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THE RISE OF PAN-ARABISM AND ITS CONSEQUENCES. General causes behind the rise of pan-Arabism in the Arab Middle East; a ) the loss of Palestine and the belief that this is product of a divided Arab world,
General causes behind the rise of pan-Arabism in the Arab Middle East; a) the loss of Palestine and the belief that this is product of a divided Arab world, b) growing resentment against conservative and royalist regimes dominated by an old landed elite who failed to accommodategrowing political and economic demands, c) the growing influence and aspiration of a young military elite. 2. The emergence of a pan-Arab regime in Egypt under Col. Abdul Jamal Nasser.
Dominant characteristics of Nasserism At the domestic level: a) overthrow of the monarchic regime and its replacement by a republic, b) securing a British evacuation of Egypt, c) reforming the social, economic and political system of Egypt (introduction of Arab socialism)
Dominant characteristics of Nasserism characteristics of the new political system: based on the January 1956 Constitution): a) Presidential system of government (extensive executive and legislative powers, no separation of powers), b) Parliament (no more than a ruber stamp parliament), c) Mass political party, the Arab Socialist Union (1962)
Dominant characteristics of Nasserism characteristics of the new economic system: a) Land Reform (1952) (redistribution of land ownership, formation of cooperatives and introduction of projects for the expansion of cultivated land, the construction of the Aswan Dam). b) Increased role of the state in the national economy (nationalization of foreign and national companies between 1956-1961).
Dominant characteristics of Nasserism Nasserismat the international level: Promotion of Egyptian leadership at the; a) Arab level: promotion of Arab unity e.g. the UAR 1958-61, b) African level: supporting anti-colonial struggles and assist the formation of the Non-Aligned Movement, c) Islamic level: challenge Saudi Arabia’s leadership.
Egypt under Nasser and its impact on International politics of the Middle East: I) The Suez Canal crisis July - December 1956. II) The formation of a Union with Syria and the spread of pan-Arabism in the Middle East. - CivilWar in Lebanonand Jordan - RegimeChange in Iraq (1958) and ….. - Yemen CivilWar (1962-1970) III) The Arab Cold War: rivalry between radical pan-Arab and pro-Western Arab conservative regimes. IV) Pan-Arabism/Nasserism and the confrontation with the West
Nasser signing unity pact with Syrian president Shukri al-Quwatli, forming the United Arab Republic, February 1958