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WELCOME PANTHERS!. NEW STUDENT ORIENTATION Fall 2013-14. BEGIN WITH THE END IN MIND Your child’s journey to college begins now. CHHS Administrative Team. Principal Conrad Streeter. CHHS Administrative Team. Assistant Principals Aurora Gutierrez A-D Bryan Gerilich E-K
BEGIN WITH THE END IN MIND Your child’s journey to college begins now
CHHS Administrative Team Principal Conrad Streeter
CHHS Administrative Team • Assistant Principals • Aurora Gutierrez A-D • Bryan Gerilich E-K • Karen Woodworth L-P • Dr. Susan Foster Q-V • Amy Dill W-Z
Counselors • Vickie Reid A-D • Claudia McWhorter E-K • Stephanie Cook L-P • Erin Booher Q-V • Lindsey Hopkins W-Z
Counselors Robin Davis Student Advocate Services Specialist Responsible for providing support services and/or outside referrals to students struggling with difficult personal relationships, ineffective or poor coping skills, substance abuse or those lacking basic needs. Supportive services include campus based support groups, substance abuse screening, Big Brother Big Sister mentoring and conflict mediation.
A Word from our Principal Mr. Conrad Streeter
Nuts and Bolts of Colleyville Heritage Policies and General Information
We Believe… • Cultivating relationships with dignity, care and respect • Highly effective Instruction • Honest, Open and Responsive communication • Success for each student
Attendance • If student is absent a parent should call in or send a note with student the next day. • Parents will receive an automatic phone call if a student misses class. Make sure the number you want called is listed! • Please bring in doctor’s notes when a student visits a physician, is in the hospital, etc.
Attendance • Attendance for credit – The 10% Rule! • The parent or guardian will receive written notice prior to and at such time when a student’s attendance drops below 90% of the days the class is offered. • Semester 1 = 8 days • Semester 2 = 10 days • A student may work with their principal to complete a plan if they have attended at least 75% but fewer than 90% of class days. At CHHS we call this Seat Time! • If students fail to attend 90% of the class day OR do not complete seat time they will lose credit for the class even if they pass. This means your student will have to retake the course!
Parking, Pick up and School Visitation • Traffic – • Afternoon pick up – area of parking lot near tennis courts is one direction from Heritage to the access road • Please note that you may no longer turn left into the student parking lot from Heritage. Students must go down to Gateway. • When visiting campus park in circle drive, do not park in reserved numbered spots • When entering the building please check in with main office • If you would like to eat lunch with your child we encourage you to check them out and take them off campus. Please do not join your student in the Panther Den.
What if my child is sick? • Make sure to call the attendance office. • Class continues…so • Check teacher web sites for missed work • Check Skyward for missing grades • Get a Study Buddy for each class • You have ONE day for every day absent to turn in assignments.
Medications • Prescription medicine must be given to the nurse in the original container and will be dispensed according to package directions. • Exceptions Epi Pens and inhalers • must have doctors signature on file in the nurses office
Medications • Students may carry non prescription medicationas long as: • The medication is in the original container • The student has a signed permission slip on file. • Permission slips are available online or on the table in the back as you leave the auditorium. Please return them to the nurse
Lockers • We do have lockers available for those who want one. • Please see the receptionist in the front office if you would like to request a locker.
Lunches • 3 lunch periods – 50 minutes long • Students can bring or buy lunch – Free and reduced forms are available to qualifying students. • Students may attend tutorials, make up exams, or work quietly in the library during this time. • Students may also see their counselor during this time.
Telecommunication Device Policy • Students are permitted to use their technology during passing periods and at lunch • A student may use their device for instructional purposes during instructional time with the permission of the classroom teacher and in accordance with district policy.
Dress Code • What Not to Wear • If you are wearing a hat, it will be taken up and returned Friday after school. • Don’t wear sunglasses inside
Dress Code • Don’t do this to you hair
Dress Code Wear This Not This
Dress Code Instead of these, wear these please
Dress Code Skirts and Shorts Remember the Fingertip Rule: Arms FULLY extended to the side
Dress Code Leggings Leggings are ok as long as the skirt over them meets the fingertip rule. Leggings are NOT pants! OK Not OK
Dress Code NO Tank tops – girls or guys
Dress Code And remember… NO advertisements of alcohol, drugs or tobacco No inappropriate content And please wear shoes!
Dress Code If you are out of dress code, you will be sent to the office. In the office, you can: Call for new clothes Go to ISS for the day The office provides t-shirts ONLY, no pants.
Nuts and Bolts of Colleyville Heritage The Academic Piece
When to contact a teacher • Your child’s grades drop • Your child does not want to attend class • Your child shares stories that seem unusual • Your child expresses concern about other students
Tutorials • Tutorials scheduled by teacher – are usually posted on door or web site. • Teachers usually have a list of outside tutors available.
Homework and Teacher Websites • If your child misses school, he/she missed work ! • Teachers will post their assignments and calendars on their websites. Be sure to check regularly.
School Supplies • Teachers will state the needed supplies for their course during the first few days of school. Please ask your student what supplies they need after the first few days.
When to contact the counselor... • To share personal information that may be affecting your child – divorce, health issues… • Help with interpretation of test scores • To get information about career, colleges, graduation • You see a drop in grades/ a marked change in behavior • Unresolvedissues with other students, teachers…
Setting up a counseling appointment • Your student may request an appointment with his counselor by speaking with the counseling office secretary. • Students are able to schedule appointments at a time convenient for them. • We encourage parents to make their child responsible for their own school business by scheduling their own appointments.
SKYWARD • Parents and students have their own access codes for Skyward. • Please be sure to check your student’s grades OFTEN. A zero will significantly effect a student’s GPA. • You may also check your students attendance records in Skyward.
Credits • 26 state credits are required for graduation • Review the Program of Studies for course requirements – available online. • Credits are earned by semester. • Check the district calendar on line for progress reports and report card dates. • A transcript is the legal document of course completion
Schedule changes & level Changes • Schedule Changes • Students may request a schedule change any time during the first week of the semester pending space availability. We will adhere to the schedule change policy printed in the Program of Studies on page 1. • Level Changes • Students may request a level change (AP/PAP) any time during the first week of school, pending availability. At the end of the first six-weeks of the year, students may request a level change pending tutorials, teacher contract, parent approval, attendance, and committee approval. Deadline times and dates will be posted in the counseling office. (Students will not be removed without the above interventions.) Again, all changes will be based on space availability.
Develop a Post Secondary Plan Freshman – Career Exploration – what do you want to be when you grow up? Select a high school curriculum that will support your goals! Sophomore – Refine career goals and begin researching ways to achieve your goals Junior – College entrance exams and being narrowing your post secondary options Senior – apply, apply, apply!
Changes in GPA calculation Beginning with students entering grade 9 in the 2012–13 school year, the District shall include in the calculation of class rank semester grades earned in all high school credit courses taken in grades 9–12 only, except as excluded in this policy. The calculation of class rank shall exclude grades earned: 1. In summer school for the purpose of credit recovery; 2. Through credit by examination, with or without prior instruction; or 3. Through a traditional correspondence course. This exclusion does not include courses taken through the Texas Virtual School Network (TxVSN).
Get Involved! Studies show that students involved in extracurricular activities have higher grades & universities like well-rounded students! • Enjoy different activities such as: • Theater • Athletics • Choir • Band • Cheerleading • Pep Boys • Multicultural Club • Drill team • Student Council
Parenting Tips • Get involved – know your child’s friends and parents • Set boundaries – you are still the parent! • Use the district, school, teacher and counselor web sites • Participate in activities and presentations at school • Make sure your child is getting a good night’s sleep – not texting or watching TV!
We are a Panther TEAM! • It takes a village to raise child… student, parent, teacher, administrator, counselor, nurse. • Check out stories that seem unusual. • Ask questions without accusing • Follow your instincts • Allow your child to learn from his/ her mistakes
Visit our website for additional information: www.gcisd-k12.org/chhs Under Counselors
The Counseling Department has a Facebook page! Search Colleyville Heritage High School Counseling Center
Make sure your email address is listed in Skyward. We will frequently send email blasts with important school information.