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s. Types. inside. TALx86: A Realistic Typed Assembly Language. Dan Grossman, Fred Smith Cornell University Joint work with: Greg Morrisett, Karl Crary (CMU), Neal Glew, Richard Samuels, Dave Walker, Stephanie Weirich, Steve Zdancewic. Everyone wants extensibility:. Web browser
s Types inside TALx86: A Realistic Typed Assembly Language Dan Grossman, Fred Smith Cornell University Joint work with: Greg Morrisett, Karl Crary (CMU), Neal Glew, Richard Samuels, Dave Walker, Stephanie Weirich, Steve Zdancewic
Everyone wants extensibility: • Web browser • applets, plug-ins • OS Kernel • packet filters, device drivers • “Active” networks • service routines • Databases • extensible ADTs www.cs.cornell.edu/talc
The Language Approach Extension is written in a “safe” language: • Java, Modula-3, ML, Scheme • Key point: language provides abstractions • ADTs, closures, objects, modules, etc. • Can be used to build fine-grained capabilities Host ensures code respects abstractions: • Static checking (verification) • Inserting dynamic checks (code-rewriting) www.cs.cornell.edu/talc
Example: Your Web Browser JVM verifier System Interface Low-Level IL Java Source Browser javac Optimizer JVM bytecode System Binary Binary www.cs.cornell.edu/talc
JVM Pros & Cons Pros: • Portability • Hype: $, tools, libraries, books, training Cons: • Performance • unsatisfying, even with off-line compilation • Only really suitable for Java (or slight variants): • relatively high-level instructions tailored to Java • type system is Java specific • and... www.cs.cornell.edu/talc
Large Trusted Computing Base No complete formal model JVM verifier System Interface Must insert right checks Low-Level IL Browser Good code big optimizer bugs in optimizer Optimizer System Binary Lots of “native” methods (i.e., not-safe code) Binary www.cs.cornell.edu/talc
Ideally: trusted computing base System Interface Your favorite language verifier System Binary Low-Level IL optimizer machine code www.cs.cornell.edu/talc
The Types Way trusted computing base System Interface Your safe language verifier System Binary Typed Low-Level IL • Verifier is a type-checker • Type system flexible and expressive • A useful instantiation of the “proof carrying code” framework Typed optimizer TAL www.cs.cornell.edu/talc
TALx86 in a Nutshell • Most of the IA32 80x86 flat model assembly language • Memory management primitives • Sound type system • Types for code, stacks, structs • Other advanced features • Future work (what we can’t do yet) www.cs.cornell.edu/talc
TALx86 Basics: Primitive types: (e.g., int) Code types: {r1:t1,…,rn:tn} • “I’m code that requires register ri to have typeti before you can jump to me.” • Code blocks are annotated with their types • Think pre-condition • Verify block assuming pre-condition www.cs.cornell.edu/talc
Sample Loop C: int sum(int n){ int s=0; while(!n) { s+=n; --n; } return n; } TAL sketch: <n and retn addr as input> sum:<type> <initialize s> loop: <type> <add to s, decrement n> test: <type> <return if n is 0> www.cs.cornell.edu/talc
Verification sum: {ecx:int, ebx:{edx:int}} mov eax,0 jmp test loop:{ecx:int, ebx:{edx:int}, eax:int} add eax,ecx dec ecx test:{ecx:int, ebx:{edx:int}, eax:int} cmp ecx,0 jne loop mov edx,eax jmp ebx {ecx:int, ebx:{edx:int}, eax:int} OK: sub-type of type labeling test {ecx:int, ebx:{edx:int}, eax:int} {ecx:int, ebx:{edx:int}, eax:int} OK: sub-type of type labeling next block {ecx:int, ebx:{edx:int}, eax:int} OK: sub-type of type labeling loop {ecx:int, ebx:{edx:int}, eax:int, edx:int} OK: sub-type of {edx:int} -- type of ebx www.cs.cornell.edu/talc
Stacks & Procedures Stack Types (lists): s ::= nil | t::s | r where r is a stack type variable. Examples using C calling convention: int square(int); int mult(int,int); "r1{esp: t1::int::r1} "r2{esp: t2::int::int::r2} where where t1={eax: int, esp: int::r1} t2={eax: int, esp: int::int::r2} www.cs.cornell.edu/talc
r1 int t1 int int taft Stacks & Verification square:"r1{esp: t1::int::r1} where t1={eax: int, esp: int::r1} push [esp+4] push [esp+8] call mult[with r2 = t1::int::r1] add esp,8 retn mult:"r2{esp: t2::int::int::r2} where t2={eax: int, esp: int::int::r2} taft={eax:int, esp: int::int::t1::int::r1} {esp:t2::int::int::t1::int::r1} wheret2={eax: int, esp: int::int::t1::int::r1} www.cs.cornell.edu/talc
Important Properties • Abstraction “Because the type of the rest of the stack is abstract the callee cannot read/write this portion of the stack” • Flexibility Can encode and enforce many calling conventions (stack shape on return, callee-save, tail calls, etc.) www.cs.cornell.edu/talc
Callee-Save Example mult: "a"r2{ebp: a, esp: t2::int::int::r2} where t2={ebp: a, eax: int, esp: int::int::r2} www.cs.cornell.edu/talc
Structs • Goals: • Prevent reading uninitialized fields • Permit flexible scheduling of initialization • MALLOC “instruction” returns uninitialized record • Type of struct tracks initialization of fields • Example:{ecx: int} MALLOC eax,8 [int,int]; eax : ^*[intu, intu] mov [eax+0], ecx ; eax : ^*[intrw,intu] mov ecx, [eax+4] ; type error! www.cs.cornell.edu/talc
Much, much more • Arrays (see next slide) • Tagged Unions • Displays, Exceptions [TIC’98] • Static Data • Modules and Interfaces [POPL’99] • Run-time code generation [PEPM’99 Jim, Hornof] www.cs.cornell.edu/talc
Mis-features • MALLOC and garbage collection in trusted computing base [POPL’99] • No way to express aliasing • No array bounds check elimination [Walker] • Object/class support too primitive [Glew] www.cs.cornell.edu/talc
Summary and Conclusions • We can type real machine code Potential for performance + flexibility + safety • Challenge: Finding generally useful abstractions • Lots of work remains http://www.cs.cornell.edu/talc www.cs.cornell.edu/talc