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Common Core State Standards institute. Summer 2012. Listen Up 1st Grade Teachers. for the good of the group. Begin and End on Time Limit Sidebars Silence Cell Phones Use Computer for Workshop Purposes Share Ideas Have Fun!. implementation Timeline. Jump on in!. What are you doing now?.
Common Core State Standards institute Summer 2012 Listen Up 1st Grade Teachers
for the good of the group • Begin and End on Time • Limit Sidebars • Silence Cell Phones • Use Computer for Workshop Purposes • Share Ideas • Have Fun!
implementation Timeline Jump on in!
What are you doing now? Materials Instruction Curriculum Environment Routines
How Comfortable Are you? • I can use a variety of resources to collaboratively develop a unit of study tied to the Comprehensive Core Reading and Language Arts Program and CCSS. • I can analyze a text for text complexity. • I can address the common shifts in my planning as I transition to the CCSS.
How Comfortable Are you? • I can plan read alouds that involve text dependent questioning, writing, and speaking and listening to support deeper understanding of the text. • I can create and assess performance tasks.
Time to Break the cycle Children who have not developed some basic literacy skills by the time they enter school are 3-4 times more likely to drop out in later years.
Time to Break the cycle The unemployment rate for people without a high school diploma is nearly twice that of the general population.
Time to Break the cycle Dropouts are more likely to commit crimes, abuse drugs and alcohol, become teenage parents, live in poverty and commit suicide.
Did you know? Only 51 percent of 2005 ACT-tested high school graduates met ACT’s College Readiness Benchmark for Reading. Twenty-eight percent of entering college age students require remediation in reading, writing, and/or math. More students are on track in 8th and 10th grade than are actually prepared in 12th grade. Approximately 6 million secondary students read below grade level.
Shift Shift Your thinking • Foundational Skills • Academic Vocabulary • Balance of Writing Instruction • Balance of Reading Instruction • Disciplinary Literacy • Staircase of Text Complexity • Integration of Literacy Standards • Close Analytical Reading of Text • Performance Tasks and Assessment Rubrics
Foundational Skills K 1 Concepts of Print & Phonological Awareness K 2 Phonics/Word Recognition and Fluency • pages 15-16
“The point is to teach students what they need to learn and not what they already know—to discern when particular children or activities warrant more or less attention.” • Appendix A, pages 17-22
Additional Resources Defining the Core Workshops Treasures FCRR Wikispace Fundations (select group) Writing ELR CAB Conference
vocabulary Tier 2 and Tier 3 Words Select Words Strategically Discuss Words and Their Impact wailing crying screaming • Appendix A, pages 32-35
Academic vocabulary Web of Words Grow plants for people or animals to eat or use What They Do Equipment silo barn trucks plow tractor milking machine Raise animals for people to eat or use Farms Products to Sell Animals Animal food Crops People food cattle cows pigs chickens sheep silage for cows pig feed corn wheat soy bean rice chicken feed
Writing instruction Opinion, Informational, and Narrative Equal emphasis on all genres Writers’ Workshop • Appendix A, pages 24-25
Writing instruction • Argumentative Writing • Opinion Writing
Writing instruction • Believe that all students are writers • Create a writing environment with materials • Encourage students to read like a writer • Encourage conversations about writing
Language Standards Grammar and Conventions • page 26
Earthworm’s Body Earthworms are made up of segments. They have blood, but no heart. Earthworms have no eyes, lungs, and ears. front segment mouth back Language Standards Student Writing Drives Instruction
Language Standards Spelling Word Walls Are A Must!
Mentor Text • Authors inspire and offer possibilities for: • structuring text • using words • presenting interesting ideas
Mentor Text Make the connection between mentor text and students’ writing. • artistic punctuation • jaw-dropping phrasing • standard conventions
Let’s look inside? Writing Fundamentals
Writing Fundamentals Immersion: Read-Aloud Introduction to texts Introduction to authors Models and mentors for their writing Usually a week in length
Writing Fundamentals Generating Ideas - A practice of a successful writer Selecting an Idea - Narrowing down an idea/topic to write about Collecting - Strategies for gathering information (research) Drafting - Plan and organize text
Writing Fundamentals Revising - Does my writing say what I want it to say? Editing - Is my writing easy to read? Publication - How does my finished product look?
Schools will also be receiving one set of books from each of the mentor authors below: Aliki Leo Lionni Mem Fox Kevin Henkes Robert Munsch
Why Do We Need This Balance? Build Background Knowledge Coherent Development of Knowledge Teachers are a Tour Guide to the World
Buzz About it Includes K-2 Informational Text Aligns with Dr. Nell Duke’s Research Ties to Science & Social Studies Curriculum Uses Interactive Read Aloud Format Incorporates 3 Types of Lessons
Each 1st grade teacher will receive one bundle of poetry anthologies/poetry books: • Create a basket in your classroom library • Read poetry aloud on a regular basis • Align poetry with your core reading and language arts instruction
Types of Reading • Interactive Read Aloud Format • Guided Reading • Independent/Collaborative Reading
Flexible Grouping • Strategy/Skill • Random • Interest/Topic • Author • Instructional Level
Disciplinary Literacy How do you support the content standards during literacy blocks? How do you support the English Language Arts standards during content area instruction? Social Studies Science Technical Subjects
Additional Bundles will be delivered to schools to support Treasures’ themes and Science/Social Studies Connections. • All About Nonfiction • Narrative Procedure • Dealing with Text Difficulty • School
How Can We use Resources in our Reading Block? Treasures Unit 4
Research To Build And Present Knowledge W.1.7 Participate in shared research and writing projects (e.g., explore a number of “How-to” books on a given topic and use them to write a sequence of instructions). W.1.8 With guidance and support from adults, recall information from experiences or gather information from provided sources to answer a question.
FiNDS Research Model What information can you find in the text and text features to help you understand what you have read? How do scientific observations help us understand nature?
RAN Chart There are 1800 different types of worms. earthworms live in the dirt earthworms have a heart earthworms are yucky Where do earthworms live in the world? Earthworms are beneficial to the soil. earthworms wiggle to move earthworms are only small How many eggs are in a cocoon? fish and birds like earthworms Earthworms eat 1/3 of their body weight a day. earthworms come out in the rain
Text Complexity • Levels of Meaning • Language Conventionality & Clarity • Structure • Knowledge Demands • Word Frequency • Sentence Length • Word Length • Text Length • Text Cohesion Quantitative Qualitative Reader & Task Reader Variables (motivation, knowledge, and experience) and task variables (purpose and the complexity generated by the task assigned and questions posed) For more information, see appendix A, pages 24-25