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York Youth Council. Made up of young people from across the City We meet every week to represent young people's views and campaign on issues that are important to us. This year we have campaigned about ... Transport Poverty Youth cafe ...
York Youth Council ... • Made up of young people from across the City • We meet every week to represent young people's views and campaign on issues that are important to us. • This year we have campaigned about ... • Transport • Poverty • Youth cafe ... • And PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education)...
What we found out about PSHE? • We found that the content and quality of PSHE lessons across different schools varies. • We are working with the school improvement team to identify resources that young people think are useful for PSHE lessons. • We found out what young people would like covering in PSHE ...
...thinking about emotional well being • We started looking for good resources around emotional health ... • ... And we met Kate Gibbon ... Who has lead us through some discussions ... • We also attended the CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services) event • ... And we have realised that the issue is bigger than PSHE lessons.
What we know about young people and mental health • 1 in 10 children and young people aged 5 - 16 suffer from a diagnosable mental health disorder - that is around three children in every class. • Between 1 in every 12 and 1 in 15 children and young people deliberately self-harm - and around 25,000 are admitted to hospitalevery year due to the severity of their injuries • British Medical Association estimates that 1.1 million children under the age of 18 would benefit from specialist mental health services. Young Minds Sept 2012
What we know about young people and mental health (2) For secondary school age children (11 – 16): • About 195,000 (4.4%) have an anxiety disorder • About 62,000 (1.4%) are seriously depressed
What we know about young people and emotional well-being in York during the year 2011-2012 • About 1300* children and young people were referred to CAMHS via the Primary Mental Health Workers • About 900* went on to be supported by specialist CAMHS • About 300* of these had serious mental illness such as anxiety and depression • 80 young people were seen in hospital by the CAMHS duty team following an overdose or another serious form of deliberate self harm • 278 young people 16-25 approached Castlegate for information about counselling • The Young Person’s Mental Health Worker at Castlegate supported over 100 young people with mental health needs
What causes mental health problems? Stress factors fill up our stress containers Too much stress and / or not enough coping strategies causes overflow = mental health problems (anxiety, depression etc.) We all have a capacity to contain stress Coping strategies including support release the stress
Exercise 1: • Split into 3 groups- Yr 7, Yr 11 and Yr 13 • Each group needs to try to think of the stresses that would impact on a young person at that age. • Now think of the things that can help them.
How is it different now? • How many GCSE’s did you do? • How much pressure to achieve academically • More divorce/ family breakdown ... • Less jobs/ money ... • Young people becoming physically mature earlier • Less opportunity to be socially and economically independent • More access to drugs/ alcohol/ risky behaviours • Sexualisation of our society • Social media
Exercise 2 Back in your groups ... • What would make a mentally healthy school? • What would make a mentally healthy community? • What would make a mentally healthy city?
YYC Mentally healthy school proposal ... • School Well Being Strategy – clear expectation of the ethos of the school and how problems will be dealt with. Able to follow up when people don’t follow it. • Clear Self Harm strategies in school. • Balances well-being with academic achievement. • Opportunities to develop positive self esteem by being involved in a range of extra curricular positive activities and sports. • Mental health sessions in PHSE, learn how to deal with a crisis, developing student’s resilience. • Specialist training for staff – mental health awareness for dealing with all pupils, Inset for metal health sessions in PSHE, support for student’s having problems/ time to chat.
YYC Mentally healthy school proposal ... • Pastoral Leads need to be approachable. • Safe place for young people to go, out of the lesson, not in the corridor to deal with a crisis. • Allow friends to support people with a problem. • Peer listening – time and space to do it. Regular support and training for young people that are mentors. • Ways to access help that are discrete. • Parent support / course. • Available Counsellor.
Examples of good practice from other places ... • Australia and New Zealand have had a “Mentally Healthy Schools” framework for over a decade with integrated resilience building, stigma reduction, mental health promotion etc. • “YoungMinds in Schools” 2012 project (4 areas within London and Southwest): Mindfulness in lessons, mental health awareness training for teaching staff, whole school emotional wellbeing (including staff!) • Mental Health Foundation Peer Support in Schools framework & NSPCC National Peer Support Forum • “A Space” peer support for pupils in transition in Kingsland, peer listening in Wanstead, “Listeners” in Harrogate, “MAC” (mates at college) in Co. Durham • Northamptonshire schools include direct action on mental health stigma, sessions on resilience building, relaxation / stress management and peer support
Finally... Mental health is a priority in the Children and Young People’s Plan- if you could do one thing to improve it, it would be ...
Thank you ... ... any questions?