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LOCAL CONTROL ACCOUNTABILITY PLANS. Focus for Today’s Work. Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF ) - Shifts in Thinking and Funding Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) Development Section 1: Stakeholder Engagement
Focus for Today’s Work • Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) - Shifts in Thinking and Funding • Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) Development • Section 1: Stakeholder Engagement • Section 2: Goals and Progress Indicators (including State Priorities) • Section 3: Actions, Services, and Expenditures • Ties to Other Plans • LCAP Adoption Process • E-LCAP
LOCAL CONTROLFUNDING FORMULA Shifts in Thinking and Funding $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Local Control Funding Formula • Historic reform to education funding • Redistribution of funds • Funding based on grade level grants and demographic data for each district • Funding targets will be phased in over an estimated 8-year period • Creates new accountability for how all students are served, and in particular, sub-groups
How is LCFF different from what was in place under revenue limits? LINK to LAO Overview: http://www.lao.ca.gov/reports/2013/edu/lcff/lcff-072913.pdf LINK to CDE’s FAQ: http://www.cde.ca.gov/fg/aa/lc/lcfffaq.asp Simplifies funding Revenue limits and most state categoricals are eliminated Districts, county offices of education, and charter schools will receive funding based on the students they serve, with greater flexibility to use these funds to improve outcomes of students Assumes continued state economic growth
Revisiting the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) ADJUSTMENTS $ Grade Level Per Student Base Amount Demographics(Low income, English Learner, and/or Foster Youth) This slide shows images that illustrate how the Local Control Funding Formula works. LCFF provides the same amount of funding per student with two adjustments (1) grade level and (2) demographics. Taken from a WestEd Presentation
Portion of LCFF Increase to be used for Identified Students Increase in funding attributable to Unduplicated Count SUPPLEMENTAL/ CONCENTRATION GRANTS GAP GAP FUNDING (Est. 28% of Gap) BASE AND AUGMENTATION GRANTS 2013-14 FUNDING 2013-14 Funded LCFF 2014-15 LCFF TARGET 2014-15 FUNDING
Certification of Student Data SB 97 requires COEs to “review and validate reported English learner, foster youth, and free or reduced-price meal eligible pupil data for school districts and charter schools under its jurisdiction to ensure the data is reported accurately.” To assist COEs, CALPADS will include school-level reports that display the aggregate unduplicated counts of disadvantaged students for each district and charter school within the county. Fall 1 certification deadlines were mid-December 2013. Close of amendment window will be March 21, 2014
Supplemental/ConcentrationGrant Funds Supplemental and Concentration Grant Funds are generated by the number of English Learner (EL), Low Income (LI) and Foster Youth (FY) students in the district, charter, or county office of education. Collectively, these students are referred to as “unduplicated pupils” in the statute and regulations. Regulations adopted by January 31, 2014: • Will require district, county office of education or charter to “increase or improve services for EL/LI/FY pupils as compared to the services provided to all pupils in proportion to the increase in funds apportioned on the basis of the number and concentration of unduplicated pupils.”
Definition of Services “Services” as used in Education Code section 42238.07 may include, but are not limited to, services associated with the delivery of instruction, administration, facilities, pupil support services, technology, and other general infrastructure necessary to operate and deliver educational instruction and related services.
Proportionality Percentage Estimates • The State Board of Education provides regulationsthat describe the methodology of determining the proportional increase or improvement in services for unduplicated pupils. • LEAs will estimate their proportion using current and accurate local enrollment projections performed in the spring for use in their LCAP adoption process. • ADA, by grade level • Total enrollment • Total unduplicated pupils
Calculating the Proportionality Percentage For Districts and Charters, begin with the LCFF projected revenues (excluding Transportation and TIIG): Calculate the estimated 2014-15 LCFF Funding Target Calculate the estimated 2014-15 Total LCFF Funding
Calculating the Proportionality Percentage • Calculate the LCFF supplemental and concentration grant targets, at full implementation • Determine prior year expenditures to support unduplicated pupils. • No less than the amount of EIA expended in 2012-13 • Subtract the estimated 2013-14 expenditures from the supplemental and concentration grant target. • Multiply the difference by the gap percentage funding for the year in which the LCAP is adopted
Calculating the Proportionality Percentage(continued) • Add to the LEA’s prior year estimated expenditures from step 2(total amount of LCFF funding identified for use for unduplicated count) • Subtract the amount in step 5 from the total LCFF funding in 2014-15(total amount of LCFF funding available for use for all students) • Divide the approximate amount from step 5 by the amount instep 6(the Proportionality Percentage, the % that must be used to improve or increase services for the unduplicated count over what is provided to all students) • When the LCFF is fully implemented statewide (or if your prior year’s expenditures equal or exceed the funded S&C Grants), then the Proportionality Percentage is the total S&C grants divided by the remainder of the LCFF funding, excluding add-ons for TIIG and H-S Transportation.
Sample District Unified School District ADA – 20,000 Unduplicated Count – 57% 2012-13 EIA - $2.4 million Total Est. 2014-15 LCFF Funding - $134.3 million 2014-15 Gap Funding – 28.05%
Sample Proportionality Percentage Calculation Sample Calculations for Six Districts Calculation of Proportionality Percentage
Important Considerations • The amount of revenue limit and categorical funds in 2012-13 is the starting point for LCFF. • No LEA will receive less than this amount. • Total revenues received will fluctuate proportionate to changes in ADA and changes in unduplicated pupils. • Full implementation of LCFF is estimated to occur over an 8-year period.
LOCAL CONTROLACCOUNTABILITY PLANS Development Process $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
LCAP Template Instructions • Use guiding questions as prompts for completing the information as required by statute. • Guiding questions do not require separate narrative responses. • Data referenced in the LCAP must be consistent with the school accountability card where appropriate.
The Three LCAP Elements Section 1: Stakeholder Engagement Section 2: Goals andProgress indicators Section 3: Actions, Services,and Expenditures
LCAP Template for Section 1 Describe the process used to engage stakeholders and how this engagement contributed to development of the LCAP
Section 1:Stakeholder Engagement [EC 52060(g)] A governing board of a school district shall consult with teachers, principals, administrators, other school personnel, local bargaining units of the school district, parents, and pupils in developing a local control and accountability plan.
Definition of “consult” The Fiscal Report (2013)School Services of California, Inc. The determination of curriculum content, the selection of instructional materials, and the use of instructional technology are subject to the duty to "consult" under Government Code Section 3543.2(a)."Consultation" (also known as "meet and confer") involves the free exchange of information, opinions, informal proposals, and recommendations according to orderly procedures in a conscientious effort to incorporate such recommendations into the resulting policy or plan.
Obligation to “negotiate” The Fiscal Report (2013)School Services of California, Inc. While LEAs have an obligation to "consult," they do not have an obligation to "meet and negotiate" implementation decisions. "Establishing educational policies, goals and objectives," "determining curriculum," and "establishing budgetary priorities and allocations" are all fundamental management prerogatives not within the mandatory scope of bargaining…
Obligation to “negotiate”(continued) The Fiscal Report (2013)School Services of California, Inc. However, if such decisions would have a foreseeable impact on negotiable "terms and conditions of employment" for bargaining unit members, a school district or COE is required to negotiate the "effects" or "impacts" of these decisions on negotiable subjects, including for example, hours of employment and compensation for professional development.
Required Representation fromParent Groups and Members of pre-existing committees (ELAC/DELAC) can be included in the LCAP EL Parent Advisory Committee.
Classification of Students for LCFF English Learners(EL) Foster Youth(FY) • Based on Home Language Survey and California English Language Development Test (CELDT) • No time limit for funding • Reclassified students (Fluent English Proficient) will no longer generate additional funding • Foster youth are students who have been placed into an institution, group home, or private home of a state-certified caregiver or under the placement and care of the county welfare department, county probation department or tribal organization. • All foster youth qualify as Low Income students. • Qualify based on free and reduced price meals eligibility. Low Income(LI)
Subgroups are considered numerically significant if there are 30 or more students with the exception of Foster Youth where 15 students are considered numerically significant. Racial/Ethnic Subgroups Other Subgroups • Black or African American • American Indian orAlaska Native • Asian • Filipino • Hispanic or Latino • Native Hawaiian orPacific Islander • White • Two or more races English Learners Low Income Students with Disabilities Foster Youth
The Three LCAP Elements Section 1: Stakeholder Engagement Section 2: Goals andProgress indicators Section 3: Actions, Services,and Expenditures
Section 2: Identifying goals linked to state priorities Include a description of the annual goals, for all pupils and each subgroup of pupils, for each state priority and any local priorities and require the annual update to include a review of progress towards the goals and describe any changes to the goals. One goal may address multiple priorities.
Section 2: Use of metrics to measure progress The metrics may be quantitative or qualitative, although LEAs must, at minimum, use the specific metrics that statute explicitly references as required elements for measuring progress within a particular state priority area.
Charters Charter schools may adjust the template to align with the term of the charter school’s budget that is submitted to the school’s authorizer. On or before July 1, 2015, and each year thereafter, a charter school shall update the goals (aligned to state priorities—that apply for the grade levels served or the nature of the program operated) and annual actions by using the template.
State Board Grouped the 8 Priorities Engagement Parent Involvement (3) Pupil Engagement (5) School Climate (6) Pupil Outcomes Pupil Achievement (4) Other Pupil Outcomes (8) Conditionsfor Learning Basic Services (1) Implementation ofState Standards (2) Course Access (7) Additional Prioritiesfor County Officeof Education: Expelled Pupils (9) Foster Youth (10)
Conditions for Learning:Basic Services Priority #1 Degree to which teachers of the school district are appropriately assigned, fully credentialed in the subject area and for the pupils they are teaching Every student has sufficient access to standards-aligned instructional materials School facilities are maintained in good repair
Conditions for Learning:Implementation of State Standards Priority #2 Implementation of academic content and performance standards adopted by the state board (Common Core State Standards), including how the programs and services will enable English learners to access the common core academic content standards and the English language development standards for all pupils
Conditions for Learning:Course Access Priority #7 The extent to which pupils have access to, and are enrolled in, a broad course of study that includes all of the subject areas described in Education Code.
Conditions for Learning:Expelled Students (COE only) Priority #9 County Office of Education will coordinate instruction of expelled pupils pursuant to Education Code section 48926
Conditions for Learning:Foster Students (COE only) Priority #10 County Office of Education will coordinate services, including working with the county child welfare agency to share information, respond to the needs of the juvenile court system, and ensure transfer of health and education records
Pupil Outcomes:Pupil Achievement Priority #4 Performance on standardized tests Score on Academic Performance index Share of pupils that satisfy A-G requirements for UC system or career technical education sequences or clusters of study Share of English learners that become English proficient English learner reclassification rate Share of pupils that pass Advanced Placement exams with a score of 3 or higher Share of pupils determined prepared for college by theEarly Assessment Program
Pupil Outcomes:Other Pupil Outcomes Priority #8 Pupil outcomes in the subject areas describedin Education Code 51210 (grades 1 to 6) and51220 (grades 7 to 12)
Engagement:Parent Involvement Priority #3 Efforts to seek parent input in decision making at district and school site(s) Promotion of parent participation in programs for unduplicated pupils and special needs subgroups
Engagement:Pupil Engagement Priority #5 School attendance rates Chronic absenteeism rates Middle school dropout rates High school dropout rates High school graduation rates
Engagement:School Climate Priority #6 Pupil suspension rates Pupil expulsion rates Other local measures including surveys of pupils, parents, and teachers on the sense of safety and school connectedness
The Three LCAP Elements Section 1: Stakeholder Engagement Section 2: Goals andProgress indicators Section 3: Actions, Services,and Expenditures
Section 3 (Parts A & B): Actions, Services,and Expenditures Include a description of the specific annual actions an LEA will take to meet the goals identified and a listing and description of the expenditures required to implement the specific actions. Expenditures must be classified using the California School Accounting Manual The LEA must reference all funding sources used to support actions and services.