - Why was Hitler successful by 1933 and not in the 1920s? • Everything had been good for the most part of the 1920s. People were not looking for an alternative government, they were happy with the Weimar Government. • The rising unemployment caused by the Depression meant that many people were very unhappy and were looking for solutions. The Weimar Government was not helping the people of Germany and the Nazis were promising jobs and bread.
The other parties underestimated the Nazis they thought that the Nazi campaigns were absurd and thought that the German people would see through them. • The other parties were too busy squabbling amongst themselves to form an alliance against the Nazis. • During the Depression and the aftermath of unemployment the Nazis were seen as strong and powerful. They promised solutions and gave the German people hope.
And finally… • The Nazis were also popular because there was no other option. • The Nazis used fear to control the people of Germany and to eliminate the opposition.