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The EUMETSAT Polar System (EPS) Overview

Learn about the EPS Programme, system architecture, Metop Payload, and cooperation between Europe and the USA in providing meteorological data from polar orbiting satellites.

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The EUMETSAT Polar System (EPS) Overview

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  1. THE EUMETSAT POLAR SYSTEM (EPS) Presented by:Ken ASHWORTH EUMETSAT Representative to NOAA EUMETSAT (Ken.Ashworth@noaa.gov)

  2. Presentation Outline • The EPS Programme within IJPS • EPS Services, System Architecture • Metop Payload, EPS Mission and Products • Programmatic Status

  3. The EPS Programme within IJPS

  4. A Major Cooperation Between Europe and the USA • IN THE MARGINS OF THE G7, EUROPE AGREED IN PRINCIPLE TO SHARE THE BURDEN OF THE METEOROLOGICAL POLAR SERVICE WITH THE USA • INITIAL JOINT POLAR SYSTEM (IJPS) TO BE IMPLEMENTED • In the context of the USA Convergence • Under a NOAA-EUMETSAT cooperation agreement signed in November 1998 • Through integration & coordination of the NOAA POES and the EUMETSAT EPS (EUMETSAT POLAR SYSTEM) Programmes • SCOPE OF COOPERATION • Afternoon & early morning orbits covered by the USA (POES & DMSP Satellites) • Morning orbit covered by Europe (Metop Satellites) • Exchange of instruments and data, coordinated development and operations

  5. Initial Joint Polar System (IJPS) Metop launches in 2005 and 2010 (9 Years of Operation) 09:30 LST Metop-1,2 - AVHRR/3 (US) - IASI (CNES/EUM) - HIRS/4 (US) - AMSU-A (US) - MHS (EUM) - ASCAT (ESA/EUM) - GOME-2 (ESA/EUM) - DCS (CNES) - GRAS (ESA/ EUM) - S&R (CNES/Canada) - SEM (US) 05:30 LST 08:30 LST USAF - DMSP - OLS - SSM/I - SSM/T - SSM/T-2 13:30 LST NOAA-N,N' - AVHRR/3 (US) - HIRS/4 (US) - AMSU-A (US) - MHS (EUM) - DCS (CNES/US) - S&R (CNES/Canada) - SBUV (US) - SEM(US) NOAA USAF (NOAA) EUMETSAT

  6. EUMETSAT SATELLITE PROGRAMMES 13 14 15 16 17 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 METEOSAT NominaI operation estimated lifetime Over Indian Ocean since 7/98 Non nominal operation • Meteosat-5 IODC at 63°E Estimated fuel margin Hot stand by at 10° W (since 6/98) • Meteosat-6 Approved Available for launch • Meteosat-7 Planned Operational S/C at 0°(since 6/98) Cal/val phase MSG • MSG-1 • MSG-2 • MSG-3 • MSG-4 EPS • Metop-1 • Metop-2 • Metop-3 JASON-2

  7. The EPS Programme Within IJPS The EUMETSAT Polar System (EPS) is the European contribution to the Initial Joint Polar System (IJPS) established with NOAA; The IJPS will provide global meteorological and climate data from a series of European and American sun-synchronous polar orbiting satellites, comprising NOAA N&N´and Metop 1 & 2. EUMETSAT has established Co-operation Agreements with: ESA, for the development and procurement of the three Metop satellites; NOAA, for the exchange of instruments, data and operation cross-support; CNES, for the provision of IASI and ARGOS-DCS payloads;

  8. The EPS Programme Within IJPS 3 MetOp Satellites : MetOp-1, 2, 3 Launcher Ground Segment 14 years of operation EPS Programme Elements

  9. The EPS Program within the IJPS IJPS EPS NOAA system system WMO NOAA EPS Community Users Users through GTS/RMDCN

  10. Blind orbits Global data data dump dump Global data dump NOAA global data METOP blind orbits EPS GS NOAA GS CNES METOP global data IASI TEC NOAA blind orbits The EPS Programme Within IJPS NOAA N & N’ p.m. METOP 1 & 2 a.m. SAF SAF EUMETSAT POLAR SYSTEM

  11. The EPS Programme Within IJPS EPS CDA Station (Svalbard) Coverage for Metop. Fairbanks/Wallops Stations coverage is also indicated

  12. EPS Services, System Architecture

  13. EPS Services, System Architecture Global mission : delivery of global sounding measurements and to NMSs of Member States, NOAA within 2¼ hours of the instant of observation. Local mission : real-time transmission of imaging and sounding data to local user stations. DCP (data collection) mission of in-situ observational data. Search and Rescue service (S&R). The EPS Missions Support to the space environment monitoring on behalf of NOAA Part of the IJPS program in partnership with NOAA

  14. EPS HRPT and LRPT Services Direct read-out services; Data source is the satellite for the user HRPT and LRPT: point of view. Possible means of controlling access: Encryption. Data set limited to the observation of the instantaneous sub satellite observation.

  15. EPS Services, System Architecture EPS Offers the following operational services / Data access

  16. LRPT/HRPT Downlink EPS Services, System Architecture Data Distribution - Timeliness LEGEND: Global Data Dump NRT Data Circulation GTS/RMDCN dissemination 117mn U-MARF Data Access Max. Data Age (up to Level 1) 117mn Realtime SAF (via NRT) 135 mn 135 mn Other NRT User GTS/RMDCN 7 hours U-MARF Users

  17. height: 6.3 m transverse section: 3.4 m x 3.4 m (launch configuration) solar panel: 11.3 m power: 2210 W (end of life, orbit average) lifetime: 5 years 13 instruments launch mass: 4200 kg data flow: 3500 kbps The Metop Satellite

  18. GRAS GOME-2 AVHRR-3 HIRS-4 IASI ASCAT AMSU-A1 AMSU-A2 MHS EPS Services, System Architecture Metop Satellites • Customer: Single Space Segment Team at ESTEC • EUMETSAT and ESA placed a contract with Astrium. • Metop Prime Contractor • ASCAT+GRAS development • Satellite Simulator The Metop satellites design is based on the heritage of the SPOT-5 and ENVISAT programmes; • Status of Metop Space segment • PDR held in June 1999 • CDR held in September 2001 • EUMETSAT and ESA placed a contract (Signed in March 2000) with Officine Galileo for the development of 3 GOME-2 instruments • IASI CDR held April 2002

  19. Metop Payload, EPS Missions & Products

  20. Metop Payload, EPS Missions & Products • MetOp-1, 2, 3 satellites embark the following sensor payload (except HIRS not planned to be flown on MetOp-3): • Infrared / Visible Imagery: Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR/3) 6 channel visible / infrared cross-track scanning radiometer. • Advanced Infrared Sounding: Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer (IASI) Michelson interferometer covering 3.4 to 15 m range with • 0.25 cm-1 spectral resolution and integrated infrared imager. • Infrared Sounding: High resolution Infra-Red Sounder (HIRS/4) • 20 channel visible / infrared cross-track sounder.

  21. Metop Payload, EPS Missions & Products • Microwave Sounding: Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit - A (AMSU-A) Microwave Humidity Sounder (MHS) 20 channel microwave radiometer suite (cross-track scanning). • Ozone Profiling: Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment - 2 (GOME-2) Ultraviolet / visible, nadir-viewing grating spectrometer. • Wind Scatterometry: Advanced Scatterometer (ASCAT) • C-band, dual swath scatterometer with three independent views. • GPS Sounding: GNSS Receiver for Atmospheric Sounding (GRAS) • 12 channel GPS receiver for navigation and occulation sounding.

  22. Metop Payload, EPS Missions & Products The Metop meteorological Payload - Accomodation AVHRR-3 GRAS GOME-2 HIRS-4 IASI ASCAT AMSU-A1 MHS AMSU-A2

  23. EPS Product Services • PRODUCT SERVICES AVAILABLE FROM CORE GROUND SEGMENT & NETWORK OF SATELLITE APPLICATION FACILITIES • CGS BASELINE PRODUCTS INCLUDE: • All level 1 Products from all NOAA & Metop sensors • Selected Level 2 Products: Temperature/Moisture Profiles, Cloud Products... • VARIETY OF SERVICES/LEVEL 2 PRODUCTS FROM 7 SAFs: • Ocean & Sea Ice • Support to nowcasting & VSRF (SW Packages) • Ozone Monitoring • GRAS Meteorology • Climate Monitoring • Land Surface Analysis • Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP)

  24. Metop Payload, EPS Missions & Products The Metop System generates the following products (all in near realtime, Global coverage): Level 0 products: SEM, Level 1b products: AVHRR, AMSU, HIRS, IASI, MHS, ASCAT, GOME, GRAS Level 2 Products : ATOVS, IASI, ASCAT, GOME, GRAS Note: Level 1b products are radiometrically corrected, calibrated in physical units and geolocation information appended; All Level 0, Level 1 and IASI/ATOVS Level 2 products are generated within the Core Ground Segment located at the EUMETSAT headquarters Level 2 products for ASCAT, GOME,GRAS are generated by decentralised Satellite Application Facilities (SAF) Further processing to Level 3 is entirely performed at SAFs

  25. EPS Data Circulation • Global data read-out through high latitude station • Exchange of global data with NOAA • Direct data read-out services: HRPT and LRPT • High Resolution Picture Transmission • Low Resolution Picture Transmission • Digital version of NOAA APT • Level of commonality with MSG HRIT/LRIT • Coordinated with CGMS • Near Real Time delivery of CGS products (level 1 and elected level 2) to Primary NRT Terminals within Member States • Near Real Time delivery of level 2 products through GTS/RMDCN

  26. EPS Data Distribution and User Community HRPT/LRPT Key Users End Users EPS System to Space Segment Users EPS Space Segment to CGS NRT Users - Internal to OGS EPS Overall Ground Segment (OGS) to Primary NRT User Entities external to OGS (level 1/2 products) EPS Core to EPS NRT End User (level 2 products, via GTS/RMDCN) IASI-TEC CAL/VAL Ground Segment CGS to off line OGS Users Primary NRT User Entity GTS UMARF SAFs Gateway GTS/RMDCN ARGOS DATA Network National Met. EPS NRT EPS Offline WMO CLS-ARGOS ARGOS Users Services End Users Users Community EPS Users

  27. Metop Payload, EPS Missions & Products EPS provides global soundings at high spectral resolution with IASI

  28. Metop Payload, EPS Missions & Products EPS provides global AVHRR imagery at full resolution Multispectral image (Channels 2,3,4)

  29. EPS Global AVHRR data is received & processed with 1 km sampling (nadir)

  30. Metop Payload, EPS Missions & Products EPS provides operational services with instruments in the heritage of European Earth Observation missions • Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment (GOME-2) • Advanced Scatterometer (ASCAT) Exemple of Ozone Products from the GOME mission

  31. Metop Payload, EPS Missions & Products Example of ERS Wind Vector Field (500 Km Swath) Source: ESA

  32. Metop Payload, EPS Missions & Products Example Wind prototype product from ERS-2http://www.knmi.nl/onderzk/applied/scattmtr/prescat/eng/

  33. Bending Angle: from L2 from L1 ionospheric correction applied From Luntama (2000) Metop Payload, EPS Missions & Products EPS provides additional sounding capabilities (for the first time in an operational environment) GNSS Radiooccultaion Atmospheric Sounder (GRAS) Path of the ray perigee through the atmosphere

  34. Metop Payload, EPS Missions & Products Climate monitoring capabilities Mean Surface Temperature in K for April ,1987 Chédin et al., 1996 El Nino, 1986-1987, Surface Temperature Anomaly for April 1987 compared to April 1988. Chédin et al. 1996 Mean Surface Temperature in K for April ,1988 Chédin et al., 1996

  35. Metop Payload, EPS Missions & Products EPS allows sea surface monitoring at global scale

  36. Metop Payload, EPS Missions & Products GOME/ERS-2 15-16-17 July 1998 NO2 total column concentration over USA. High concentration over areas with dense population (East coast) GOME/ERS-2 15-16-17 July 1998 NO2 total column concentration over Europe. High concentration over areas with dense population (Po valley, The Netherland and England) Source: DLR

  37. Conclusions: EPS provides (1) Continuity to the current system; High level sounding performances: provide enhanced data streams needed to further improve the capabilities of advanced NWP systems; Multi-instrument capabilities: assure service beyond operational meteorology, e.g. climate research and monitoring); Instruments built on the heritage of Earth observation missions (GOME, ASCAT). These are introduced into an operational environment; Long mission duration (14 years). This will assure that users are provided with long-term near real-time and off-line data service for meteorological and climate applications Metop Payload, EPS Missions & Products

  38. Programmatic Status

  39. Programmatic Status Basic Dates: EUMETSAT EPS Programme approval in 1998 ESA Metop-1 Programme approval in 1999; Metop industrial activities: Signature of the Phase C/D Contract in 12/1999 Core Ground Segment: Contract signature with Alcatel in 12/2000; Launch Service: EUMETSAT signed the contract for the launch of the Metop satellites by Soyuz launchers from Baikonour with Starsem (a joint European – Russian company) in 12/2000; Nominal MetOp-1 launch date is between July 2005 (without margin) and December 2005 (5 months margin included).

  40. Programmatic Status Current Status of Metop activities PFM PLM integration at Astrium ED essentially completed; Final system testing started in September, including TV testing planned in November; In parallel integration (and test) of the FM2 PLM avionics successfully completed. PFM SVM integrated and initial system reference testing has commenced SVM will undergo TV and EMC testing at Intespace prior to satellite integration (with PLM) in March 03

  41. Programmatic Status Metop Satellite Integration & Test

  42. Programmatic Status Ground Segment Status: The Core Ground Segment (CGS) CDR held from late May to early July 2002 Core Ground Segment: Factory Acceptance Testing started for the Polar Station Facility (PSF), Front End Processor (FEP), Product Generation Facility (PGF), Flight Dynamics Facility (FDF) and the Dissemination Facility (DIF). Polar Site Infrastructure Service in Svalbard successfully completed its Verification Review in May 2002 Transportation, assembly and erection of both EPS antennas and radomes was completed by early August, within the available “weather window”. The RF, baseband and monitoring and control equipment shipped in autumn 2002 On-site Acceptance of the PSF planned for early 2003. Unified Archive Facility Detailed Design Review for the EPS extension took place in October 2002;

  43. Programmatic Status Final stages of mechanical assembly of the CDA-1 antenna and radome (Svalbard).

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