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Watt’s Last Stand

Watt’s Last Stand.

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Watt’s Last Stand

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  1. Watt’s Last Stand Where do 44 years go while you're busy having fun? I'll try to summarize that in my 45 minutes, starting with why I chose to come to Waterloo as a student back in the dark ages when my friends hadn't yet heard of UW, stopping here and there at some of the things I still remember most fondly, and ending with some things I see in UW's future over the next 35 years.

  2. My life at UW … student: 1963-09-01 to 1968-04-30 employee: 1968-05-01 to 2007-04-30 http://retirees.uwaterloo.ca/~rwwatt/

  3. Initially speaking … Roger W. Watt Susan E. Watt K. Jessica Watt Lindsay R. Calcerano

  4. My favourite TV program, "Connections" … da Vinci (1452-1519) Copernicus (1473-1543) Galileo (1564-1642) …

  5. Two of my favourite quotes … Leaders are visionaries with a poorly-developed sense of fear and no concept of the odds against them.Robert Jarvik What you do not measure, you cannot manage. unknown

  6. Two of my favourite pursuits … Writing code to turn mountains of data into early-warning projections. examples Building organizations that build networks. examples

  7. Fun with numbers! 1,377,829,800 The number of seconds between signing into Renison's residence 14:00 Sunday September 1, 1963 and retiring from UW 16:30 Monday April 30, 2007

  8. Fun with numbers! 8 The number of people to whom I reported … Bob Collins (1968-1969) Bob Roden (1969-1970) John Wilson (1970-1971) Carl Kohn (1971-1972) Jim Dodd (1972-1973) Paul Dirksen (1973-1996) Jay Black (1996-2003) Alan George (2003-2007)

  9. Fun with numbers! 6 The number of languages in which I have written one or more useful programs … Fortran (1963-1990) Lisp (1967-1968) OS/360 Assembler (1968-1986) PL/1 (1971-1972) Snobol (1975-1978) Perl (1992-2007)

  10. Fun with numbers! 1050, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2041, 1027, 1032, 1065 My offices in MC.

  11. Fun with numbers! 6 The number of different job titles I have had through evolution from Computing Centre to Computing Services to IST … Consultant (CC) Coordinator (CC) Manager (DCS) Associate Director (DCS) Group Director (IST) Director (IST)

  12. Fun with numbers! 19 The number of years that I was a sessional-appointment lecturer, teaching courses for the Math Faculty's Computer Science department … Introduction to XXXXX… using {Fortran, Cobol, Basic, Pascal} 1969-1989

  13. Fun with numbers! 19 The number of years that I held management positions in the SHARE IBM User Group … UW Installation Rep(1969-2003) Committee Chair, User Services Project (1972-74) Division Manager, Support Services (1974-1978) Publications Editor (1980-1984) Deputy Division Manager, Systems (1985-1986) Director-at-large (1986-1988) Director, Strategic Concerns (1988-1991)

  14. Fun with numbers! 3,800 The largest number of people to whom I have given a presentation … People-Oriented Computing keynote address, SHARE Denver, March 1978

  15. Fun with numbers! 18,000 The number of lines of code and documentation in the biggest development project I have undertaken … designing and writing Waterloo SCRIPT's GML tag-definition data structures, tag scanner and tag-to-macro processor, GML-layout macros, and GML User's Guide … 1984-1985

  16. Fun with numbers! 6 The number of network organizations in which I have been involved … DARPA project (1971) NetNorth Consortium (1983-1991) CA Domain Committee (1987-2000) ONet Association (1988-1994) ONet Networking (1994-2004) CA*net Networking (1995-1997) ORANO (1999-2007)

  17. Fun with numbers! 5 The number of meetings of overseas international IBM User Groups that I attended as a member of the Board of Directors of SHARE (1986-1991) … Sydney, Torremolinos, Florence, Berlin, Paris

  18. Fun with numbers! 36 The number of years in which I have been involved in UW identity-management projects of one form or another.

  19. Fun with numbers! 1992 The first UWinfo Operations Committee … Faye Abrams, Library Chris Redmond, Internal Communications Mike Ridley, Library Roger Watt, IST

  20. Fun with numbers! 2 The number of hot/humid weeks that I spent in central Thailand as a network consultant for CIDA … Suranaree University of Technology Nakhon Ratchasima June, 1996

  21. Fun with numbers! 1032 The number of days still to go when I signed the early-retirement paperwork and started my countdown timer. Timer says …

  22. Fun with numbers! 735 : 638 : 507 The margin by which I lost to the two local incumbents in the 2006-11-13 municipal election for (see blog) Councillor, Ashfield ward Ashfield-Colborne-Wawanosh Township (Huron County)

  23. The value of predictions … I think there is a world market for about 5 computers. Thomas J. Watson Chairman, IBM; 1943 There is no reason for anyone to have a computer in their home. Kenneth H. Olsen President, DEC; 1977

  24. My thoughts on events in UW's future … • 2007: Pat Kadwell wins hockey pool AGAIN • 2008: automatic voicemail-to-email translation • 2009: integrated voice/VoIP/WiFi/cell roaming • 2010: presence and communication management • 2011: free open-source system replaces PBX • 2012: the last wired office telephone vanishes • 2022: the last green space on campus vanishes • 2042: Alan George retires

  25. My other favourite saying … All's well that ends.

  26. Watt's Last Stand I wish you … • vision. • the courage to pursue it with strength. • the ability to disagree without being disagreeable. Live long and prosper.

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