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Assessment alternatives , OSPI WSAC/OSPI Summer Institute June 24-25 Red Lion Hotel, Olympia WA. Laurel Nanke, CAA/ cia Options Amanda Mount, Collection of Evidence. Topics Covered in this Presentation. CAA / CIA Options Transfer Options Collection of Evidence. CAA / CIA Options.
Assessment alternatives , OSPIWSAC/OSPI Summer InstituteJune 24-25Red Lion Hotel, Olympia WA Laurel Nanke, CAA/cia Options Amanda Mount, Collection of Evidence
Topics Covered in this Presentation • CAA / CIA Options • Transfer Options • Collection of Evidence
What is a CAA / CIA? • A CAA is the Certificate of Academic Achievement; a CIA is the Certificate of Individual Achievement (specific to students with IEPs). • To graduate with a CAA or CIA a student must earn either by • Passing the applicable WA high school assessments required for the student’s graduation year, OR • Meeting standard on one of the CAA or CIA Options
Why CAA / CIA Options? • The CAA / CIA Options are alternative ways to fulfill the state assessment graduation requirements, other than by passing the main state tests. • These options have been mandated by the Washington state legislature, and OSPI oversees implementation of each.
Eligibility for CAA / CIA Options • CAA options are content area specific • Students must be ELIGIBLE to use the CAA Options • There are two means to gain eligibility • A student has taken the main state assessment in a content area and generated a scale score, OR • A student transfers into a Washington public school in the 11th or 12th grade from out of state or from an in-state private school or home school situation
THREE CAA options • 1. College Admission, AP and IB tests • ACT, SAT and certain Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate tests • 2. GPA Comparison • 3. Collection of Evidence (COE) {Will be covered later in presentation}
1. College admission, AP & IB tests • Allow a student’s ACT, SAT, AP or IB test scores to be used to meet the reading, writing and math high school graduation test requirements. Also, AP or IB test scores may be used to meet the Biology high school graduation requirement. • Test scores may be earned before or after taking the applicable state assessment. • Scores can be uploaded in the state’s Options database to be “banked” until a state assessment score is generated.
College Admission tests • Scores that meet standard for CAA Options • ACTSAT • Reading 13 350 • Writing 15 380 • Math EOC 1 16 390 • Math EOC 2 17 400 • Biology EOC None None
Act writing score: a reminder! • Students must take the “ACT Plus Writing” test to generate a score that correlates to the HSPE Writing score • The score is shown on the score report as “English/Writing” • The regular “ACT” test does not generate a Writing score equivalent to the Writing HSPE test
Important: Options for the biology EOC! • At present there is no SAT or ACT option for the state’s science testing requirement (Biology EOC ). • Both AP and IB options are available as an alternative for the Biology EOC test. • Additionally, the Collection of Evidence (COE) and the GPA Comparison provide options to the Biology EOC.
Ap tests: Math & biology EOC alternatives • Students qualify for the Math or Science portion of a CAA if scoring at least a 3 on the grading scale of 1 to 5 on one of the following Advanced Placement tests: • For Mathematicsthe applicable tests are: • Calculus • Statistics • For Biologythe applicable tests are: • Biology • Chemistry • Physics • Environmental Science AP tests
AP tests: Reading & Writing alternatives • Students qualify for the Reading or Writing portion of the CAA if they score at least a 3 on the grading scale of 1 to 5 on one of the following Advanced Placement tests: • For Readingthe applicable tests are: • English Literature and Composition • World History • United States History • United States Government and Politics • Comparative Government and Politics • Psychology • Macroeconomics • Microeconomics AP tests • For Writing the applicable test is: • English Language and Composition
IB tests: Math & biology EOC alternatives • Students qualify for the Math or Science portion of the CAA if they score at least a 4 on one of the following Higher Level (HL) International Baccalaureate tests: • For Mathematicsthe applicable tests are: • Mathematics • Further Mathematics • For Biology the applicable tests are: • Biology • Chemistry • Physics
ibtests: Reading & Writing alternatives • Students qualify for the Reading or Writing portion of the CAA if they score at least a 4 on one of the following Higher Level (HL) International Baccalaureate tests: • For Reading the applicable tests are: • Language A: Literature • Language A: Language and Literature • Business and Management • Economics • Geography • History • Information Technology in a Global Society • Philosophy • Psychology • Social and Cultural Anthropology • For Writingthe applicable test is: • Language A: Language and Literature
2. GPA Comparison(Formerly WASL/Grades Comparison) • Compares a student’s grades in applicable courses with the grades of other students (i.e., the cohort) who took the same courses and where the cohort met or exceeded the applicable content standard • The applying student’s grade point average is equal to or greater than the mean grade point average of the cohort
GPA Comparison Eligibility • Student must be in the 12th grade • Student must have taken the HSPE or EOC in that content area at least once, generated a score and not met standard • Student must have a cumulative grade point average of 3.2* or higher • * State is considering revision to the 3.2 GPA eligibility criteria
Gpa comparison • A district representative or designee shall determine the comparison cohort and complete the calculation. • For ELA (Reading & Writing) there must be 2 credits that include the courses most recently taken. For Algebra I, Geometry and Biology 1credit must be used that is accumulated from the corresponding course for the applicable End of Course test. • The application can be run using the GPA Comparison tool in the CAA Options database in EDS and then be submitted there.
Four CIA Options • 1. Basic Level (L2) - HSPE Basic and EOC Basic • 2. The Collection of Evidence (COE) Basic (refer to later notes under COE topic) • 3. Off-Grade Assessment - Developmentally Appropriate Proficiency Exam (DAPE) • 4. Locally Determined Assessment (LDA)
1. BasiClevel (l2) - HSPE-EOC Basic • For purposes of fulfilling graduation requirements the state has established a second score for students on IEPs • L2 cut-score or “Basic Level” is acceptable, if determined appropriate by the student’s IEP team. • Applying the L2 or Basic is content area specific • The L2-Basic can be applied retroactively based upon an earlier testing experience; to submit a “Retro-Basic” request use the form located at: • http://www.k12.wa.us/TestAdministration/Data/default.aspx • Transition to ELA exit exam in Spring 2015, will allow use of Basic Level on this assessment.
3. Developmentally Appropriate Proficiency Exam (DAPE) {aka Off-grade Assessment} • Determined by an IEP team, a student may sit for an off-grade assessment • The DAPE is content area specific • The state has established an elementary and middle-school level off-grade test experience for access; specifically the tests are: • Reading – grades 3 and 6 • Writing – grades 4 and 7 • Math – grades 3 and 6 • Science – grades 5 and 8 OSPI is planning for students to sit for off-grade assessments in math and English language arts using Smarter Balanced assessment beginning in Spring of 2015.
4. Locally Determined Assessments (LDAs) • To provide more flexibility for schools and districts, in 2008 OSPI established access to a Locally Determined Assessment (LDA) option. • The LDA option employs off-the-shelf testing instruments (e.g., Woodcock-Johnson Achievement Test, Wechsler Individual Achievement Test or WIAT, etc.) • The selected assessment is administered and scored at the district level and evidence of performance is submitted to OSPI with the appropriate documentation. • The student’s IEP team must determine that the LDA is appropriate • Access to the LDA is content area specific • Student may access one or more of the content areas (mathematics, reading or writing) based upon areas of special education services. • NOTE: Currently there is no LDA for Science; OSPI is exploring possible solutions for implementing in the 2014-2015 school year.
TWO transfer options • Direct Access • Out of State Waivers
Direct access • Direct Access to the CAA Options allows a student to use the CAA Options without having to take the state assessment in that content area first. • Students who transfer from out of country, out of state, or from in-state private schools or home schooling may be eligible for Direct Access. • Students transferring into a Washington public school in the 11th or 12th grade from outside the Washington public school system become eligible for Direct Access upon submission of a Direct Access request made by the district on behalf of the student.
Direct Access for NNEP students • Additionally, Direct Access is available to Non-Native English Proficiency (NNEP) students in the 11th and 12th grades who were exempt from assessing in Reading, Writing or English language arts during 10th grade state testing because the testing fell in the first year of schooling in the United States. • These students may have transferred in the 9th or 10th grade, and the state testing dates occurred during the one-year waiver period.
Eligibility procedure for direct access • Currently this is NOT an automatic status or process! • Direct Access must be applied for - the school must submit a Direct Access application online in the CAA Options database in EDS • The application is reviewed for eligibility and approved by OSPI for each student . • This applies to all applicable transfer students before access is granted to the CAA / CIA options.
Important reminder • The CAA (and CIA) Options database uses CEDARS information to verify student enrollment. • At the beginning of the school year the CEDARS system does not load information for newly enrolled transfer students until October 15th. • Therefore, any attempt to search/enter student information for one of these students into the CAA (and CIA) Options database prior to October 15th will not find that student.
Out of State • Transfer Waivers
Out of state transfer waivers • Submitting an Out of State Waiver can serve two purposes for a student: • It can waive the state graduation testing requirement in a content area when accompanied by documentation that the student met standard on state tests from one of the 49 other states or the District of Columbia. • It can also provide Direct Access to the CAA Options for any content areas in which the student did not receive a Waiver.
Out of State Transfer waivers • IMPORTANT: The Out of State Waiver does NOT grant a CAA to a student. It only waives the requirement that a student pass state high school tests in order to graduate. • However, if the student submits the Waiver, and later meets the cut score for the COE or one of the other CAA Options in all content areas, then a CAA will be granted.
Out of state transfer waivers • Students who transfer into a Washington public school in the 11th or 12th grade are eligible to use high school test scores from another state to waive any or all required Washington high school graduation tests. • More information follows applicable to EOC requirements. • Students seeking a Waiver must have met standard on a test given by another state to meet that state’s graduation requirements or to meet federal assessment accountability for that state. • Out of state Transfer Waivers are submitted online in the CAA Options database in the EDS system.
Out of state waivers: New change • A new transfer eligibility rule is now in place for students who have met standard on another state’s Algebra I, Geometry or Biology end-of-course (EOC) test. • Students may now use those test results for Waivers, regardless of the year they transfer into Washington, and regardless of the year they took the test, if: • The student received high school credit for the course. • The test was part of the previous state’s federal accountability program or used as a state high school exit exam requirement.
What the change does not provide • A transfer before 11th grade does not provide Direct Access to the CAA Options. • The change does not apply to Reading, Writing or English Language Arts (ELA) tests; transfers before 11th grade must take Washington’s tests. • This change does not allow for acceptance of another state’s Math or Science test other than assessments corresponding to Algebra I (or Integrated I), Geometry (or Integrated II) or Biology (or other life science) if the student transfers prior to 11th grade.
Out of state transfer waivers • The best documentation of meeting standard on another state’s test is either the student’s score report for the test or the out of state transcript that includes the student’s score or the statement “Passed” or “Met Standard” for that test. • When in doubt as to whether a student’s score meets standard for that state- submit the documentation. (You may enter notes in applicable sections of the entry form as found in EDS). • OSPI staff will review the documentation; if more information is needed, OSPI will make contact.
Contact information • For information regarding Direct Access, Transfer Student Waivers, CAA / CIA Options other than the COE, and the CAA / CIA Options database in EDS contact • Laurel Nanke at (360) 725-6223 or Laurel.Nanke@k12.wa.us • For general Assessment questions, contact • Assessment Operations at • (360) 725-6348 or Assessment@k12.wa.us
COE Topics Covered • COE – what is it and who is accessing it • Eligibility • Policies • Calendar • What can you do to assist • Transition to Common Core • Where to find and who to ask for information
What is the COE? • an evaluation of a set of work samples based on exemplary work prepared by the student • inclusion bank of tasks and prompts • evaluation determines if a student is performing at the skill level required for high school graduation. • collections are scored at the state level by professional scorers to ensure the validity and reliability
COE eligibility • A student must have attempted and not met standard on the HSPE or EOC onetime before being eligible to submit a COE • Any student who has not met standard may compile a COE; only eligible students may submit a COE.
COE Policies - Subsequent COE’s • Students may submit one COE where OSPI • Provides a stipend to the district and covers scoring costs • Students may submit subsequent COEs per content area, but the financial obligations beyond the first submission will fall to the district • The District will not receive the $200 stipend • The District will have the $200 vendor support costs deducted from its apportionment the month following score release.
COE - Level 2 Basic {#2 from CIA Options} • The L2 cut-score for COE provides students with IEPs to fulfill their testing requirement at a ‘Basic’ level in a given subject , based on the IEP team’s decision. • Reading, writing, and math are available immediately; biology will be established Summer 2014. • “Retro Basic” available to any students still enrolled in the K-12 system, per concurrence of the IEP team. • For new content areas - the retroactive procedure will apply as appropriate. • The Retro Basic Request form can be found at this link: http://www.k12.wa.us/TestAdministration/Data/default.aspx
COE - extenuating circumstance • Used in a situation when the district missed a scoring window, although all eligibility and sufficiency criteria have been met. If a district can provide documentation of the circumstances by which the student’s COE was not scored, a review panel will determine if the extenuating circumstance warrants scoring the COE at a later date. • Examples of extenuating circumstances include:a. Administrative error or irregularityb. Unexpected/severe medical situation/serious illnessc. Lost/missing COE materials • The form can be found at: http://www.coe.k12.wa.us/Page/109
Calendar - COE 2014-15 • September 1, 2014 roll-out of policies, calendar, school year implementation plan • Content Areas: Reading, Writing , Mathematics and Biology • COE training – webinars and state-wide training • New: COE Teacher Training – like HSPE/EOC proctor training. Recommended training before implementing COE at the school. • Information will be on the COE website at: http://www.coe.k12.wa.us/Page/1
What CAn you do to assist? • Have a system in place for who does what at the school and district level • Know which students are COE eligible and make sure they are accessing the assessment • If there is an eligibility issue find out why and take the appropriate steps to open access • Are there any forms or requests needed to open access or provide opportunities for the student? • Track the students progress – Have they met standard? Are they augment eligible ? Might they benefit from submitting a subsequent COE?
Transition to Common Core –Smarter Balanced • Common Core COEs: ELA and Math • COE Biology will remain the same for now • The Common Core COEs will transition in 2015 -16 • OSPI will provide guidance on the overlap time • COEs with current inclusion bank tasks will be accepted for scoring through Winter Cycle 2016.
COE – where to find information • COE Website: • www.coe.k12.wa.us • COE website can be accessed through the OSPI website at: • http://www.k12.wa.us/assessment/CAAoptions/default.aspx • Administrative information: • http://www.coe.k12.wa.us/domain/25
How to Determine Support for COE Students2014-2015 http://www.coe.k12.wa.us/Page/115