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Overview : high - energy computing. How do the raw signals become analyzable data? How do we “ fake ” the LHC ( turn theoretical models into mock detector output)? How do these analyzable events get to my workstation “so quickly ?” How are they archived ?
Overview: high-energycomputing • How do therawsignalsbecomeanalyzable data? • How do we “fake” the LHC (turntheoreticalmodelsintomock detector output)? • How do theseanalyzableeventsgetto my workstation “so quickly?” • How are theyarchived? • How do I extractparametersfromeventrecords? How do I condense petabytesof data into a picture? analysis production operations
Analysiswith ROOT • How do I extractparametersfromeventrecords? How do I condense petabytesof data into a picture? analysis
Data is stored in many formats… convert trigger bytestream RDO (raw) fast pattern recognition event sorting esd D3PD reconstruction MERGE& derive aod note: you’ll see these acronyms often… aod pattern recognition more sorting tag
Simulation: treated the same way! MONTE CARLO PRODUCTION CHAIN RDO (raw) esd D3PD RECO MERGE & derive aod aod tag
Theeventformat: tracks calorimeter clusters electron muon metadata
The event format in software event Organized by event (quadrillionswitnessed in 2012!) • event-wide information • Examples: metadata; sum of measured transverse energy • physics object lists: • muons, electrons, taus… • tracks of charged particles • “truth” particles… • object properties: • e.g. “hits” on tracks µ jet jet tau track track track track track track track track hit track hit
Condensingtheinformation • how can wemakethat “jungle” look more like a Higgsboson?
Histograms! Pseudocode: histo = makeHisto(nbins=50, firstbin=0*GeV, lastbin=200*GeV) for thisEvent in allEvents: if HasZ( thisEvent ): m = recoZMass( thisEvent ) histo.FillWith( m ) • “Hello World”for HEP computing: making a histogram TH1F(“name”, “title; x title; y title”, nBins, firstBinValue, LastBinValue) TH1F::Fill(value,weight)
getting to the fun part: Are you into installing/basic histogramming? Are youreadyforprocessing/understanding ATLAS data? TTrees, treeloops, TSelectors, pythontreeaccess Commonhomework: the Duke D3PD Dictionary • ROOT installation • The DUKE ROOT tutorial: • exercises by Al Goshaw • helpfrom Neil, others… • The ATLAS ROOT tutorial: • also a nicewaytotry out yournew ATLAS computingaccount!